Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1117: Rose Ban Song (27)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Mingshu looked at Guan Liu's crescent moon's cage, then smiled at the host: "Dare you dare to move my little snack? Who gives you the courage?"

The rest of them came to Cecil. Suddenly a big guy came to the man, and everyone was shocked.

Small snacks?

This human is hers?

The host looked at Mingshu and Liu Wanyue, weakly defending: "This...this person is...someone sent it."

"Oh, who sent it?"

The host stuttered and sweated: "I...I don't know, the other party didn't show up."

"Don't dare to take it if you don't know where it came from, you have a big heart." Mingshu released Su Mian and opened the cage in front of the host.

Even though there were blood races around him, Su Mian stood frankly, and did not appear to panic because Mingshu was not there.

He stared at Liu Wanyue in the cage, squinting and squinting.

What should I do if a girl digs in the corner?

Killed or killed!

The host wanted to stop it, but why did the pair of smiley eyes on Mingshu immediately admit.

Ming Shu brought Liu Wanyue out, Liu Wanyue's body was soft, and his face was pale, and he staggered out of the prison cage biting his lips.

The smell on her gradually calmed her panicked, overwhelmed heart.

"Bring the chair."


The big brother wants a chair, the host does not execute, there will be a blood race next to the executive.

Ming Shu asked Liu Wanyue to sit down and then asked her with a smile: "Who sent you here?"

Liu Wanyue gathered all the eyes at this time, including Cecil who was still in the cage.

Liu Wanyue squeezed her fingers nervously: "I...I'm not sure."

"It doesn't matter, whoever you think is who you say." Mingshu whispered: "If you hit the wrong person, you won't be held responsible."

Liu Wanyue's eyes widened slightly, not to speak nonsense.

"Is it Guansha?"

Liu Wanyue shook his body, his expression was as white as gray, and there was panic in his eyes.

"I knew it was her." Mingshu looked at Andrew: "Prince Andrew, last time you told your daughter to be safe. Why didn't you listen?"

Andrew bears a head full of question marks: "What's the matter with Reisha?"

"Oh, didn't I tell you?" Ming Ju laughed: "Your daughter recognized others as parents in the human world."

Andrew: "..."

"What are you talking nonsense!!!" Andrew angered: "My daughter needs to recognize others as parents?"

"Then I don't know. Let's see what happened to the misfortune of my other daughter." Mingshu leaned his chair and tilted his head: "You said, did she particularly dislike your father, so she wanted to be someone else's daughter? ?"


Andrew was furious.

How could his daughter not like him?

"No one believes the truth." I always tell the truth that no one believes. It may be a physical problem, hey, sad.

[...Host, you never thought about it, is it your own problem? 】

What's wrong with me?

[...No problem, the host is very powerful, the host is cheering! Optimistic about you! 】

Mingshu: "..."

Don’t use the sound of a flat tablet to sell cuteness, can’t you just be cute? Goose bumps are all up.



"Fu Yu, what are you doing!"

"Stop her!"

Suddenly there was chaos on the stage, and Mingshu attacked Andrew without warning.

Andrew responded quickly, breaking away from Mingshu for the first time.

Gain retired consciously, letting the stage out.

The blood race brought by Andrew seemed to want to catch Su Mian, but Mingshu only glanced at it, and then he focused on dealing with Andrew.

The man behind Su Mian watched nervously as several blood races came around him. He looked at the cage in the middle of the stage. Cecil grabbed the iron railing and looked at him nervously.

So confused, just to save her.

The man looks at Su Mian, this boy looks very weak, so many blood...

The blood clan called Fu Yu should not let him go. He came here to save Cecil.

"Oh shit."

The man yelled, but rushed to Su Mian and slammed the first blood clan with sharp teeth.

Su Mian was surprised.

The man shook his hand, he opened the black piano case, and he quickly took out two guns from inside, facing the blood clan next to him.

The blood race was hit, and the smoke disappeared instantly.

Su Mian got a gun in his hand. The man asked if he would shoot. Su Mian nodded and practiced shooting, but...

It should be different from a real gun, right?

Not to mention this is still a gun against the blood.

Su Mian fired with a gun for two seconds, and was hit by a man before he recovered. He quickly glanced at the man's posture to shoot and master the essentials.


The two cooperated well, and the blood races around them were almost brought down.

The beast paralyzed on the edge, turned over and continued to paralyze, it is not needed anyway.

Ugly blame the two-legged beast it doesn't want to protect.

I knew to compete with it!


"Don't come here." Mingshu held Andrew, and the blood-blood of the hands suddenly dreaded.

The blood siege of Su Mian and the men also stopped.

"Fu Yu, have you thought about the consequences of my right against me?" Andrew was angry, but still calm, intending to talk about family effects with Ming Shu.

"What is the consequence, is it delicious?"

"..." Andrew took a deep breath, exhaled, and took a deep breath again: "Even if you kill me, you will be hunted down by the entire Andrew family. You will live in the hunt in the future, do you think it's a good deal?"

Mingshu chuckled: "You Durant family didn't want to rebel? I don't want to give it a little help, how can I be hunted down."

Andrew: "..."

Andrew's threat was ineffective, and he blew himself up.

"Don't be afraid, I don't want to do anything to you." Mingshu's clear voice spread throughout the stage: "I just want to have a meeting with your daughter."

Andrew's eyes burst into anger: "What do you want to do with Reza?"

Mingshu turned his head: "She moved my little snack, what do you say?"

Andrew looked at Liu Wanyue, who was pale.

"You said she was sent by Reisha, that's what Reisha did, what about the evidence?"

"No need."


Ming Shu's smile deepened, and his eyes seemed to have countless waves, shining brightly: "I said yes, that is."

Andrew shivered angrily: "You..."

Mingshu looked at the audience: "Risa, if you don't come out again, I'll do it to your father."

Andrew followed, and the blood in the audience looked around, but no one stood up.

"How could Reza be here...ah..."

Andrew screamed, and he was half short, because he was dragged by Mingshu before he fell to the ground.

"Fu Yu, you stop!"

In the back of the auditorium, a whisper sounded, and Reza pulled up her hood and stood up.


Andrew did not expect that his daughter was really there, his face full of doubts.

Reza walked onto the stage from the auditorium, her beautiful eyes glared: "Fu Yu, let go of my father."

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