Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1122: Rose Ban Song (32)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

On the third day after the news of Reisha's disappearance, Gaine died, and the suspect was still Mingshu.

The plot is following the original trajectory.

But before that, Reisha did not disappear...

Tongye told Mingshu not to go out to sway recently, now the blood clan is looking for her everywhere.

Tongye expressed doubts about these two things: "Isn't it really you?"

Mingshu held the ration: "There is something wrong."

Tongye's mouth twitched: "Will you move to my place first? They will find you here, sooner or later."

Mingshu tilted his legs, very careless attitude: "How to find, can you kill me?"

Tong Yedao: "That's not necessary, just in case."

Mingshu smiled at Tongye: "Then they will be very happy."

Tongye: "?????"

It’s fun to kill you?

Tongye couldn't understand the difference, and could only walk away in disappointment: "I will contact you again when I have news, you must not go out and shake."

"I think you should find someone."

Tongye rolled his eyes: "While you are exhausted, you still have to find someone. I can't think about it. Drink less and be careful of food poisoning."

Mingshu: "..."

Not long after Tongye left, Su Mian returned.

Su Mian put down her schoolbag and hugged Mingshu in the past: "Do you miss me?"

"...I saw it at noon, what do you think?"

"It's not like seeing the third autumn in one day." Su Mianqin's neck was on his side, and his kiss was warm, falling on her cool skin: "I miss you so much."

Obviously it is the simplest and most straightforward word, but every time I hear it, I still can't help softening my heart.

Mingshu coughed and pushed Su Mian's head away: "Have you finished your homework?"

Su Mian held Mingshu's fingertips, and her tongue swept across her fingertips: "My homework is you."

Mingshu: "..." The little goblin is incredible.

Su Mian had enough trouble, biting her lips and asked softly, "Are you hungry?"

Ming Shu made a loud noise.

Su Mian exposed his neck, Mingshu swallowed, his eyes slightly shining, and he took the initiative to hug his neck.

Su Mian is actually a bit helpless, that is, at this time, she can take the initiative.

The teeth pierced into the skin, and the chill of that moment made Su Mian tremble slightly.

Thick curtains blocked the light in the room, Su Mian's body gradually became hot, and Ming Shu's originally messy clothes were stripped by Su Mian one by one.


Su Mian gave a slight meal: "Don't be afraid, don't hurt."

Mingshu bit hard, Su Mian hissed with pain: "Do you feel pain?"

Su Mian grievances: "I'm light."

"get out."

"I'm uncomfortable……"

"How do you... Su Mian!!!"


Su Mian got a hooligan, but Mingshu kicked him down afterwards.

Su Miansi was lifeless, lying on the sofa and grinning: "Is my homework well?"

Mingshu covered the thin blanket, pulled a strand of hair away from the corner of his mouth, and looked sideways at Su Mian: "Just nine points."

Su Mian raised an eyebrow: "Do you like it?"

Mingshu grinned slowly at the corner of his mouth.

Su Mian's heart suddenly had a bad hunch.

She said: "Out of a hundred."

Su Mian: "..."

Su Mian's expression changed, and finally got up, picked up his clothes and went to the bathroom. When he entered the bathroom, he turned back: "Fu Yu, we will come to Japan to grow."

Wait for him!


Into the night.

The neon lights are still there, and the hustle and bustle of the city has stopped.

The road illuminated by the street lamp meanders into the distance, and finally hides in the darkness.

At this moment a group of people stood on the side of a vehicle passing by without a car, next to it was a car that was rolling over with smoke.

"Tongye, where is Fu Yu?"

Tong Ye was pressed by two blood clan, half kneeling on the ground, standing before him was no one else, it was the red-haired Hogan of Angel Song.

Hogan Gain.

Tongye looked up and mocked: "Do you think I will tell you?"

Hogan kicked Tong Ye's chest, Tong Ye leaned back, and was pressed back by the two blood races in sequence.

Hogan grabbed Tong Ye's hair and pulled back fiercely: "Fu Yu dares to kill my father, where is she?"

"I do not know."

"court death."

Huo Genchi's eyes were red, and he punched the soles of Tongye.

"Say it? Where is that **** Fu Yu?"

"Tell me, where is Fu Yu?"

Tongye grabbed the ground, taunted, and endured Hogan's violence without saying a word.

"Damn it." Hogan stopped, grabbed Tong Ye's clothes, dragged him up, and reached out to search him.

Tong Ye raised his hand and wiped his face: "Don't try it in vain. When I was chased by you, I destroyed the phone."

Hogan threw Tong Ye on the ground fiercely: "Do you like to treat her like a dog?"

Tongye twisted his face, unwilling to look at Hogan.

Hogan vented like a blow, adding another blow to Tongye. He was tired, and he let the neighbors fight.

Hogan waved his hands to stop them: "You're quite righteous, I want to see, when can you be stubborn."

Hogan bent over and grabbed Tong Ye's chin, still ridiculed at Tong Ye's eyes. He was furious and said fiercely: "I will surely avenge my feathers and avenge my father. When the time comes, I will Let you look at it and see for yourself how she died."

"Take away." He shook his hand and Tong Ye collapsed on the ground.

"Hehe." Tong Ye's fingers pressed by his body quickly scratched the ground a few times.


At 3:30 in the morning, a car came from a distance and parked where it was overturned.

Mingshu pushed the car door down, and the location on the phone showed that it was here.

She looked around and found the rollover car not far away.

Find the mobile phone under the seat from the car, and stay on the interface to send the positioning. Except for the positioning, there is only one rescue word. Obviously the owner only has time to send the positioning, and the rest has no time to call.

Su Mian photographed the car with a flashlight: "Is this Tongye's car?"

Ming Shu gave a cry.

"Who will tie him?"

Mingshu also wanted to know about this problem.

Who will tie him?

Everyone knows that Tongye is mixed with her.

Ming Shu took the flashlight from Su Mian's hand and took photos around the car, but found nothing useful. Re-enter the road, the light range of the flashlight is not large, Mingshu swept across the road, and finally stopped in the place stained with dirt.

Dark red after blood clotting.

It's a bit like a symbol, but it's also formed randomly.

"what is this?"


Su Mian looked at the ground blurry and wondered what the symbol was. How did she recognize it?

Gain is dead, but the blood clan thinks she killed Gain, so the kidnapping of Tongye is...

Who is Gain's son? ?

Mingshu pulled Su Mian back into the car. She opened the unused pirated WeChat and looked at the circle of friends.

The blood circle of friends is in fact no different from ordinary people, but it discusses the more terrifying problem of the freshness and freshness of the blood we drink today.

Mingshu slipped all the way, and finally stopped at a conspicuous red hair photo.

Hogan Gain.

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