Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1124: Rose Ban Song (34)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

The blood races below the Salvation Society are single-line connections, but the blood races above are definitely not single-line connections. They must have a place to serve as the old nest.

Chu Yue said that they checked a lot of places, but no results.

"One person may know."

Mingshu looked at Chu Yue.


Chu Yue took Mingshu back to where he lived. As a male host, of course he lived in an ancient castle... nominally an ancient castle. In fact, it should be regarded as a manor.

Of course, all are rich representatives, and there is no substantial difference.

"the host."

They were greeted by the meticulous butler with their hair combed.

Chu Yue's vast manor seems to have only such a housekeeper.

"What about Yingxiu?"

"Should I fall asleep, do I need to call Mr. Ying?"


The butler stooped and retreated.

"Sit casually." Chu Yue pointed to the sofa in the living room and handed Mingshu a box of rations: "Do you want Su Mian to drink?"

Su Mian maintains good etiquette: "It's okay."

Chu Yue nodded and turned to take the red wine next to him.

"Mr. Chu, are you looking for me?"

The man came with the housekeeper, probably just getting up, still wearing pajamas, with a messy hair, sleepy eyes.

"It's you!"

Chu Yue hadn't spoken yet. The man was refreshed and stepped into the living room quickly: "Miss Fu Yu, I always wanted to find a chance to thank you for the last thing."

Mingshu bit the straw: "Who are you?"

Ying Xiu: "..."

"Me." Ying Xiu blocked his head with his hands, only showing his eyes: "I was in the auction field before, you brought me in."

Mingshu suddenly said: "People rely on clothes and horses and saddles, and they look pretty like a dog."

Ying Xiu: "..." Are you boasting or cursing!

Chu Yue asked Yingxiu to sit down: "His name is Yingxiu. You have seen them before, so I will not introduce them."

Chu Yue said that he met them the next day and rescued them in an accident.

The specific Chu Yue also elaborated, but let the male lead bring people back, they must be useful.

"All right, don't beep, Tong Ye's body will be cold for a while." Mingshu looked at Ying Xiu: "Do you know where the salvation church's old nest is?"

Ying Xiu froze over there.

He looked at Chu Yue, and after a moment he looked away, "I don't know."

Mingshu stared at me, grabbing my snack, and still playing with me? ! Don't think you are a male host, I dare not treat you!

Chu Yue motioned Mingshu to continue listening.

Ying Xiu struggled for a moment, seemingly difficult to say: "Cecile... she knows, but she may not say."


Ying Xiu smiled bitterly: "Cecile...the one you like, there."

Mingshu raised her eyebrows slightly, she thought Yingxiu and Cecil were a pair.

Ying Xiu's voice was very low: "If I can, I also want to destroy the place like the Salvation Society, but I can't, I dare not..."

The weight of Ming Shu's shoulder suddenly changed, and she reached out to catch Su Mian and let him lie down and sleep on his lap. Su Mian woke up and stared blankly at Ming Shu.

"It's okay, sleep."

"I..." Su Mian struggled to remember.

"Sleep." Mingshu pressed him, Su Mian gave up struggling after a while, and buried his face in Mingshu's arms.

They don't need to sleep, but Su Mian needs.

Chu Yue pointed upstairs, Mingshu shook her head, she was not assured to put Su Mian alone in a strange place.

Cover Su Mian with a blanket and signal Ying Xiu to continue.

Ying Xiu looked at Su Mian with envy.

"I have never seen the person whom Cecil likes. It seems to be the blood family that raised her, but something happened. Cecil left from that person, but has been chased and killed, and then I met her. ."

Ying Xiu omitted the details of his relationship with Cecil, only saying that Cecil was very resistant to him at first. After all, he is a human being and she is a blood race.

But Cecil's common sense is very low, in a world full of humans, there is no way to live on his own.

In the end, they had to rely on Ying Xiu, and they avoided chasing and killing each other.

Before meeting Cecil, Yingxiu was just an office worker who had just graduated and found a good job under the operation of the family, preparing to follow the steps.

He learned all his skills only after meeting Cecil.

"How long have you met Cecil?"

Ying Xiu wiped her face, and her eyes were full of vicissitudes: "Ten years. I and Cecil left here a long time ago. But not long ago, Cecil suddenly came back. What can I do... I only Can accompany her back."

Mingshu raised an eyebrow: "So Cecil is the Salvation Society?"

"The person whom Cecil likes... should have a high status in the Salvation Society." Ying Xiu paused. "I also heard a few words from her about the Salvation Society."

"Can I see Cecil?"

"She won't tell you." Ying Xiu didn't refuse Mingshu's request, but the sentence was very firm.

He had been with her for ten years and knew her feelings for that blood family.

He also had selfishness, and sometimes the person in her heart just wanted to disappear, but Cecil was sad... he didn't know what to do.

Because in the early morning, Mingshu did not immediately go to see Cecil.

Yingxiu told them that he would bring Cecil over tomorrow morning.

Tongye was taken away by the blood of the Salvation Society and should be used to threaten her. Since that is the case, Tongye will not be in danger for the time being.

She couldn't find the home of the Salvation Society now. The only one who knew, probably wouldn't say... so it's useless even in a hurry.

Waiting for Yingxiu to leave, Chu Yue put down the cup in his hand: "The blood race mentioned Su Mian before, what's the matter?"

"I don't know." Ming Shu lowered his eyes, and his eyes fell on the half face exposed by Su Mian: "But who dares to hit his mind, I don't mind doing anything that names the history."

"You really like him."

Mingshu smiled and did not answer Chu Yue.

The two sat like this until Chen Guangxiwei.

After seven, Chu Yue got up to call.

"Say hello to the snack."

Chu Yue: "..."


At around eight o'clock, Yingxiu brought Cecil. Cecil looked more beautiful than when he was in the cage, exquisitely like a doll, the type that people would like at a glance.

As Ying Xiu said, Cecil said nothing about the location of the Salvation Society.

If this is an enemy, it will be tried without saying anything.

Not at all.

Mingshu can only expect Cecil to provoke himself, but Cecil maintains a very decent etiquette from beginning to end, gentle and elegant, and does not even show a little impoliteness in one eye.

"Su Mian, you said I'd beat her up, would it work?" Ming Shu leaned on Su Mian and beeped softly.

"Who hit?" Su Mian looked at the two people opposite.


"Who do you want me to stop?"

Su Mian's little helper said she would be happy to help her.



Ahhhhhh! Monday!


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