Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1111: Rose Ban Song (21)

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Mingshu pulled down his school uniform coat and squinted towards Guan Sha.

Guan Sha was seen as an agitator by Mingshu, but the classmates around her gave her some confidence. She did not believe how she dared to face herself in front of so many people.

She just didn't see Tongye just now. If he hadn't been busy, she might now...

Thinking of this, Guan Sha looked at Tong Ye with resentment.

Tongye didn't see the resentment in Guan Sha's eyes. He looked at the classmates who were grievous for Guan Sha: "Here is 180,000 miles away from her position. Need her to pull the curtain?"

The classroom is full of ordinary people. Without knowing the seriousness of this matter, he could not tell them.

Mingshu slowly stood up and turned Tongye behind him.

"Fu Yu..."

"Hush." ​​Mingshu's index finger was placed on his lips: "Don't beep at this time."

Tongye: "?????"

Ming Shu lifted his sleeves: "I'm going to reason with her."

Guan Sha saw Ming Shu's intentions and began to retreat, frowning and warning: "Don't mess with Fu Yu, this is at school."

"Well, you have to be thankful." Mingshu rushed forward and dragged her back as Guan Sha pushed away her classmates, about to run into the sunlight in another window.

Guan Shahuarong lost her face: "Let me go."

"Fu Yu, don't overdo it!" Guan Sha's suitor stopped.

Ming Shu grinned at the classmate: "Show you a more extreme."

Mingshu dragged Guan Sha is just over the shoulder.

Guan Sha was lying on the ground with her back on her back.

"Fu Yu, you stop!"

"Put the switch on Sha!"

"stop fighting……"


There was chaos in the classroom, and Tongye stood aside with black lines to prevent someone from opening the curtains.

Mingshu finished his fight, clapped his hands, walked back to his seat, took the milk and started drinking: "Little cute, welcome to challenge me next time."

Guan Sha was held up by her. Her hair was messy and her face was clean. She lowered her head and sobbed, concealing the identity of the victim.

"Fu Yu, you are too much. Guan Sha just pulled down the curtains, and you will make people like this. Do you still have a magic law?"

"The school must be taken seriously!"

"Beating for no reason, is Fu Yu sick?"

"Chu Yue is coming..."

There were also many students from other classes outside. At this time, a way was made, and Chu Yue's figure just appeared at the door.

He looked sideways.

There are already good people next to him, and he began to add oil and vinegar to tell him the incident.

Male students who like Guan Sha have also echoed, they are not Fu Yu's opponents, but Chu Yue is different!

He is a genuine boyfriend of Guan Sha, and will definitely help Guan Sha get justice.

Guan Sha also looked at Chu Yue with tears in her eyes.

"The more..."

However, Chu Yue just glanced and walked forward indifferently.

The onlookers were a little ignorant, what happened?

Seeing his girlfriend being bullied, why did she leave?

Guan Sha's eyes widened, she pushed the classmates out of the way and ran out pretendingly: "The more..."

Chu Yue stepped on his way, walking away from the channel where the crowd was giving way, and went upstairs.

Chu Yue originally wanted to find Liu Wanyue, but so many people watched below, Chu Yue gave up this plan, went to another class, and casually called a classmate named.

The named student was a little ignorant.

Chu Yue casually said a few words, then returned the same way and went downstairs.

"Chu Yue!" Guan Sha pulled his arm: "What's wrong with you? Why ignore me?"

Chu Yue's expression drew back his arm indifferently: "Student Guan Sha, our relationship is over."

Guan Sha froze in place.

"No... the more we are, why should we end?" Guan Sha stopped Chu Yue: "I disagree."

Guan Sha saw the indifference in Chu Yue's eyes, it was his look at the stranger's eyes, her heart panicked.

He was like this when she first approached him.

Is she easy...

Chu Yue thin lips lightly opened: "Risa Durant."

Guan Sha is like a thunderbolt, doesn't he say you believe in yourself?


Looking around or curiously investigating, or taunting the sight of the drama fell on her, Guan Sha only felt like a joke that was being displayed by the crowd.

"Senior Senior Su Mian."

Su Mian was frightened by the battle in the corridor, and stood in the distance for a while, because Chu Yue was ready to leave, and they gave way before they found him.

"Su Mian Senior..."

"What's the wind today, why did both school grasses come?"

"Isn't that our luck?"

Su Mian and Chu Yue are not very familiar, although they are one level, but there are not many intersections.

The box last time was probably they stayed in such a close place for the first time in school for so long.

"What's the matter, the class will start immediately, what are you doing here?" The teacher's angry voice came over: "Some students say you are fighting? Can you bear it!!!"

The teacher ran upstairs and saw Su Mian a slight pause.

The high school classroom is not here...

But when I thought about it, Su Mian seemed to be from the student union, maybe I heard the movement here.

The teacher withdrew his eyes and looked into the crowd: "Who are the people fighting?"

The students dispersed, and Guan Sha and Chu Yue were very conspicuous.

"Guan Sha? Chu Yue?" Guan Sha is the school's school flower, Chu Yue is the school grass, all are famous people, where did the teacher not know.


How can there be a fight between school flowers and school grass?

"It was Fu Yu who beat Guan Sha."

As soon as the teacher heard Fu Yu's name, the doubt was swept away.

Fu Yu was not surprised at all.

The teacher looked away: "What about Fu Yu?"

The students pointed at the classroom in full.

The teacher walked through the crowd, walked to the door of the classroom, and looked inside.

Ming Shu was sitting on the desk, holding a carton of milk, and Tong Ye was standing next to her. He said something to her sideways. She nodded vigorously, looking very clever.

When the teacher saw this problem, the student got angry: "Fu Yu, you come out."

Ming Shu had no image of her legs and drank rations. The teacher told her to go out. She was also obedient. Her long legs stepped on the chair next to her.

"Why fight?" The teacher looked down, looking at the problem student in front of the school uniform that was very unqualified.

"Teacher is not a fight, it is Fu Yu's unilateral beating." Teacher Xu was here, some people supported her, and some students complained directly.

Fighting and beating people are two different things.

The teacher's face was deeper: "Why hit someone?"

Ming Shu leaned his head and a strand of hair fell to his shoulders: "She disturbed me to sleep."


"Do you disturb you when you sleep?"

"Teacher, I'm upset." Mingshu blindly edited: "I don't control it when it breaks out."

The teacher looked at the neurotic expression on his face: "You are justified in beating?"

Such students should not be admitted to their school.

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