Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1022: Si Shenfanwai (End)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!


In the quiet ward, the man sat by the bed, his fingertips flicked from the pale face of the man on the bed.

He took her hand and rubbed it on his cheek, his eyes tired and tender.

"Why... why don't you look at me again."

Si Shen regretted it.

If he didn't make her angry that night, she wouldn't play games.

If she doesn't play games, it won't happen.

If he doesn't bring back the game cabin that hasn't been finally tested, she won't have such a thing.

It's all his fault.

It's all his fault...

The doctor said that she may be awake very little, but he still had a slight fluke in his heart, maybe...maybe she was just joking with herself.

She will wake up soon.

"If you are not angry, wake up and see me." Si Shen's voice choked with sobs: "I beg you, I will listen to you for everything, and I won't make you angry anymore."

Si Shen packed his emotions: "I will come with you at night and wait for me."

Si Shen spent most of his time in the hospital. He would talk to Mingshu in the morning, then go to work, and would return here at night.

In his life, it seems that only work and Mingshu are left.

Being busy can save him time to think, and it looks the same as usual.

But at night, the armor on Si Shen would disappear.

The man called Si Shen: "Mr Si, can't you still let go?"

Si Shen asked him: "How to release?"

The man was silent for a moment: "Do you know why the cloud bank plan will succeed?"

Si Shen looked at him, his dark eyes had no waves, and he seemed to be making waves.

The man said slowly: "It's because of Miss Ji He, she provided a lot of amendments, and later in the Yunxing plan, there was also the participation of Miss Ji He. However, Miss Ji He asked me to help her keep it secret, and she didn't seem to want you to know."

The man sighed slightly: "I don't know what she thinks... I think it is better to tell you, you are lucky, and Miss Ji He is also lucky."

Si Shen suddenly flashed a lot of pictures.

She called on her back, and as soon as he entered, she hung up. He secretly read the call log, either her roommate Yun Yu, or Xiangyue, sometimes Huang Hexigui and they are tonight, and they don't have strange numbers.

She often went to the NS club. He asked Wang Heyang to see what she was doing. Wang Heyang always responded to him. She was watching something. She also often discussed with her mentor. Wang Heyang thought it was her subject.

He didn't notice so many details, but she always said that the project was too troublesome and she was not interested.

"When did she... look for you?"

The man thought for a while: "After the failure of the 29th trial in the second phase."

During that time, he was particularly stressed and often lost his temper, and she accompanied him silently.

She wants to compete, and she has to make time for the project...and to accompany him.

Si Shen suddenly found it difficult to breathe.

The heart is like being held by someone.

Tighten little by little.

"Mr. Secretary, are you okay?" The man stretched out his hand and helped him slightly.

"No, it's okay." Si Shen withdrew his hands and walked forward slowly, his inexplicable Xiao Se back.

What the man wanted to say, but in the end it was just a sigh.

Si Shen returned to the villa because the project was successful and the villa was already empty.

But his room did not move down, because there are traces of her life there.

He will still buy a lot of snacks and come back. Everything she has used is there. He tries to convince himself that she is still there and she is by his side.

She was not so cruel, she just left herself like this.

Si Shen finds out her computer. The computer has a password. She rarely uses a computer at home, so he does not know her password.

Si Shen tried her birthday and did not open it.

The name doesn't work either.

Birthday and name are still not working.

Si Shen tapped his keyboard slowly, and when he was sure, his fingers shook.

But the screen turned and opened.

Si Shen suddenly covered her face, the whole person curled up, and the hot liquid flowed out of his fingers.

Daughter-in-law, I am really uncomfortable.

For a long time, Si Shen shook his hand and took the computer to his body.

The person on the screen was taken in the flower room when he was asleep, only half of his face was exposed, the sun was just right, and the mottled on him, the whole picture was very warm.

"con man."

Si Shen scolded.

In addition to the software icon on the computer desktop, there are only a few files, and the title is marked with a number of 123.

But every file is encrypted.

Si Shen tried to enter the password, prompting him to make a mistake.

Not a power-on password...

what is that?

Si Shen entered it again and it was still wrong.

And the system prompts him that there is another chance.

Si Shen did not dare to lose.

He got up to find out all the things that Ming Shu left behind, and looking at a box of things, Si Shen was a bit dazed.

Her stuff... so little.

Si Shen looked the same and found a photo album underneath. The presenter was Xiangyue.

Si Shen opened the album, most of which were photos from the game, some of them were Xiang Wan and her, and some of them and Qing Qiuzuka.

Si Shen turned over one by one, his eyes suddenly stopped.

The handsome man of Fengshen took his palm and looked up at him slightly.

The angle is very good, you can see the gentleness of the man's eyes.

Temple of the Moon...

The day he confessed to her in the game.

Si Shen turned back, and there was no more in the back, but there was a word behind this photo-

Master, I asked you before, do you like him? You said, I like it, but I always felt that day was my hallucinations, and I don’t know why. I don’t think you are the kind of person who will give your heart to others.

Until now, I believe that you really like Mr. Si.

Si Shen looked at the words and put down the album for a long time, then entered the password again.

The circle in the middle keeps rotating and there is no jump.

Si Shen watched nervously, and finally the file jumped.

But there are only some information in it, and the rest of the files are the same.

The last one, Si Shen did not report any hope.

The file opens, there is no dazzling information, only a picture.

The picture is a pair of rings, and the address is written next to the picture.

Si Shen rushed out of the villa with the car key. He didn't know how many traffic lights he ran through. He arrived when the other party closed the door and made several calls before letting the other party let him in.

"This is customized by a young lady named Ji, but she didn't say when to pick it up." The person in charge put the box in front of Si Shen: "Only speaking on October 25 this year, she sent it before she even came. ."

The person in charge flipped the address on the card to Si Shen.

Is the address of his villa.

On October 25, his birthday.

The person in charge looked at the man, his expression could not tell whether it was sad or happy, and the liquid suddenly dripped and fainted on the transparent glass.

The person in charge was slightly surprised.

"Liar... big liar!"

The tall, handsome man seemed to be crushed by something at that moment, crying like a child who lost his treasure.

Glory and me belong to you. Life and death with you, willing to walk together. -Si Shen.

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