Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1063: The leader is above (12)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Complaining about the warmth of no salt, I received a courier from Daluoshu-a full kitchen.


She is actually dreaming, and her recent experience is actually dreaming.

"What are you... where did you put it?" How could it suddenly change.

"Pulled out of the air, you try, maybe you can pull out things too." Ming Shu made a blind blunt, bluffing and stunned.


This world is magical.

She must be dreaming.

Otherwise, how could development become more and more wrong?

There are still a lot of people in Mingshu's heart. The aura value is not much. You can't eat snacks from the system store all the time.

[... The host’s self-reliance means taking the hostess away? 】

I am protecting her! How is the female hostage taken away! ?

[...] That’s what you think, don’t think I don’t know, you plan to do it in the future.


How can you talk such things!



There are a full set of kitchens provided by Youmingshu. You will be more at ease when you start making things warm. The level rises in a straight line, which is praised by Mingshu five-star.

A hostess who doesn't light up her cooking skills is not a good one.

So the Peacock tribe lived with peace of mind.

Not only Mingshu was conquered by the warm cooking, but also the orcs of the Peacock tribe, they had never eaten such food.

Obviously the raw materials are still the ones they eat, but the taste is very different, so delicious that I want to swallow the tongue.

"Boss, lord, it's not good. The Black Dog Horde came to us with the orcs."

An orc came in from outside the valley, panic-stricken.

As the creatures at the bottom of the food chain, when they meet these fierce orcs, they are instinctively afraid.

Mingshu was interrupted to eat, and his mood was a little unpleasant, but he still smiled: "Who?"

The orc chrysanthemum is inexplicably tight: "Black and black dog tribe."

Ming Shu confused face.

Seeing the warmth, reminding Mingshu: "The orcs you met when you saved me last time."

"Those dogs." Mingshu suddenly realized that she was definitely not abusive. Before that, she had called the leader of the wild boar tribe.

The hatred is coming.

Have to meet!

The black dog tribe is coming violently, and Mingshu is holding a warm snack, and he slowly appears when the other party is approaching the entrance of the valley.

The entrance of the valley is very narrow, easy to defend and difficult to attack, and the entrance is made of orcs.

Mingshu Station... Squatting a little higher, watching the group of orcs below.

"I have been waiting for you for a long time, are you lost?"

The black dog tribe had not spoken yet, Mingshu spoke out first.

Peacock tribe orc: "..."

Black Dog Tribe Orc: "..."

"You're here!" Among the orcs of the Black Dog Horde, the mighty orcs stood up and scolded: "Call him out."

This orc is larger than the rest of the orcs, obviously the taller one in the Black Dog Horde.

"You have gone to the wrong place to find Eryou. You have to go to the wild boar tribe." Mingshu was eating a bite, and his tone was slightly disappointed: "Don't you come to me?"

Peacock tribe orc: "..."

What the **** are you disappointed?

The orcs of the Black Dog tribe whispered in the ear of the tall man. The tall man's eyes suddenly looked fierce, like an irritated evil dog, to tear the prey in front of him.

This is the female...

Hit so many orcs of his tribe?

Mingshu hooked the corner of his mouth: "This look is good, keep it!"

Big tall: "..."

When other orcs saw him like this, they were already terrified.

The tall man swept across the orcs behind Mingshu, and saw those orcs shaking and terrified, this is right...

This female, should be Er You's sister, shaken off.

Big tall thought of his purpose, his face was heavy: "Shake it off, and hand over that female named Warm!"

"Warm..." The kitchen lady who snatched me had no way. "I'm sorry, that's mine, I can't give it to you."

The tone is not at all apologetic.

Even with a bit of provocative provocation, I just won't give it to you, what can you do to me.

The big tall man was angry, but quickly pressed down: "That female was originally captured by us, you give it back to us, we will not care about you!"

"Please be careful with me, don't be polite, I don't mind." Mingshu sincerely said.

Big tall: "..."

Is this female sick?

"Shake it off, do you think your Peacock tribe is an opponent of our tribe?" There are many orcs with big tall ones, and he is also worthwhile: "I came today, I just want to take that female, not want to be an enemy with you."

"Aren't you stupid? How good-looking are the orcs of the Peacock tribe, don't you want to be tempted? Don't you want to occupy this valley? Such a good opportunity, don't let it go."

Mingshu turned on the brainwashing mode.

Big tall: "..."


How could anyone invite other orcs to start their own tribe?

The orcs of the Peacock tribe retreated, and the leader did not intend to let them go.

Although the fold was a little trembling, he still stood next to Mingshu and did not move.

She should...

Won't do it.

The tall man is now a little difficult to ride a tiger.

Everyone said that, if he didn't fight, wouldn't he embarrass the tribe.

But he came today and really just wanted to return to the female called Warm.

The chiefs give special explanations, don't make extra money, and even if they were beaten before, they must retaliate after returning the warmth.

Mingshu still continues to flicker: "If it were me, I would just hit it directly. Look, our tribe is just a little orc Balabala..."

The peacock tribe orcs trembled.

Does the leader want to trade them for something?

The big tall man was a little confused in the brain. After a while, he suddenly raised his hand, and he roared with rage: "Call me!"

Ming Shu smiled with his lips and jumped from a height, directly blocking the entrance.

"It wouldn't be good to do this earlier. It's tiring to tell you so long."


"Come on, come on, finish early, go back to dinner early."


The tall man swept toward the orc on the cliff: "Will you not call them down?"

Mingshu smiled: "I am enough to beat you."

"Huh..." Big tall seemed to be laughed angrily: "Eryou didn't have such a big tone, you are a female, so dauntless."

"So you are not the leader now." Mingshu spread his hand.


"You don't know?" Mingshu was surprised: "I am the leader of the Peacock Tribe now."

Big tall: "..."

Although the distance between the tribes is not far away, most of the tribes are the relationship between hunters and prey, who will go to the door to die.

Mingshu's usurpation happened quickly, and the wild boar tribe did not say that almost no tribe knew about it in a short time.

"Do you really fight?" I have been posing for a long time, don't face it!

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