Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1078: The leader is above (27)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

"I say……"

The leader of the black dog was like a slump of mud slumped on the ground, and he was powerless.

Mingshu released him, and his smiling eyes stared at the large dogs on the ground: "Remind you, don't have to suffer this kind of sin earlier."

Black Dog Leader: "..."

Mingshu sat back, Erlang's legs tilted: "Speak."

The leader of the black dog breathed a few breaths: "Yes... yes... it's a witch spirit."

Mingshu raised his eyebrows slightly: "Don't you say that I am a witch spirit? I'm right in front of you, and you still want to summon me? How can you succeed without putting a sacrifice?"

Black Dog Leader: "..." Didn't you have a B number in your heart?

Mingshu tweeted twice: "You even called me other witch spirits behind your back."

There was even a real witch spirit who grabbed business with me.

Black Dog Leader: "..."

The leader of the black dog is tired and does not want to talk to this snake disease.

Ming Shu returned to the topic: "How do you know how to summon the spirits?"

The leader of the Black Dog still had tingling pains, and he could only answer.

This matter still has to start from Beast God Mountain.

The deformed orcs must be thrown into the Beast God Mountain, and only the orcs with status in the tribe can enter.

Once the black dog leader went to the orc of the orc.

He also walked many times on this road, but that time, when he stood holding the malformed orc, he suddenly felt a little cold.

Not normal cold.

Blow up from under the big pit that discarded many deformed orcs.

He thought of leaving the orc quickly.

However, as soon as he threw down the deformed orc, he saw a burst of black gas coming out from underneath. When the leader of the black dog had seen this strange scene, he ran away.

In a panic, the leader of the Black Dog did not know what to step on, and rolled from the mountain into the big pit.

Then he fainted.

When he woke up again, he saw the witch spirit.

Around the bones, the witch spirit floats on the bones, grotesque and weird.

The witch spirit has no form, it is a black gas, but it can talk and change into the shape of an orc.

The black dog leader was terrified.

Wu Ling asked him to listen to it, and regularly brought the orcs to it, and also gave him the method of summoning, so that he could summon it in danger.

He also promised that as long as he listens to it, what he wants in the future. Territories and food are inexhaustible.

The leader of the Black Dog was brainwashed by Wu Ling, and he has been helping Wu Ling since then.

Witch spirits occasionally want orcs, but also live, preferably adults.

Mingshu hehe: "You don't want to think about what conditions and where is the inexhaustible food now? You killed all the orcs?"

The orcs have no knowledge of planting except their own reproduction, and what food do they have besides eating themselves.

Relying on the current environment, how much food can be eaten by nature?

Vegetarian animals are almost extinct.

Black Dog Leader: "..."

Ming Shu asked again: "What are you doing for warmth?"

"I don't know, it told me so."

Warmth is human, why should that spirit be warm? Is it possible that you haven’t eaten it before and want to change your taste?

According to the protagonist's law, it's definitely not that simple.

"Yunhuang? Why do you say he is a witch spirit?"

"Yunhuang?" The leader of Black Dog is confused. Who is this?

"The one you caught last time."

That strange male?

The leader of the black dog said: "I don't know... but it seems to be afraid of him, so I must kill him."


Yun Huang said... The orcs he killed, bad? Is it tainted by the witch spirit?

What exactly is Yunhuang?

"Fox Nine also knows this?"

The topic suddenly jumped to Fox Nine, the black dog leader froze for a moment, and nodded a moment later: "I had a conversation with the Witch Spirit and was heard by her. Wu Ling grabbed her and she was willing to do things for the Witch Spirit, so the Witch Spirit did Kill her."

At that time, Fox Nine was deterred by Mingshu's weapons, and was caught again. It was normal to choose to succumb to the spirit.

Mingshu: "What do the witch spirits want to do?"

The leader of the Black Dog shook his head: "I don't know, I only know that it has orcs in many tribes... that is the orcs called... called Yunhuangshen."

The leader of the Black Dog said everything.

Mingshu asked the last question: "How to summon the spirits?"

The leader of the black dog said: "Wu Ling gave me something. When he summons it, he just needs to throw out the things. The ones before Fox Jiusha are the last point."

They can’t summon the spirits, and they don’t know how to contact them.

When the spirits need it, they will go directly to them.

This is not the case in Fox 9's plot. Fox 9's plot is to applaud love with different orcs, and finally a happy group of cubs.

I just don't know if this happened in the plot of the heroine.


According to the description of Black Dog Chief, isn't that the ghost of the orc world?


Ming Shu thoughtfully sat in the kitchen to eat, and a strange male suddenly entered the door.

Mingshu looked up and looked at each other.

The male suddenly rushed towards Mingshu.

What are you doing! !

I want to grab my snack as soon as I meet!

Ming Shu guarded the food back away.

The male emptied, probably because of the injury. He fell to the ground uncontrollably, and he hugged Ming Shu's leg.


Mingshu: "..."

Can call this name...

Only Luo Yan.

She hasn't seen this snake disease in a long time.

"Give me such a big gift at the first meeting, how much do you adore me?" Ming Shu looked at the snake's disease on the ground with all his time.

Luo Snake Disease: Banquet: "..."

He is not in good health!

Have a few cents relationship with you.

Luo Yan grinned a standard snakeskin smile: "It's been a long time."

Mingshu pulled his feet back and wanted to kick Luo Yan as a ceremony.

Luo Yan rolled on the spot. Although he was embarrassed, he avoided it.

"It's still not that cute." Luo Yan grinned and got up from the ground, patting the dust on the hide.

"Naturally is not as cute as you." Mingshu pointedly said: "You are like nothing else on earth."

Luo Yan glanced at the animal skin on her body, and then looked at the azure dress that was transformed into Ming Shu's body...

They are all orcs. How can they engage in racial discrimination? !

Why does the bird's clothes look so good?

Luo Yan glanced around: "I'm not poor with you, what about Qi Yu?"

"Why are you looking for him?" Is the goblin you can find if you want to find it?

Luo Yan saw Mingshu's calm appearance, and she knew what she knew, she really knew everything.

He smiled a little, and his tone was serious: "Where is he, I have a business to find him."

"Kill him? Or do you want to join him to kill me?"

"..." Luo Yan started laughing again: "Are you afraid?"

Mingshu twitched his mouth: "If you want to die pretty, you can stab me now."

Mingshu handed the kitchen knife beside Luo Yan intimately.

Luo Yan's mouth twitched: "..."

Can she fail to pass the knife to the enemy with her disagreement? !

If you can’t die by yourself, just do whatever you want! !

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