Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1058: The leader is above (7)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

The Peacock tribe watched as Er You were taken away.

Mingshu waved his hand: "Let's go!"

Peacock tribe: "..."

It's over.

This time the Peacock Tribe may really be the master.

"Shake it down, my brother!"

Erya and several tribes rushed in, and Erya was angry, "What's wrong with you, brother!"

Erya holding the machete in his hand, the orcs backed away.

There was a deep fear of the machete.

Mingshu pointed his finger smoothly: "Hey."

Erya looked down, and could vaguely see the figure of the wild boar tribe.

"Shake it off, how dare you..." Erya pointed at Mingshu with a machete, her eyes wide open: "I killed you!"

"She has no weapons, you go up, grab her!"

Clan roar behind Er Ya Chong.

The tribes looked at each other, and most tribes did not dare to respond.

The fold was even back, and he intuitively told him that he could not fight against the new leader.

She saw Erya steal the strange weapon, but she didn't care at all...

"What's the use of hitting me, your brother has been taken away." Mingshu evaded the attack from Erya and said with a smile.

This may remind Erya.

She paused abruptly, looking in the direction of the wild boar tribe leaving.

The orcs of the wild boar tribe are almost out of sight at this time.

Erya toured between the two for two laps, and finally made a ruthless speech to make Mingshu wait.

"You follow me to save my brother."

Erya pointed to the tribe.

But no tribe responded, only the few she brought, followed her helplessly.

Seeing this, Erya got upset and raised her tone a lot: "I will talk to you! My brother is not bad to you, do you just watch him go to the wild boar tribe?"

"What are you afraid of, now that the weapon is in my hand, she has no weapon, what can she do to you."

Erya feels that Mingshu relies on this eccentric weapon, and now that the weapon is in her hand, she is not afraid of her.

Mingshu stood beside to pick the fruit and was named. She raised her hand: "It's not that I blow, I don't have weapons, and you are not my opponents."

The tribes who had just shaken and were about to stand out, after hearing Mingshu's words, returned one after another.

Erya: "..."

Erya was so distorted that her entire face was twisted: "You were bought by her so quickly?"

Clan: "..."

It’s not about buying or not buying.

They are really a little afraid of the current shake, she looks like she is smiling, but they have hair in their hearts...

"She is under the control of the wizard, are you going to be with the wizard?"

As soon as these words came out, the team was a little upset.

Erya sees a play: "You think about it, what it looked like before, now what it looks like? She must be controlled by the witch spirit."

The orcs were subconsciously far away from the Mingshu.

"Witch Spirit will kill the entire tribe!"

The orcs looked at each other.

It is undoubtedly strange to shake off, but is she really a witch?

Witch spirits are evil beings, seizing those to be executed.

"You can choose to follow her, or you can follow me." Mingshu's indifferent attitude: "Follow me not to say that I am full of food and clothing, dominate Shili and Baxiang, and it is no problem to rob my partner."

Orc: "..."

Is this something wrong?

This is probably the speech of King Shan! !

They are proud peacocks!

It is not a vulgar race, how can it be to grab a partner...

"Have you all heard? She is uneasy and kind, she is a witch spirit, and you have only one way to follow her."

Erya thought Mingshu would deny it, but she didn't expect it at all.

It was better that she persuaded the rest of the orcs.

Sure enough, a part of the orcs, standing by Erya due to the horror of the witch spirit.

Mingshu just looked at it, neither blocking nor threatening.

Since she doesn't want to follow her to eat meat, why should she keep it, is it bad for her to eat two more bites?

The orc beside the fold also wanted to go out, but was grabbed by him and shook his head at the orc.

The team is divided into two, and there are more orcs on Erya.

Erya looked at the remaining orcs: "Well, you must follow a witch spirit, and wait for me to rescue my brother, there is something you look good."

Mingshu smiled and said, "You still have to rescue your brother first."

Correct! The most important thing now is to rescue my brother.

Erya stared at Mingshu and led the group of orcs towards the wild boar tribe.

The remaining tribe secretly aimed at Mingshu.

The latter bit the fruit, looking at the direction where Erya disappeared, no one knew what she was thinking.

This...not very tasty.

Does the wild boar tribe pit me?


Mingshu told some orcs to go back with things first, but she went to the theater to watch the drama, maybe she could still pull a bit of hatred.

Erya has fought with the people of the wild boar tribe.

The machete is sharp, even if Erya doesn't know how to use this thing, but when the other party sees the blood, she also knows where to cut.

The wild boar tribe who was bluffed with a machete for a time was a bit afraid.

However, there are many wild boar tribes, and it is not so easy to save Eryou.

Mingshu found a good place to watch.

The following tribes watched Erya use a machete to cut the wild boar tribe. Although it has the power, it is completely different from the time when the new leader used it.

Thank you again they did not stand out.

They are just ordinary orcs and want to live.

It doesn’t really matter who the leader is, it’s important to protect their safety.

"Grab that strange weapon!" The leader of the wild boar roared.

Several orcs surrounded Erya at the same time.

Erya waved the knife in both hands.

Under the command of the leader of the wild boar, Erya was knocked down by an orc with three of her size.

The machete fell from her hand, rolled down the small **** next to it.

Erya lost his weapon and suddenly became a lamb to be slaughtered.

At this moment, a group of wolves suddenly appeared in the surrounding grass, and the green beast pupil stared at him.

The wolves swarmed up, although the wild boar tribe was not very afraid of the wolves, but it could not hold up many wolves.

Cang Xiu and Hu Jiu were rescued. Hu Jiu didn't know what to eat. He quickly recovered his human form, jumped down the slope, and picked up the machete.

Seeing that the wild boar tribe was about to lose, Mingshu threw away the core and jumped from where he was watching the drama.

"Chief..." cried in surprise.

Mingshu turned back: "Wait in situ, don't come out and give someone a head, I won't save it."


Fox Jiu first saw Mingshu, and there was some alertness in his eyes.

But the machete in her hand gave her confidence and quickly waved the machete, and the orcs dared not lean too close to her.

Mingshu didn't get too close, but stood outside the battle circle. The leader of the wild boar was guarded by the orcs, just beside Mingshu.

"Hey, that pig, I can let you win, on the condition that you are paid?" Ming Shu greeted with a smile.

The leader of the wild boar is annoyed: "Shake you down and hijack!"

What the **** are pigs! !

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