Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1065: The leader is above (14)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Mingshu was imprisoned in a simple cell surrounded by thorns, and there were quite a lot of leopard orcs. Mingshu planned to eat enough to fight.

It may be that Mingshu is too cooperative, and no one uses her animal grass for her.

Mingshu found a place to sit down, and there was the same thorn cell next door. Mingshu swept over randomly, and there were a lot of orcs in it. It is estimated that they were all caught back to serve as food, and all were desperate.

Compared with the Black Dog Tribe, the Huabao Tribe is more brutal and more powerful.

"Throw him in."

The cell on the left side of Mingshu was opened by someone, and the orc standing outside pushed a dirty person into it.

The man stumbled and fell to the ground.

He looked up slowly, his eyes dark as if it were dark ink, and kept staring at him, as if he would fall into darkness with him.

He was sad and unhappy, staring quietly at the person pushing him.

"Where did you catch this? It makes me feel uncomfortable." The orcs outside complained.

"On the mountain behind, and I don't know what race, the leader said to interrogate at night..."

"In the evening? The chief is afraid that there is no time tonight. I just grabbed the female of this peacock tribe, and I have to enjoy it."

The orcs looked at Mingshu's cell, their words very explicit.

Ming Shu grinned and gave them a sweet smile: "Tonight, you really don't have time."

The orcs were silent.

Compared to the one they just grabbed, the gaze is quiet, this female...

They feel more numb.

"Go walk..."

The orcs closed the door and left in a big step.

Mingshu grinned at the corner of her mouth. She looked sideways at the person next to him. He was dressed in clothes, not fabric, and should have evolved.

The orcs have this skill, but because of the orc's nature, it's good to be able to transform a piece to block the key parts.

The man slowly stood up from the ground, looking down to sit down with his head down.


The cells were next to each other, and Mingshu crouched on the edge to call him.

The man looked up, his face was stained with blood, dirty, and his face was unclear. The only thing that was impressive was the eyes.

The dark eyes were calm, like dead objects.

Ming Shu raised his smile: "What's your name?"

The latter stared at her intently for a few seconds, slowly lowered her head and ignored her.

Mingshu: "..."

Mingshu stared at him for a long while, and the latter was motionless. If it wasn't for seeing that he was alive before, Mingshu suspected that the goods had been hung up.

The sky gradually darkened, and the entire Huabao tribe fell into darkness.

Flames in the beast world are not popular because they do not need to eat cooked food.

In addition, once the fire broke out, the forest would burn up, which would be a disaster for the orcs who would not extinguish the fire.

Before the warmth rose, the entire tribe was about to explode.

The warmth was finally explained to them clearly.

With a faint moonlight, Mingshu glanced at the man in the next cell and still maintained his previous posture. Wasn’t he tired? Isn't it stiff to curl up?

Mingshu got up and moved.

The night is dark and the wind is high.

"The leader let us take the female of that peacock tribe."

Orcs talked outside.

Mingshu stood in the cell, the door pushed open from the outside, and the two orcs walked in.

Mingshu raised his smile slowly, even in the dark, the person on the opposite side could not see the smile on her face.


The first cry screamed throughout the Huabao tribe.

The leader of the leopard, who was being comfortably served by the female orc, slammed up and lifted the emotive female lying on him: "What's going on?"

Outside are screams that sounded one after another.

No one came in to report.

The leader of the leopard sank in his heart, and when he went out, the cries of the tribe screamed like a knife, squeezed **** the heart of the leader.

The first thing he saw was the black shadow surrounded by people in the open space, too far away, and he could not see who it was.

The second is the knife refracted by the moonlight.

He watched his clan scream and fall.

who is it!

The leader of the leopard rushed over.

"Shake it off!"

The leader of the leopard saw the hands, and roared.

Didn't he ask someone to bring her over? How could it be like this now?

Mingshu flew an orc and turned back to say hello: "Good evening."

The knife flashed over, and the orcs standing in front of her fell one after another, and Mingshu flashed in front of the leader of the leopard: "Convenient tell me, where do you hide the food?"

The Panther leader instinctively punched.

Mingshu blocked it with a knife, and the blade turned around, with the sharp blade against the wrist of the leopard leader.

The leader of the leopard shrank instinctively, the blade cut his skin, and blood ran out.

What it is……

The leader of the leopard looked at the murder weapon in Mingshu's hands with horror.


The blade pierced the air and caused a scream.

The leader of the leopard flashed abruptly, and the cold light gleamed in the night.

"Yo! It's pretty powerful." A group of small animals couldn't figure it out, wouldn't I be underestimated!

The leader of the leopard listened to the whispering of the opposite female, and then the knife he swung over was faster.

Daoguang remnants, cold wind, his rhythm was gradually disrupted.



The leader of the leopard smashed out, slid against the ground, and collapsed to build a simple shed.

The entire leopard tribe is caught in deathly silence.

Those young orcs and female orcs who did not participate in the battle were hiding in the dark atmosphere at this time.

In this world, it is common for tribes to be destroyed.

There are many tribes destroyed by the Huabao tribe, some young orcs have even seen it with their own eyes.

Compared to the scene tonight, they have seen bloodier and more cruel.

Mingshu found out the warm snacks prepared for her, and added some physical strength first.

The leader of the leopard lies in a pile of shredded wood, and his eyes are filled with fierce hatred especially belonging to the beast.

He actually lost.

This female...

Why is it so powerful?

Is it really a witch spirit?

Mingshu dragged the leader of the leopard out, and facing the line of sight, Mingshu smiled and said: "Don't look at me like this, I will be shy."

The leader of the leopard: "..."

Mingshu summoned the clan of the Peacock tribe who was trailing behind to let them disturb the battlefield, because with the machete issued by Mingshu, some orcs trying to rebel were suppressed before they even started.

Mingshu walked to the cell where she had previously closed her. She opened the cell. To her disappointment, it was empty.

The eccentric person was gone.

"Chief, what are you looking at?"

"It's nothing."

The floating conversation made the person hiding in the dark move a little, but he quickly hid back, stopped still, and merged into the darkness.

The people over there seemed to be gone.

He looked slowly over there, the shadowy shadow swayed, and the curse of the Orcs of the Leopard Tribe came like flowing water.

For a long time, he turned away and disappeared into the night, as if he had never appeared.

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