Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1105: Rose Ban Song (15)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

When Mingshu woke up, it was already the next evening.

There was no dullness in the room, and heavy curtains covered the room with no trace of light.

Tongye sat next to her, staring nervously at her, and when she woke up, she breathed a sigh of relief: "You finally woke up."

Mingshu looked around: "How long have I slept?"

"From last night to this afternoon..." Tongye looked at the time: "Six o'clock. What did you do, suddenly fainted? Will the blood race still get sick? Or did you eat something outdated? Was the angel song faked? !!!"

A series of questions from Tongye came over.

Mingshu sat up, spread his hands, and then clenched tightly: "I seem to be more powerful than before."



Tongye: "..."

Tongye reached out and touched the head of Mingshu: "No fever, what nonsense."

Mingshu opened his hand: "My strength has really increased."

"It's not my auntie grandma. You just fainted. If you wake up and talk nonsense, don't scare me."

The power of the blood clan is increasing in time, and the savings gradually become more powerful, how can it become more powerful after a sleep.

Isn't it still dreaming? !

Mingshu didn't struggle with him, interrupting Tongye: "What about Su Mian?"

Tongye pointed outside: "Just rest..."

Regardless of Tong Ye's obstruction, Ming Shu went straight to the outside, Su Miankuo fell asleep on the sofa, Ming Shu stood on the stairs to watch for a while, and then returned to the room.

"Su Mian called me and said you fainted, and he couldn't say anything. What's going on?"

Mingshu shook his head: "It's okay, maybe it's overdone."

"Really?" The little ancestor looked strange.

Mingshu spread his hands, indicating that his body is normal.

Tongye glanced at her, and did not find anything wrong with her body, and felt her chin suspiciously: "Is there really a problem with the blood source of the angel song?"

Mingshu: "..."

Tong Ye did not doubt the other: "I will tell you, don't eat so much, people have to get sick if they eat too much, we are not the same, not to mention that the blood still carries various diseases."

Ming Shu interrupted Tong Ye's chatter: "You can check Su Mian for me, from his birth till now, all the information."

"Check what he's doing, it's not the second generation of middle and rich people who have watched more TV series." Tong Yedao said.

"Let you check it."

"Xing Xing Xing, you are the boss." Tong Ye was not assured: "Is your body really okay?"

"No problem." Mingshu promised.

Mingshu finally sent Tongye out.

"By the way, you took him to the Angel Song yesterday, it is better to give him a mark, so that there is no long-eyed blood clan to retaliate against you."

Tong Ye actually wanted to remind Mingshu to be too close to humans, but think about her temperament, where others will listen to what they say, and simply don't say it.

And Su Mian stayed with her for one night yesterday, and Mingshu woke up more than an hour ago, and couldn't hold it before going out.

He didn't know exactly what was going on, but he didn't mix it up.

Mingshu's eyes sank: "Well, I see."

Closing the door, Mingshu looked at the person on the sofa.

She clearly marked him yesterday...Tongye didn't remind, she didn't pay attention, she was gone.

And his blood.

Mingshu can clearly feel that his strength has increased in stages.

In the past, Fu Yu was a little bit afraid of the prince, but now she feels...not needed.

Of course, this is only in terms of power.

She is not afraid at all times.

Is Su Mian's blood the blood of Tang Seng? Drink to increase strength?

Ming Shu walked to the sofa, and Su Mian leaned against the sofa. His eyes were dark and dark, and he slept a little.

Mingshu covered him with a thin blanket and sat directly on the ground cross-legged.

Su Mian's eyelashes trembled, and she opened her eyes slightly.

He sat up suddenly: "Are you awake?"


Su Mian looked at her, her tone full of nervousness: "How did you... suddenly faint? I dare not take you to the hospital, so I had to call Tongye with your mobile phone..."

The moment she saw her faint, he was blank.

He comforted himself to make her nervous, thinking he needed her.

But when Tong Ye came, he said that she was fine, and when she woke up, he thought a lot.

Tong Ye's question at that time kept flashing in his mind.

Do you like her?


He was not familiar with her, but with his knowledge of himself, he would not be close to a person whom he knew very recently.

Before he could use her to explain.

But he now knows more than one blood family, why is it necessary for her?

Finally he concluded

He may really like her.

Like somehow.

When he was sane, he was very resistant!

"It's okay, it's just eating indigestion." Mingshu pushed him back on the sofa: "Keep sleeping."


"Shut up, close your eyes, and sleep."


Su Mian also felt that she needed to be calm and calm, closed her eyes and lay still, slowed her breathing, and tried to rest herself.

But feeling that she was beside, there was no way to really fall asleep.

Su Mian felt his wrist suddenly cold, and then his palm was grasped.

It was obviously a strange touch, but Su Mian's heart suddenly settled down.

He rolled over and opened his eyes. It was not embarrassing to see this, but instead corrected Daguang's tight grip.

Su Miangui sent the **** to ask: "Do you want to come up?"

"Are you inviting me?"

"That's right..." Su Mian almost gave himself a slap on the spot, you **** nonsense.

Ming Shu was also polite, lifted the blanket up.

Su Mian: "..."

You came up on horse?

How reserved!

Shameless! !

Su Mian was forced to lean in. At first, Ming Shu just lay beside him. Afterwards, Su Mian was not very comfortable and reached out to let Ming Shu sleep in his arms.

Su Mian said: "Yesterday you kissed me and didn't tell me, what does that mean?"

"Ritual." Mingshu Zhenger's blind compilation of the Eight Classics.

"...When you bite the willow crescent moon, there is no such ceremony!!"

"The ceremony for men and women is different." Mingshu was very calm.

"Oh." Su Mian seemed to smile: "I thought you liked me."

"You think too much. Humans are delicious for me."


Kill her! !

Su Mian can't remember when she slept in the past, but she slept extraordinarily.

Mingshu waited until he fell asleep before moving his body slightly, his eyes falling on his neck.

Yesterday's bite marks are still there, with a touch of pink.

Mingshu's eyes narrowed slightly, she leaned in, opened her mouth and bite...

Tusk twitched back when it touched his skin, and ended up more like a kiss.



Ming Shu: (Star Eye) You are delicious!

Nine Young: (Afraid) I don't want you to praise me.

Ming Shu: (smiling) I just want to praise you.

Nine Young: ...Help! !

Little fairy: admit it.

Nine Young: I have a ticket.

Little fairy: No, just now the little angel said that in order to let Mingshu eat you, so I gave all the tickets.

Nine Young: ...

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