Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1088: The leader is above (37)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Fox Nine was beaten and thrown at Beast God Mountain.

Mingshu embraced the cloud desert and went down the mountain. In a turmoil, he slowly returned to the valley.

The clan people were relieved when they learned that the witch spirit had been resolved.

They knew that the leader must be OK.

The orc world can be said to have suffered heavy losses this time.

Next, everyone was busy spawning, and Mingshu said that he was a witch and no orc ignored her.

What about trust between beasts?

Mingshu was very sad.

Yun Huang seemed to feel it, of course, he didn't know what emotion it was, just thought she was not very happy.

"Give you."

The bright flowers were tied into a bunch, and Yun Huang held both hands in front of Mingshu.

"Huh?" Mingshu looked up at him: "Who taught you?"

This little goblin can't do this.

Yun Huang honestly pointed to the warmth of a large bouquet of flowers not far away. The warmth shook his tongue and ran into the wooden house that he built.

"Don't you like it?" Yunhuang asked me carefully when she saw the difference.

"What's so beautiful about wildflowers, don't follow the warm Hu all day." Ming Shu touched his head, then reached out to take the flowers, kissed his lips.

Yun Huang blinked and took the initiative to kiss back.

For a while, Mingshu lay on the lawn with his arms around Yunhuang.

Yunhuang's body is still cold. He was created by the beast **** to prevent the witch spirit from running out one day. His task is to bring the witch spirit back.

"Is the Beast God dead?" Mingshu chewed the grass roots and asked casually.

"No." Yunhuang said: "It lives in the heart of every orc, and as long as it is believed, it will appear."

"How is it like a cult." Ming Shu murmured.

Mingshu is now more worried about whether the goblin will suddenly disappear.

After all, according to his statement, he only existed because the witch spirit came out, and he brought the witch spirit back to Beast God Mountain.

That witch spirit should have been sent back to Beast God Mountain by him, what about him?

Yunhuang kept asking this question three times as he did not know.

A little sad.

Yun Huang suddenly turned over and lay on Mingshu, listening to her heartbeat: "Is this alive?"

He didn't...

So he is not alive.

"There are many ways to live." Mingshu put his hands on his head: "Heartbeat does not mean anything, you just live in another way."

"But...I want to be like you." Yun Huang's voice was muffled.

He is different from her.

He is different from everyone, they have temperature, heartbeat, laugh, cry...

But he won't do anything.

"Like me, you can't be with me." Ming Shu flicked his head: "I don't play lily with you."

"What is Lily?"


Yun Huang may find that his focus is distorted: "Are you going to leave me just like me?"

He didn't want to leave her.


"Then..." Yun Huang paused: "Then I'm not like you."

Mingshu looked at the white clouds floating in the sky, raised his mouth slightly, and murmured softly: "You are so good."


The Peacock tribe is self-sufficient in the valley, and the tribes have a great time.

Warm tissue orc planting is now small.

Mingshu also ate rice as he wished, but he didn't have a stomachache because of the meat.

But the halo value is highlighted in red.

Warm found that Mingshu looked strangely at himself, a bit like looking at... food.


"Boss...Boss..." Warm and sloppy answer, won't the boss want to change the taste, try to eat human flesh?

She is not tasty! !

Ming Shu smiled and asked, "Do you like me?"

Swallowed warmly: "..."

This question... seems a bit wrong.

" it."

After all, it is this world, a fellow like her, but also help her so much.

Mingshu patted her head: "Then please like me more."


What does the leader want to express?

Is it that the food I cook at noon is not delicious?

still is……

Did the leader look at me?

Watching Mingshu leave warmly, she turned around to find the name book and asked if there was anything weird about Mingshu recently.

The leader shook his head, the leader was normal.

Either basking with Yunhuang or in the kitchen is very regular.

"By the way, this was what you asked me to find before. Are you looking at it like this?" The name book pulled the warmth to the other side: "What use are these things?"

"Used to make clothes."


Warm glance at the smooth clothes on the famous folding body... Tears silently.

The orcs of the Peacock Tribe must be fake orcs! !

Do not!

The orc clothes of the birds are very beautiful! They must be fake orcs! This is totally unscientific!

Warm and tired, he took a few orcs out to find what he needed, but now no one dares to play the idea of ​​the peacock tribe orcs, so it is safe to go out.

Not paying attention to the warmth, all the orcs around him spread out.

"Little girl."

Startled by the warmth, she turned back suddenly: "Yes... it's you."

Wasn’t he replaced by the leader of the Crocodile Tribe?

Later, when the news of the death of the crocodile tribe came, the orc had no news.

Did he come back to get revenge?

Luo Yan smiled ‘kindly’, and he came out from the side: "Little girl, can you do me a favor?"

"I...I am I..."

"Don't be afraid, it's just a small favor." Luo Yan tempted: "It's very simple, you are so cute, will help me right?"

"I..." No no no no.

Don't panic.

Don't panic.

Take a deep breath of warmth and barely hold back the fear: "What do you... want me to do?

"That's good." Luo Yan's smile was bright and different from Mingshu. His smile was a little neurotic, which made people scared at first glance: "Help me bring the person next to your leader."

Leader... The people around? Yunhuang?

"Why... why?" He wanted to rob someone with the leader? No... he is a male orc!

"Hush!" Luo Yan's index finger was placed on his lips, with a threat in his eyes: "Don't ask, just do what I said, otherwise..."

Luo Yan reached out, warmly and subconsciously avoided, but was still caught by Luo Yan.

Warm feeling a pain in the arm.

It seemed to be stabbed by something.

She looked at her arm subconsciously, but saw nothing.

"You will die. I poisoned you just now. Such a lovely girl, I don't want to watch you die."



Warm back with his arms staggered, his face pale.


The leader saves life! !

Luo Yan did not prevent her from retreating, standing lazily: "Go, just take him out."

The woman looked at Yun Huang too tightly, and he couldn't get close to him at all.

He observed outside for so long, and found that warmth can say a few words to Yunhuang. Sometimes Mingshu didn't know what to do. Yunhuang was with her. She might finally bring Yunhuang out.

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