Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1040: Revert to the wind (18)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

The air seemed to stop flowing at this moment, and the whole world was still.

Chu Hui unconsciously held his breath, fearing that he would miss a word.

Mingshu looked at him quietly, and for a long time she reached out and took care of her hair with sweat on her forehead: "Go and change clothes."

Ming Shu got up.


Chu Hui called her in a hurry.

Mingshu's wrist was pulled, his body fell backwards uncontrollably, Chu Hui turned over flexibly, and Mingshu was pressed under him.

He choked Mingshu's wrists with both hands, pressing them on both sides.

Different from the obedient appearance before, Chu Hui is now somber and violent.

Mingshu narrowed his eyes slightly.

The goblins are so powerful that they all play fine.

He lowered his body, and his nose almost met Mingshu's nose: "You don't like me, why do you do this kind of thing with me?"

"Please beg me." Mingshu's tone did not fluctuate at all.

Acting full marks.

You, beg, me,...

These four words make Chu Hui feel complicated, and he can even recall the situation at that time.

Chu loomed loose and went down from Mingshu. Perhaps he did not stand firm and fell to the floor all at once.

Mingshu wanted to help him, Chu looked back fiercely, and Mingshu could only withdraw his hand.

"Isn't... anyone begging you, you will... that?" Chu Hui's voice was low.

Mingshu just wanted to watch him blow up, but he didn't want to cause him to misunderstand.

"Not everyone can sleep in my bed." Not to mention letting me do that kind of thing.

When Chu returned to the good words, he suddenly stuck, and the gloom and violentness in his eyes slowly faded away.

He opened his lips and spit out a few words that seemed difficult: "What do you mean?"

Ming Shu laughed: "It doesn't mean anything."

What does it mean?

Mingshu got up and cleaned the sofa, turned his head to see Chu Hui still sitting on the ground, bent down to hug him and put it on the sofa, kissed his forehead: "Don’t think about it, I will only have you if I don’t like you A person."

Chu looked back up to Mingshu's gaze.

Even if he doesn't like him... there will only be him alone?

But she...

I don't like myself.

"Why... don't like me?" Chu gritted his teeth back, stubborn and persistent: "Why? Where am I bad?"

"You're fine." Mingshu circled Chu between her chest and the sofa, lowering her head and kissing the corner of his lips: "You are so good."

"Then why..."

"Don't ask." Mingshu palms his cheek: "I can only guarantee that as long as you are, no matter where you are, there will be only you by my side, and I can't give the rest of the promises for the time being."

Chu Hui felt distressed inexplicably.

He just wanted to like something.

Why is it so difficult?

That's just a's simple and simple...

Chu pinched his clothes back, and it took a long time to whizz: "I know."

Anyway, he must want this person.

He believes that she will like herself someday! !


I'm so handsome! !

He put his arm around Mingshu's neck, buried his face in her neck, and said with a muffled voice: "Whether you like me or not, I like you. You promised me that there was only me by my side, if one day... I found you have someone behind me, I won't let you go."

This is a warning and a threat.

Mingshu touched his soft hair.

how could be.

She has so much time to accept others.

"Good." Mingshu kissed him like a reward: "Go change your clothes."


Mingshu received the lemon white notice in the afternoon.

Lemon White: Just now the company issued a notice to cancel all your recommendations, and the copyright we were talking about was stranded.

Lemon White: Who have you offended?

Lemon White: I told you all, don't be too messy, I know you are famous, but the author and the star, there is no exposure on the platform, everything is over.

Lemon White: Little ancestor! ! You say something! !

M: Is my contract about to expire?

Lemon White: ...What do you want to do, Xiao Zongzong?

Lemon White: Your contract expires after the end of the year. I have already sent you the renewed contract before, but you have never given it to me.

M: It will not continue.

Anyway, she intends to change career after finishing this term.

M: I remember, the company only helped me, and the copyright was still with me, so they didn't talk about it, and it didn't affect me selling copyright.

M: Is your company stupid?

Lemon White: ...

Lemon White: But the company is now trying to hide you.

M: I'm not a star yet, I still have snow. You have watched more TV series on Lemon. As soon as the contract is reached, which platform do I randomly post different? Some people are rushing to publish my book, and the company hasn't been so strong that the industry has blocked me.

Lemon White: ...

Lemon White was speechless. If her contract is still long, it may be a blow to her.

But her contract expires soon...

Not to mention she goes to other platforms, even if she publishes herself on the Internet, she can still make money and sell copyright...

There is no one else who can do this kind of thing except the Yangtze River.

The crown is angry with anger!

and so……


"It's okay, don't worry, I have everything." Yangtze Changjiang comforted Lin Yuxin on the phone, hung up the phone, and he sat at his desk.


This is what you asked for.

After sunset, Yangtze River turned on the computer and first opened the readers to take a look.


Jiange-Xiaolu: Greatly here.

Jiange-Laimie: When will the big change burst?

Jiange-Slaughter: The coins are ready, as long as you dare to make a change, I dare to smash the coins!

Jiange-Nature: slaughter local tyrants, send them to the list! !

Sundown Yangtze River: Tomorrow will change.

As soon as Yangtze Yangtze came out, there were all kinds of cheers in the group, shouting for rewards.

Nippon Yangtze sees here and is in a good mood, ready to write a few more chapters.

He opened the document, and several large characters in blood were displayed in the document.

His manuscript is gone.

Yangtze Yangtze's heart jumped sharply, and cold sweat brushed all over his body, subconsciously thinking that he had made a mistake.

He crossed out the document.

Click again.

That's right...

Those big words like blood were enlarged in the eyes of the Yangtze River.

——We are here for a visit! Surprise or surprise? Unexpected? Are you happy?

He is so happy! !

His manuscripts were used for explosive changes, at this time all were deleted-there is no punctuation left.

Nippon Changjiang’s first reaction was not to be angry, but to get the manuscript back.

However, Harmony shot, if you want to retrieve the manuscript, you may only have to find another Fuxing.

"Wei Ran this bitch!"

Sundown Yangtze River looks at the time, and there are ten hours left. At his speed, he should be able to write a lot.

He promised his readers.

It’s easy to be scolded by readers if the author promises to go out.

No matter how serious you are... they will think you are not talking.

This account, wait until he passes this level first!

Nippon Yangtze gritted his teeth.

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