Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1044: Revert to the wind (22)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Chu Han's craftsmanship is very good, Mingshu wants to return the goods and change to Chu Han.

But think about the scene of Chu Hui crying, making trouble and hanging three times...

Mingshu silently flew this idea.

Let's eat takeaway in the future.

"Before my parents were busy, they didn't have time to take care of us. I didn't like the little nanny at home, so I went to study for a while." Chu Han said faintly.

"Your family is rich?" Ming Shu asked suddenly.

Chu Han paused: "Well, you have assets."

Ming Shu said: "Why don't you think of writing novels?"

Chu Han: "..."

Why can't you think of writing a novel?

Chu Hui also looked to Mingshu.

Mingshu shrugged: "This line is hard to come by."

Entry requirements are low and competition is high, but how many people are really standing on the pyramid of this industry?

Chu Han said: "Actually..."

Chu Hui kicked Chu Han under the table, Chu Han's words turned around: "For the sake of dreams."

Mingshu raised his head and smiled: "The dream is supported by money."

Chu Han: "..."

No one talked next, a table of dishes, almost Mingshu alone.

Because Mingshu eats well, is slow, elegant and dignified, Chu Han feels no discomfort.

There are also many relatives of the Chu family. Chu didn't care about it. Chu Han couldn't care about it. He had to leave after eating.

Before leaving, let Chu return to himself.

Chu Hui was a little reluctant, but still sent Chu Han out.

While waiting for the elevator, Chu Han asked him: "Xiaohui, why don't you tell her?"

Chu looked down at the pattern on the ground: "Nothing to say."

Chu Han: "So how do you tell her, what do you do?"

Chu Hui: "..." She asked again when she asked.

Chu Han: "Xiaohui, this matter is not a shame, she will always know. You hide her like this, but it is not very good."

Chu Hui: "Long word, goodbye."

Chu Hui pushed Chu Han into the elevator and turned and slipped away.

Chu Hui stood at the door and opened the door for a long time.

Mingshu is taking pictures of Jin Yuanbao and sending a bib, and she has fun every day, and it's not too boring.

Chu dropped his head to change shoes, walked behind Mingshu, and glanced at her phone.

It just happened to be on the stewed king eight.

His mouth twitched.

I knew she wasn’t playing normal.

"For so long, how about you and brother telling each other?" Ming Shu burst out.

"Wife-in-law, I have something to tell you."

Mingshu said while brushing Weibo: "Say chant."

Chu frowned: "I..."

Mingshu brushed for a while, and Chu Hui didn't come out without me.

Mingshu sideways.

Chu Hui suddenly got up and entered the bedroom. After a while, he came out and turned on the computer. After a while, he turned to Mingshu.

The computer page is the homepage of Yinyu, and below is the portfolio.

Mingshu glanced: "What's wrong?"

Chu Hui pointed to the computer and then to himself: "I."

"Well, so?"

"Are you... not surprised?" What is your reaction? Hey! !

The bright eyes of Ming Shu's eyes glowed: "Is the whale delicious?"


Chu squeezed his lower lip back and said after a moment: "Do you think I'm weird?"

He is a man, but writes about the love and hatred that girls like.

Mingshu got up and pressed the boy on the sofa for a while until the boy was out of breath. She bent her eyebrows and scraped his nose: "Don't think about it all day long."

Chu Hui saw the spoil and softness in her eyes.

He opened his lips, the syllable was blocked in his throat, sobbing and swallowing it back.

Fascinated by the kiss, Chu Hui heard her murmur.

"It doesn't matter who you are, what matters is you."

Ming Shu's words were a bit stern, and Chu Hui wanted to come back for a long, long time, but he didn't quite understand it.

Chu Hui didn't remember who started that day.

Just remember that when I was one with her, every nerve seemed to tremble and clamor.

like her.

Occupy her.

She is proof that you are alive.

She is your principle of survival.

New Year's Day.

A deserted day.


After the Spring Festival, the lazy world seems to be running at high speed again.

Mingshu was away from home all day, Chu was not angry, he was crying.

The contract on the Mingshu website expired and the contract was officially terminated.

However, Chu Han should have greeted her. The website has already restored her recommendation, and she also asked someone to say peace and let her continue to sign.

Mingshu, the big brother who wanted to change career anytime, anywhere, of course refused.

Mingshu took the copyright back, and his contacts sold the copyright.

When signing the contract, I met Lin Yuxin in the other company.

Coincidentally, Lin Yuxin also sold the copyright.

Mingshu seemed to laugh at her. The copyright has little to do with the reputation of the author. As long as your book is hot enough, you don't have to worry about selling the copyright.

Even if Lin Yuxin collapsed, he was still soft and weak outside: "Senior Weiran."

"Are you with Yangtze Yangtze?" Mingshu said dumbly.

Lin Yuxin was shocked: "Senior Wei Ran, this is my private business."

"That's together." Ming Shu laughed: "If it's convenient, wait for me, I want to communicate with you in depth."

Lin Yuxin was full of excitement and squeezed his hand with the bag: "Senior Weiran, I still have something to do. Let's take a step first."

Lin Yuxin walked fast, fearing Mingshu would catch up.

When Yangtze Yangtze waited for her downstairs, when she saw her pale face ran out, she immediately greeted her: "What happened, what happened?"

Lin Yuxin gasped against the Yangtze River: "No... It's okay, I'm afraid you've been waiting for a long time and ran a little faster."

Yangtze Changjiang sighed: "Silly girl, I won't run."

Lin Yuxin smiled shyly.

"Are you all done?"

"Well." Lin Yuxin nodded, and looked back with fear, "Let's go."

After the Yangtze River drove, let Lin Yuxin get in the car and said, "Yu Xin, where do you want to go?"


"Then let's find a place to celebrate?"


Lin Yuxin looked at the man beside him, hesitated for a moment, and whispered: "Last time you said, let people teach Weiran Senior... Will there be any problems? Or forget it, in fact, I have nothing... "

Speaking of Mingshu, the sunset of Yangtze River became gloomy, and now he was forced to give up writing.

Can't update after exhausting methods.

The only way is to write by hand, but even if the manuscript is uploaded to another place, it will still be deleted.

Annoying but not annoying!

He looked for her and was blacked.

What can he do?

Call the police?

It's useless, I can't find anything.

...Can't just update.

If he didn't know that she did it, he now thinks this is a supernatural event.

"Don't mention, Wei Ran knows Han Jiangxue, Han Jiangxue has something to do with it again, and... her contract seems to have expired and she doesn't plan to renew it."

Han Jiangxue...

Lin Yuxin thought of the handsome and unparalleled man, and his heart waved slightly.

No one dislikes such a great person...

"What is the relationship between Han Jiangxue and her..." Lin Yuxin asked cautiously.

Nippon Yangtze frowned slightly: "It's not clear, but it's not easy to let Han Jiangxue speak."

Lin Yuxin bit his lower lip, and there was a trace of jealousy and unwillingness in his heart.



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