Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1055: The leader is above (4)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

The beast world is really difficult.

Some of the orcs who were stunned just now were awake, and now they were trembling behind the new leader.

Mingshu looked at the rudimentary environment and there was a dim sum.

The location of the Peacock tribe is in a valley, which is not large, and there are plants transplanted by the tribes around them.

Mingshu grabbed a fruit and thought about a very important issue.

This is the orc world...

Can I only be a vegetarian in this world! !

The orcs talk about weak meat and strong food.

After the orc dies, it is in the shape of a beast, so eating orcs is a normal thing.

They don’t eat humans but animals.


Mingshu thinks and agrees.

She grabbed two more fruits.

What kind of stuff, sour...

Some of the orcs that Mingshu just stunned had come awake. Er You and Fox 9 were thrown at random on the open space outside.

The tribe watched Mingshu quickly bald a tree.

"Shake... The leader... The leader..." A smaller orc was pushed out by the clan, and said, "How do you handle the leader... Eryou?"

They were trembling at this moment, afraid of the machete in Mingshu's hand.

so horrible……

Never seen anything so powerful.

What's more, at this time, the superior still shook down.

In their minds, the little princess had no fighting power at all.

But just now...

Thinking of the experience of being beaten just now, the tribes shook even more.

Mingshu sat on the vine-woven chair and poked the machete in front of him: "Find a tribe, and give it away."

Clan: "..."

Eryou wanted to send her out before, is she retaliating now?

It is not true to say that it is a gift, but an exchange between the tribes.

The original owner of Eryouna exchanged materials and blessings.

The orcs of the Peacock tribe are pretty and beautiful, but their fighting power is at the bottom.

Especially in the past two years, the females born in the Peacock tribe have become fewer and fewer, and there is no way to reach a cooperative relationship with other tribes by means of ‘marriage’. The Peacock tribe is already very difficult.

"Then..." The little orc looked at the glowing machete: "What about that Fox Nine..."

Mingshu supported his chin: "Shut it up first."

After the snacks are redeemed, I will beat her again.

The little orc should say.

The orcs came back one after another and learned that they had changed the leader. Eryou's confidants were not convinced and rushed in to find Mingshu.

The result was thrown out by the new leader.

The rest of the orcs advised them not to conflict with the new leader for the time being, they would not win.

Although I really want to admit this fact...

But the orcs can only be temporarily suffocated by the Mingshu.


The noisy tribe gradually quieted down, and no one dared to blame Mingshu.

It is at this time--

"Shake what you did!" The girl rushed in and yelled softly: "What did you do to your brother? Why are you sitting here, you come down to me!"


Youyou's biological sister.

There is no less bullying the original owner.

The original owner had escaped and was arrested, and he also had merits.

Some people quickly reached out to stop her: "Erya, don't be impulsive."

Erya was going to Mingshu, and shouted loudly: "Let me go, she **** her brother outside, what are you doing to stop me, grab her..."

Erya went out before, not in the tribe.

When I returned, I saw that my brother was bound to the open space outside.

She wanted to put her brother down, but was stopped by the clan.

Erya is a female and sister of Eryou. No one in the tribe dares to confront her.

Stopped by the clan at this time, Erya's small temper broke out instantly.

The tribe was helpless and could only tell her what she was doing. As a result, after hearing half of it, Erya ran to Mingshu.

"Why did you let him go." Ming Shu said: "Isn't it trouble me myself."

Erya glared at Mingshu: "You are crazy!"

"Not yet." Mingshu threw two green fruits into his mouth: "Not enough if you continue to quarrel, I don't know if it will."

Erya: "..."

"Why do you tie my brother, my brother is the leader."

"He's not now." Mingshu shook his legs: "No one tells you, I'm rebelling now to be the leader?"

Erya's eyes widened.

How can it be!

Shake it off?

She couldn't open her legs when she saw her brother, how could it be rebelled? Although she usually looks down on her, and feels that she has nothing to do with them, she wants to sit on equal footing with her.

But she also knew what nature she was, and she was absolutely incapable of doing such a thing.

But my brother was indeed tied outside...

Erya is a bit confused.

what happened.

How did the tribe stop her.

She looked at the people she was chasing, and was about to get angry: "You... uh uh uh uh..."

"Erya." The clan people pulled her by all means, even covering her mouth directly.

Don't forget to give Mingshu a guarantee: "Boss, we will look at Erya and will not let her mess up."

Several orcs looked at Mingshu carefully.

Erya is the sister of Eryou.

It stands to reason...

It is definitely not possible to stay.

Mingshu just smiled faintly: "That must be looked at carefully."

No hate value, don't play with her.

"Yes Yes Yes……"

Erya was taken out by the clan, and they didn't let go of Erya until they saw Mingshu.

"Bah...why did you pull me out, why should you be the leader, my brother..."

"Erya." One of the slightly older orcs whispered, "Have you not figured out the situation yet?"

"You rebelled to help her." Erya glared at them: "Did she give you any benefits? My brother treats you normally, you have done such a thing!"

Orc: "..."

"It's not that we helped her, we couldn't fight it."

"Can't beat it? Why can't I beat it, there is no animal spirit grass, use it for her! She usually can't even beat me, so many of you, how can you beat it." Erya excited: "No, I have to go Save my brother."

The orc stopped her: "Erya, if we didn't move fast just now, you are like your brother now!"

Erya has a grumpy temper, irritability and impulsiveness, but IQ is not high.

"It's a bit wrong to shake off, don't act lightly for now." The orc said: "Otherwise, let's not save your brother, our own safety is a problem."

They all knew what they had shaken before.

Suddenly so powerful today...

He also holds strange glowing weapons...

Everyone looked dull.

Looking towards the open space where you hang up.

At this time, the light on the horizon dimmed and the sky and earth dimmed, and only the dark shadow over there could be seen.

Erya was persuaded by the tribe.

But she still had to see Eryou, because Mingshu didn't give any special orders, and the orcs weren't very obedient to her. Erya wanted to see Eryou.

Er You was tied with vines soaked in animal spirit grass, and looked weak.

"Brother... how are you?"

"You go to see Ajiu." Er Youdao.

Erya's expression was impatient: "What's so good about her, listen to her, her voice, and estrus, never seen her like this..."

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