Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1107: Rose Ban Song (17)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Mingshu found a place to read the information.

Su Mian was born in this city, the birth certificate, and the hospitalization information are very clear.

The growth trajectory is no different from the ordinary rich second generation.

However, after going to high school, Su Mian suddenly fell silent and didn't care much about others. She traveled alone all day long. It seemed that in the past ten years or so, he had worn away his flirtatious temperament.

When I graduated from junior high school in the Ming and Ming dynasties, I was still a dude. How could it have changed in two months?

Mingshu focused on the data for those two months.

It looks nothing special, the only thing that is doubtful is the junior high school graduation trip...

Mingshu searched online for the location of their graduation trip, which is a popular attraction.

Such a place is not an old forest in the mountains. It stands to reason that there will be no accidents.

Mingshu continued to decline, and the popular scenic spots were followed by several legends, one of which was related to vampires.

It is a post that the landlord detailed the vampire race, followed by the legend about the scenic spot.

It is rumored that when the scenic spot was established, a coffin was dug in the scenic spot, and the people in the coffin were alive.

As they prepared to send the coffin away, the people in the coffin suddenly disappeared.

At the same time, someone died, was bitten on his neck, and his blood disappeared nearly 90%.

So there are rumors of vampires.

Mingshu searched the news and reported it quite well at the time, but because it was not confirmed in the end, everyone was quickly attracted by other gossip.

Su Mian changed after visiting this scenic spot...

Is there really a vampire in the scenic spot?

Or did he encounter something?

Mingshu had a headache, what happened to his body?

Ming Shu asked Tong Ye to know under what circumstances the mark given by the blood clan would disappear. Tong Ye said he had never heard of such a thing.

Mingshu thought about walking home.

When passing a secluded alley, she suddenly stopped and looked at a lush tree ahead.

The corner of her mouth was slightly upturned: "Come all here, why are you hiding?"

There was no movement in front.

Mingshu walked straight towards the big tree and faced the three blood races above with his head raised.

When three blood races were found, they flew down at the same time, their nails grew wildly, turned into weapons, and attacked Mingshu.

The three blood races moved around, many blood races flashed around, and a brain surged up.

"Hey! How can you bully less!"

The blood clan that attacked her ignored her and teamed up to attack her. Mingshu picked a stick from the side and threw it at the blood clan.

Whoever hits the stick disappears in the air.

One stick, very powerful.

The blood clan obviously shrank a little from the back, and they weren't very dared to get in touch with Mingshu.

Mingshu flicked his stick and smiled broadly: "I tell you not to bully and toss over, so I turned over!"


"It's not your fault if I turn over the boat normally."


Seeing only the last few left, the blood race is not in love, and each winks, ready to retreat.

They ran fast, and Mingshu only caught one who ran a little slower.

The captured blood clan was horrified, and before fainting what to do, it fainted.

Mingshu stunned the blood race, placed it on the ground for a while, and searched again. He found nothing useful.


What Liu Wanyue saw was that Mingshu was guarding a person who didn't know life or death, holding a straw and sucking hard. His expression was a little loose, his eyes were vacant, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Liu Wanyue walked carefully: "Fu, Fuyu?"

Mingshu's lack of focus was gradually converging on Liu Wanyue. She raised her eyebrows and smiled: "Small snack."

Liu Wanyue: "..." What is a snack?

Liu Wanyue glanced down on the ground and could not see whether the man was dead or not, but from his nails and fangs, it could be distinguished that this was a blood race.

"What are you doing here?" Mingshu stood up.

"Help the family buy things." Liu Wanyue whispered.

Mingshu's eyes appeared on the bag Liu Liuyue was carrying.

"Oh." Mingshu dragged the man about to leave: "It's unsafe nearby, come back early... forget, I'll send you."

Liu Wanyue looked at the blood on the ground: "..."

You drag a person like this, even if he is a blood family, but others don't know, they will be reported as murderous! !

But Mingshu didn't realize it at all, so he dragged the blood race out of the alley.

The strange thing is that the pedestrians passing by don't seem to see the blood race.

Liu Wanyue swallowed...

The world of blood is so fantasy.

"Are you really going to recognize the ancestors?" Mingshu said to her with a tilted head: "Guan Sha snatches your identity, snatches your parents, are you angry?"

Liu Wanyue squeezed the bag tightly: "I don't know..."

There was no way to believe this in her heart.

What she had always wanted to know suddenly came to know, and she was afraid in addition to her daze.

She didn't know why it became the situation today.

Liu Wanyue didn't speak, she was a few steps behind, and she didn't know where to put it, she simply looked at the hapless blood family.

Mingshu looked back at her several times, and glanced at the unlucky blood clan.

The gaze turned away and turned back quickly, turning away casually after a while.

Mingshu asked no more, and sent Liu Wanyue downstairs to her house: "Go up, please call me if you have anything."

"Are you hungry?" Liu Wanyue took two steps and suddenly turned around.

"A bit."

Liu Wanyue bit her lip: "Then wait for me."

She walked upstairs and came down a dozen minutes later, giving her a red glass bottle filled with liquid.

The blood seems to be still warm, and Liu Wanyue smiled reluctantly: "Suddenly found that someone is needed, it's pretty good."

Mingshu turned his head slightly: "No need to give it to me next time."

The last time she bit her, she just wanted to imprint her so that other blood races would not dare to move her.

But Liu Wanyue seems to be addicted, always running over and stuffing her.

Liu Wanyue froze for a moment, then bit her lip after a while: "Is it too little for you?"

"No." Ming Shu laughed: "Someone will be angry."



"Leave, protect yourself." Mingshu waved at her.

"Liu Wanyue, what are you doing below, and now you learn to be lazy!" Suddenly there was a roar upstairs.

Liu Wanyue's head shrank and quickly went upstairs.


Mingshu dragged the blood to find Tongye.

Tongye: "..."

Awesome my little ancestor.

How did you drag a ‘person’ over without being reported?

Mingshu threw the blood clan in front of him, kicked the blood clan's arm, and exposed the skin under his clothes: "Do you know this?"

Near the elbow, there is a tattoo-like thing.

The rose flower vine entangled a bat, which was gritty and looked extremely painful.

Even if the blood race wants to tattoo something on the body, the pattern rose and the bat can understand.

But it is a bit weird that the patterned rose flower vines are entangled with bats.

The bat represents the blood...

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