Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1135: The boss meets (3)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Yan Xue received a cross-eyed text message and was eating with Yu Ting. She was a little strange. She said, don’t contact her if it’s fine.

Texting her at this time, what happened?

Yan Xue made an excuse to go to the bathroom and click on the text message.

The first thing I saw was a note of dragon and phoenix.

The first line is a 100,000 receipt,

The second row reads her name—Yan Xue, I know it’s you, I look forward to seeing you, and I will love you well.

[Miss Yan, she seems to know that this is what she asked us to pass on to you. 】

Yan Xue squinted, how could she know?


Is this group of people betray themselves?

Because it was just finding fault, Yan Xue did not think so much at the time, so she found someone...

Yan Xue looked at the pictures on the screen of her mobile phone, and her fingertips began to blush because of her hard work.

Is she provoking herself?


Qiao Qi’s bar is called ‘Qi Yun’, using the names of Qiao Qi and Qiao Yun.

Qiyun Bar's turnover of seven or eighty thousand a day can't be compared with those casually nightclubs with hundreds of thousands of turnover, but it is much stronger than ordinary ones.

Qiao Qi opened it when she was in college, because it was her sister's wish to open a bar like this.

If you can have such a bar in such a place, the Qiao family will not be an ordinary person.

Mingshu returned to Qiao's house carrying the packed crayfish. It was already late at night, and the living room was still lit. As soon as she entered, she heard a full voice.

"Xiao Qi is back."

"Dad." Ming Shu called out.

"What is the taste?"


"Exactly, I am hungry too, take it and eat together." The middle-aged man on the sofa pushed his glasses and greeted Mingshu to share in the past.

Mingshu: "..."

Don't want to share.

Finally, she and Qiao Cheng sat on the floor in the living room and shared the crayfish. Qiao Cheng also had a beer.

Qiao Cheng peeled the crayfish very quickly, and could still take the time to speak to Mingshu: "How is the business recently? How come back so early today?"

Ming Shu watched as the crayfish decreased, and speeded up: "Just like that, someone in the bar is watching."

Father Qiao nodded: "Hey, I know you are for Xiao Yun, but your sister has been there for so many years, you should also let go, and the Qiao family will have to rely on you..."

"We can hire a son-in-law." The goblin must be happy.

Qiao Cheng looked at Ming Shu and saw that the crayfish was about to disappear. He quickly shot and grabbed one. After three or two, he got the meat behind, and then the next one.

the last one.

Mingshu and Qiaocheng glanced at each other, and at the same time extended their evil claws to the innocent crayfish.

Mingshu grabbed his head, Qiao Cheng grabbed his tail.

"Xiao Qi! I am your father."

"Dad! I am your daughter."

The two secretly worked hard.

"What are you two eating!"

Qiao Cheng's tiger body shook and froze in place. When Mingshu pulled hard, the crayfish was dragged away by her and quickly eaten.

"Wife, my daughter has to ask me to eat crayfish, but it's hard to be kind." Qiao Cheng quickly hid the beer to Mingshu.

Cui Yuhui, Ming Shu and Qiao Cheng glanced: "You eat this kind of food at night, you don't want it anymore."

Qiao Cheng echoed again and again: "Yes, yes, I must seriously criticize Xiaoqi. Xiaoqi, don't eat this kind of food again in the future, it's bad for you, did you hear?"

Mingshu: "..." Daddy!

Mingshu was depressed and educated, and was ordered by Cui Yuhui not to eat this kind of food again, and was caught upstairs.

Qiao Cheng quietly stuffed Mingshu with two small cakes the next morning. It was very pocket-sized, and Mingshu could eat two in one bite.

"Don't let your mother see it, otherwise you have to scold us."

After Qiao Cheng finished speaking, he burst out of the gate like a gust of wind and got on the bus to the company.

"Your dad is gone?" Cui Yuhui came out of the kitchen: "Why is my cake missing six? Did he take it away?"

While holding the cake, Ming Shu quietly put it back and nodded heavily: "Well."

After taking six, she divided her two!

"This old Joe! This is what I have to do to hand in my homework..." Cui Yuhui said a few words: "Xiao Qi, don't you sleep a lot?"


Cui Yuhui hurriedly said: "Then you go to wash and I will get breakfast with juice."

Cui Yuhui also had a job two years ago, but Qiao Cheng's health was getting worse and worse. Cui Yuhui resigned at home and enrolled in various health interest classes to adjust Qiao Cheng's body.

Together with the little pity of the original owner, we should also start to keep in good health.

Cui Yuhui went out after breakfast, Mingshu returned to the upper floor, she stood in the door of her room for a moment, and turned to the next room.

This room is Qiao Yun.

The decoration inside is the same as when Qiao Yun left, Cui Yuhui will clean it regularly,

Qiao Yun has been dead for nearly four years. Where is he going to catch the murderer for so long?


Because the bar was smashed a lot of things, Mingshu went shopping again this afternoon.

Once this was done, there was no business today, and Mingshu had to inform them to continue the wave.

Watching the workers settle down, Mingshu locked the door and left.

At this time, it was already night, the whole street was blazing brightly, and people in twos and threes went into different places to have fun together, dreaming of death.

Mingshu looked at the magnificent light board on the opposite side.

When I have money——

Buy snacks.

"Are you from this bar?"

A cold voice rang from the side. Mingshu turned and saw a tall, thin boy with a guitar on his back, standing sideways, with light and shadow hitting half of his face and half hidden in the shadow.

The whole portrait is divided into light and dark.

Mingshu glanced back at the closed Qiyun Bar: "Yeah, are you okay?"

The boy seemed to glance at her and said unpleasantly, "You are not recruiting singers, call me here today."

None of these things was the responsibility of Ming Shu, she asked in the workgroup. Someone answered yes, it was originally an appointment today, but something happened to the bar... forget this.

Mingshu put away his mobile phone: "It's closed today, and someone will notify you when it's open."

The boy didn't say anything. He turned and walked away. He walked very fast, and his almost blinking kung fu disappeared into the light.

Mingshu pulled the corner of his mouth and left.

Crayfish, here I come!

However, Mingshu didn't have time to spoil the crayfish. Cui Yuhui called and asked her to go to a reception.

What is the best place to participate in the cocktail party?

If she did not go, Ms. Cui Yuhui estimated that she would not cook for three days, and that she would not give her meals.

The memory of the original owner was impressive.

It's a nightmare.

Mr. Qiao Cheng is very sympathetic.

Ms. Cui Yuhui's cooking is still very delicious, long-term meal tickets can not offend.

Anyway, there are also food at the reception...

Mingshu fart fart away.

But when she arrived, she knew she was naive.

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