Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1070: The leader is above (19)

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Can the Huabao tribe be exterminated?

"The weapon in her hand is so powerful." Hu Jiu said: "If we can have it, she is definitely not our opponent."

"Ajiu, don't worry, wait for me, I will get you a hand." Cang Xiu promised.

"I... I don't mean that." Fox Jiu shook his head, indicating that he was not a coveted weapon: "I just think we have weapons, it won't be like this..."

"I know." Cang Xiu held Fox Jiu's hand.

"This matter...I will discuss with them again when it ends tomorrow." Nie Fan's eyes swept from the hands they shook: "Wu Ling can't let it go."

He looked at Cang Xiu again: "Cang Xiu, how about you?"

"She dared to deal with Ajiu, and of course I will not let him go." Cang Xiu gritted his teeth, and wished to kill Mingshu now.

"Axiu, Afan..." Fox Jiuyi moved.

Although Cang Xiu and Nie Fan didn't deal with it, but under the adjustment of Fox Nine, the three people got along peacefully.

Fox Nine looked at Nie Fan, who had fallen asleep and stood vigil outside, and a ray of light flashed under his eyes.

These orcs are nothing more than props to make her live better. She has to be spoiled and held by them like warmth. No one dares to fight against her.

But now...

The most important thing is to get rid of that shake.


When the sky was bright, Mingshu saw that the tall man who had been beaten by her before brought the clan back from outside and dragged a lot of prey.

The tall man asked the tribe to put his prey in the middle, and he went to the black dog leader.

The orcs of the surrounding tribes woke up one after another, and their fame was obviously not sleeping well, and the whole person had no energy.

Mingshu was eating snacks redeemed from Harmony. Harmony was quite a system, and the packaging she received was no different from what the world used to hold things.

So when others see it, they will not be confused.

"What are they doing with so many prey?" A warm, doubtful voice rang from the side.

"Beast God's appetite is bigger?" Mingshu guessed.


I heard that there will be a sacrifice for a while, because the murderer blasphemed the beast god, fearing that the beast **** would be angry, they would apologize to the beast **** and ask for forgiveness.

The specific operation is not clear.

When the original owner lived, he was not eligible to participate in such a sacrifice.

Everything is ready, the leader of the black dog invites the leaders of the tribes, and each leader can only bring one person.

The state of the relationship is not good, Mingshu let warmth follow him.

"It's Fox Jiu..." Warm seeing Fox Jiu, thinking of what Mingshu said to himself, was inexplicably a little scared.

When she first met Fox Nine, she helped herself...

who knows.

Attentively sinister.

Actually tricked her into eating orc meat...

Fox Jiu obviously also saw the warmth, his face suddenly changed.

She looked at the two orcs beside her and found that they didn't look at the warmth and then let out a little breath. She reached for Cang Xiu and took him to the other side.

She knew how much these males loved that warmth before rebirth.

Although she has been with them now, she is still a little careful not to let them have contact... She has to find a way to make that warmth disappear completely.

Mingshu watched Fox Jiu walk away and appease his own kitchen lady: "If she is afraid of something, she will trouble you and get her."

My kitchen lady also dared to frighten her, and her life was too long.

Warmly looked at what Mingshu had given him, and almost screamed.

She quickly hid things: "Boss...Boss...What the **** are you doing?"

Why is it a knife and a gun?

"Actually..." Mingshu seriously compiled an identity: "I am a space-time businessman."


The warmth continued to be dumbfounded.

Why have you become a space-time merchant again? Was it the time-space merchant she understood? But this is really the case, she can take out anything casually, it seems that it can be explained.

"Head, can you leave here?" The warm eyes shone slightly.

Ming Shu nodded.

"Really, can you let me go back?" The warmth was slightly excited.

Mingshu's jaw twitched: "Use what I just..."

She put her fingers on the warm forehead and slammed silently.

The girl smiled and said a few words: "You can go back."


She must be teasing herself.

She gave herself a shot, didn't she hang up?

"Let's go." Mingshu dragged her: "Don't be too far from me, I didn't light up the male teleporter's saving skills."


What is the male lead?


The large army left the Black Dog Horde in a mighty manner, and the remaining orcs stood in the Horde to watch them.

Mingshu didn't see the so-called murderer in the team, I don't know if it was taken away in advance, or whether it was not in the Black Dog Horde.

However, Ming Shu actually saw someone holding a little orc in the team. It seems that he was just born.

Mingshu walked slowly and fell behind.

The leader of the wild boar also slowed down, embellished behind.

I don't know how long I walked, Mingshu saw a simple fence from the desert.

Then came the orc with wooden weapons.

Going a little further, a stone-built platform appeared in sight, and a person was tied to the platform.

The eyes of Mingshu suddenly squinted.

The team stopped and the orcs looked at the people on the table. He was wearing a grey robe. Although the robe was stained with blood and dirt, it was not damaged.

The people on the table hung their heads, motionless, unaware of life or death.

"This is the murderer?"

"What race?"

"Not seen..."

Facing the orcs' doubts, the leader of the Black Dog explained: "I don't know, but it took a lot of effort to catch him."

"How did he talk to..." The talking orc looked at Mingshu... The kitchen lady beside him: "Look like that?"

Warmth was brought by Mingshu, a single-headed leopard tribe, who was also burdened by the terrible existence of rumors of the witch spirit. Even if there were curious orcs before, no one dared to ask.

At this time, all orcs' achievements are focused on warmth. Warmly hide behind Mingshu and clenched their guns secretly.-The leader didn't seem to pay me how to shoot! !

The people on the platform do not have any characteristics of orcs, but are more similar to warmth.

Like a human.

"A new race?"

"Shake down the leader, is this female next to you?" the courageous orc asked directly.

Ming Shu was holding the lead of the leader: "What is your business?"

I want to grab my kitchen lady, not to mention the door, there is no gap!

Warm glance at Ming Shu's profile, the woman's mouth chuckled, and the rising sun came from the side, seeming to coat her with a touch of golden light.

She stood in the light, her slender and flexible body, but it was not to be underestimated.

I swallowed warmly, and suddenly felt that the leader was so handsome?

"The one you catch looks the same as the one next to you. Who knows if they are together?"

Cang Xiu was speaking.

Although Fox Jiu intentionally stopped Cang Xiu, he failed.

"It makes sense..."

"We haven't seen such a strange race. How come two of them suddenly appeared."

"If you kill so many orcs in a short period of time, how could there be no associates."

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