Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1033: A return to the wind (11)

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Mingshu sorted his clothes and walked slowly back to the hall.

Lemon White was about to call her. When she came out, she immediately put her phone in her pocket and ran over: "Where did you go, didn't you say you were waiting for me in the lobby?"

"People are in a hurry."

Lemon White is a female, and has been an editor for more than ten years, bringing out many great gods.

The original owner was under her from the beginning, and the relationship in private was not bad.

"This is your invitation." Lemon White handed her a bag: "Who do you live with?"

"Go home and live."

"Now it's snowy, your place is a bit away from here, it's inconvenient to go back and forth, just stay at the hotel.

"No." The goblin is still at home.


"Lemon is good."

While meeting the greeted author, Lemon White spoke to Mingshu: "Are you really planning to open a new book? Didn't you open a new book before? Also, I read your book, and it's different from the outline..."

Mingshu: "..."

Can I change the editor?

Do not!

I still want to change lines!

Mingshu handled the check-in and received the rest, because there was nowhere to go, so she could only follow Lemon White to her room.

Lime White lives with another editor, Orange.

Orange is sending a voice to people: "Why don't you come again, I invite you like the emperor, don't come every year!"

Releasing his hand, Orange greeted Mingshu: "Wei Ran is here, just sit."

Mingshu is also welcome, and the original owner has a lot of time in and out of the editorial department, and he is familiar with these editors.

"Silverfish doesn't come again?" Lemon White wondered.

Orange akimbo: "It's not, I said that I'm going to come, and then I change my mind, and I'm so angry."

"It's your turn to receive the award for her again this year." Lemon White quipped.

The website selects awards every year. Both Yinyu and Weiran are popular girls on the website. They certainly can't run away.

"I have to be her editor, but I have to be her housekeeper." Ju Zi complained, but he was actually very happy.

A nice female voice sounded in the orange phone: "I'm not doing something for the time being, and I'm not deliberately not coming. By the way, help me to say hello to Wei Ran."

Lemon White looked strangely at Mingshu: "When did you hook up with the whitebait."

Ming Shu was stealing the lemon white snacks. When asked, she immediately sat upright and looked so cute. I didn’t steal: "I don’t know her."

"Why don't you know her and ask you?" Lemon White wondered.

"It may be coveting my beauty."


Tangerine stretched out his hand and pressed it on Mingshu's forehead: "I'm not sick, why did I start talking nonsense."

Lemon White shook his head, and this brain seems a little unclear recently.


Lemon White received the phone and looked strangely at Ming Shu who was stealing her snack.

"Is there any misunderstanding... Okay, I will come down immediately."

Lemon White hung up, took a deep breath, and took a deep breath.

"Wei Ran, come down with me."

"What are you doing?"

Lemon White tried to calm herself down: "Lin Yuxin called the police and said you beat her, now the police are waiting below."


Mingshu's reaction made Lemon White nervous: "Are you really hitting?"

"No, am I the kind of person?" Ming Shu laughed: "How can I beat someone casually."

Lemon white sighed: "I think there should be some misunderstandings, please follow me first."

Lin Yuxin sat directly in the hall after reporting the alarm. As soon as the police came, there were more people watching.

Lin Yuxin covered her face, crying low, her slender shoulders trembling, and a miserable look of being bullied.

"I heard it was beaten up..."


"Weiran didn't make trouble with Lin Yu's heart before, and didn't expect to hit someone as soon as he came."

"You don't know how annoying Weiran speaks."

"Yeah yeah, when we talked, she ran out of nowhere and looked like a neuropathy."

"You said, wouldn't she write something wrong?"

It wasn't that Mingshu had a problem. It was not two days a day. It was said that when she passed by, she was not angry at all, but instead smiled at the young lady who spoke.


Sure enough, it was sick.

When Mingshu came down, the police asked the hotel people to make room for no one to ask them questions.

The person in charge of the hotel took them to the restaurant on the second floor.

The police looked at Ming Shu, "You are Wei Ran?"


"This lady said you beat her and hope you cooperate with our investigation."

The police pointed at Lin Yuxin, who was still crying.

Lin Yuxin’s editor, Litchi, also came just now, comforting her.

"Oh. What about the evidence?" Mingshu leaned on the table. "Is there any evidence to prove that I beat her?"

Lin Yuxin tearful eyes whirling: "You take me into the bathroom, the hotel has monitoring."

Lin Yuxin's voice choked: "I don't know where to offend you. You have to beat me. If it was the previous thing, I have already given you humility. I really didn't do it."

Lin Yuxin’s editor is a short-haired woman, frowning with dissatisfaction at this time: "Lemon, is it a bit excessive to beat people?"

Lemon White listened to the fog and eclectically said: "The things are not yet clear, don't jump to conclusions."

Litchi said: "You mean, Lin Yuxin lied?"

"That is not what i mean."

"Then what do you mean?" Litchi aggressive: "Lin Yuxin can't always report false alarms?"

Lemon White looked at the police, and then looked at Ming Shu, who smiled, and said nothing for a while.

"Litchi..." Lin Yuxin pulled the lychee: "If Senior Wei Ran apologizes, this matter is fine, I won't pursue it."

"Is it reasonable for her to hit people?" Lizhi comforted her: "You can rest assured that this matter must be clarified. No one can beat people for no reason, and we will not cover anyone!"

Litchi and lemon white are obviously a bit off.

Mingshu was under the hands of lemon white. At this time, he was in conflict with Lin Yuxin. Lin Yuxin looked reasonable, and Litchi naturally refused to let go of such an opportunity.

Ming Shu's eyes fell lightly on Lin Yuxin.

She smiled slowly, her voice soft: "Then check it."

"Senior Weiran, I just want you to apologize..." Lin Yuxin said: "After all, you beat me first."

Ming Shu raised his hand: "I ask to check and monitor."

"Check!" Litchi stopped Lin Yuxin: "Lemon, do you have any opinion?"

The party concerned was Mingshu, and Mingshu all asked to check and check, what opinions could she have.

The police asked the person in charge of the hotel to monitor.

The person in charge said that the hotel's monitoring can only see the bathroom door, and the bathroom cannot be monitored.

Lin Yuxin knew this, and only wanted Mingju to apologize to prove that she was wrong. At that time, she would be reasonable.

Lin Yuxin also suffocated, she had taken the matter for granted.

She beats first.

It just means that there is no monitoring in the bathroom.

Lin Yuxin chuckled and said, "At that time, it was Wei Ran's senior who took me into the bathroom and said he had something to tell me... The monitoring outside the bathroom and the hall can prove it."

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