Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1086: The leader is above (35)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Beast God Mountain has only one way to go up the mountain, and the rest of the area is full of thorns and poison.

The leader of the black dog looked at the familiar scene, and followed behind with fear.

The front is Fox Nine, but it is not.

She is a witch spirit in her body.

Or the doppelganger of the wizard.

The real wizard spirit was also crushed under the beast **** mountain.

Soon he walked to the big pit where the leader of the black dog threw the deformed orc. From the top, he could hardly see the end.

"Thank you very much." Hu Jiu said quietly: "If it were not for you, I haven't had a chance to come out."

It was those dead deformed orcs who gave it a chance.

The leader of the black dog did not dare to take a casual voice.

Obviously Fox Jiu didn't care, she looked at Dakeng: "Beast God...Oh, do you think you can hold me all the time? Now I'm coming out..."

Fox Jiu suddenly turned around and grabbed the black dog leader's wrist.

"Witch, Matriarch?"

"You said that you are willing to work for me." Hu Jiu smiled and charming, but the black dog leader saw the indifference and the faint excitement of excitement, she said quietly: "Now, serve me."


The black dog leader's shock freezes on his face.

Fox Jiu's sharp hand crossed his chest, grabbing his beating heart.

The heart is brought out of the body.

Fox Jiu loosened the leader of the black dog, and his body slowly fell backwards, not squinting.

"You said that you will return the body to me!!" Hu Jiu suddenly shouted sharply, the expression on her face was fierce.

Xu was the leader of Wuling's killing of the black dog, and it was only after she stimulated Fox 9 that she now resisted.

The expression on her face froze abruptly, restoring the previous calmness: "Return to you? Did I say that?"

Fox Nine screamed again: "You said it, you said it would help me get revenge!!"

"I will help you, rest assured..."

"You have fun playing alone."

A crisp voice sounded from behind, the grass was trampled to make a rustling sound, and Fox Jiu turned around violently, her terrible expression was too late to fade.

Mingshu led Yunhuang out of the wild grass.

Fox Jiu fixed his eyes on Yunhuang.

"What about the fine points?" Mingshu stepped forward quietly, blocking Yunhuang: "The barren hills and mountains are not too big for the stage."

At this time, it was Wu Ling who was in control of the body. She smiled twice and ignored the words of Ming Shu: "I still thought about where to go to find him, but I didn't expect to send it to my door."

Wu Ling is talking about Yunhuang.

Yun Huang's dark eyes stared at her, and the murderous opportunity gradually increased.

Mingshu smiled: "What do you want him to do to die?"

Wu Ling's eyes were disgusted: "The beast gods have disappeared for so many years, but they still made a monster like you, thinking that this can stop me? Hahahaha, it's a fool's dream."

Yun Huang pursed his lips.

Mingshu held Yunhuang's hand and squeezed gently, and she smiled at him.

Reassuring Yunhuang, Mingshu turned his head and stared at Wu Ling: "He can't stop you, isn't he still me?"

I won't beat you for a while and don't know your ancestors! !

Wu Ling turned his attention to Mingshu, and his expression gradually became fierce: "You don't need to be busy, I will give you a chance to leave here, and I won't care about you."

"Aren't you afraid of me?" Mingshu smiled, "You ran fast before."

Wu Ling: "..."

Ming Shu smiled and said: "Everyone is a witch spirit, and they don't say hello when they come.

Who has feelings for you?

Wu Ling frowned slightly: "What are you talking about, what kind of Wu Ling are you? In this world, Wu Ling is unique, and that's me."

Mingshu bullshit: "The world is so big, how do you know that only you?"

Wu Ling defends his identity as "Wu Ling": "Of course only me!!"

Although the bizarre stories are bizarre, it seems that the witch is a race. But it is clear that in this world, there is only one witch spirit, like the beast god, the only one.

What is this peacock talking nonsense! !

Ming·WuLing·Fake·Shen seriously said: "Isn't there a second one now."

Wu Ling: "..."

As a witch spirit, it knows how unpopular the witch spirit is, but now there is an orc who has to **** it as a witch spirit? ?

Are you serious?

After so many years, Wu Ling is very popular?

The spirit of Wuling was found by Fox Nine to seize control: "Shake it off...I will kill her!!!"

The ability of Fox Nine to be controlled by Wu Ling and occupying her body is also related to the collapse of her own mind.

Under the influence of Wu Ling, seeing Mingshu, the first thought was to kill her.

So after she shouted, she attacked directly.

The key is that she still holds the heart of the black dog leader in her hand. When she shakes, the blood splashes and the air is full of blood.

Mingshu pushed Yunhuang back, and she greeted her.

Wu Ling and Fox Nine seize control, and Fox Nine's attacks are incoherent.

Hu Jiu's face was distorted with anger: "You get out of my body!"

Turning to another look, Wu Ling just sneered: "Oh..."

Wu Ling successfully regained control. She avoided Mingshu's attack. She jumped backwards, fell beside, and quickly cast a spell on the heart in her hand.

There was a constant black mist coming out of her chest, and they all entered the heart.


The heart that had stopped beating suddenly started to beat.

Mingshu: "..."

Oh my!


My snack!

Quickly shock me!

Mingshu really took out the sweet potatoes and bitten them. Wu Ling saw this, his expression was a little weird, but Mingshu didn't move, and gave her time, she seized the time.

The black mist pouring into the heart gradually slowed down, and Wu Ling suddenly threw the heart in his hand into the big pit.

Yun Huang seemed to want to step forward, but remembered something. He stopped, and his dark eyes stared at the direction of the big pit.

Wu Ling was afraid of Yunhuang in his heart, and he was slightly relieved to see him still.

The heart fell into the big pit and did not respond at first.

Mingshu bit the dried sweet potato and asked curiously, "Isn't that enough? But you only have one heart, or would you try to dig yourself out?"

Wu Ling: "..."

The female opposite said something with a grin.

If Wuling knew the word neuropathy, he would certainly scold without hesitation.

Wu Ling is on guard, to prevent Fox Nine from robbing her body, but also to guard against Mingshu and Yunhuang.

"Will it work?" Mingshu urged: "Come on, I want to see what the Witch Spirit looks like. In the future, I will work hard to become a Witch Spirit and inherit the great cause of our family."

Wu Ling: "..."

At this moment, the direction of Dakeng suddenly burst into a thick black gas, rushing to the sky.

The sorcerer looked delighted.

Mingshu exaggeratedly surprised: "Wow!"

To be honest, I have seen the spectacular appearances of the Mozu overshadowing the sky and the scene is not worth mentioning.

Ok! Not worth mentioning...

So Ming Shu commercial touted, calm down and eat their dried sweet potatoes.



Little Fairy: Do businesses blow each other?

Little Angel: What is this pose?

Little fairy: ...what do you think?

Little angel: I didn't think about anything.

Little fairy: (shy) This is actually a new gesture for voting.

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Little fairy: ...

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