Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1139: The boss meets (7)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Shocking band?

What a great music it is to surprise the sky.

If it is not the face value of the lead singer, it is estimated that some people have begun to scold.

People are always very forgiving of what looks beautiful.

But when the current performance sounded, everyone was shocked, and the boy's voice was very penetrating.

Mingshu heard a few words in the bar that got up.

"My world is at a loss, there is nowhere to be avoided.

Your world is too far away. "

The boy stood on the stage, and Mingshu couldn't see how much he loved music, but the love he showed between his expressions could infect everyone.

Oh shit!

This is a drama.

At the end of the song, the unsatisfied crowd shouted for another song.

It may be so respected by the audience below, the boy wanted to leave, was pulled back by someone, and was forced to continue.

"What's his name?" Ming Shu asked Manager Cai next to him.

Manager Cai looked at the stage with glowing eyes: "Yu Jing. If they make a debut, they will definitely be in flames. This is the value, this singing..."

"Bath towel?" What a curious name?

"Full depression, shocking."

"Yu..." Mingshu thoughtfully touched the fruit beside him.

Manager Cai quickly walked away: "Boss, this is someone else's order."

Mingshu: "..."

Am I not the boss?

Can't I eat a fruit?

Manager Cai hurried people to deliver it to the guests. The boss did not know what happened recently, and she didn’t sell as much as she ate.

They had just set the plate, and hadn't had time to send it, it was gone!

Now they dare not send things to her.

Mingshu looked at the thieves and guarded her all, silently leaving the bar.

She walked to the edge of the stage, the Jingjing band just came down, Yu Jing jumped right in front of Mingshu, the mask had been taken off.

His expression was a little weird, as if he saw a virus, he quickly drove a mile away.

Mingshu: "..." What did she see hiding?

The young man who jumped down with Yu Jing surprised: "Hey, it's you. Are you playing here? Have you seen our performance just now, is it explosive? Yes, yes. This is our lead singer. Isn't it handsome? ..."

Two cylinders and two other youths came down one after another.

A total of five people.

"Little beauty, meet again."

"Do you often come to play in the future? We may be here for a while..."

"Stupid." Yu Jing scolded beside her: "She's from the bar, have you all been roasted to eat?"


Everyone is a bit ignorant, so beautiful young lady turned out to be a bar person?

Yu Jing held his guitar, disregarding the shouting of his companions, and instantly recovered his cold appearance, watching the audience leave around.

"He..." Mingshu pointed to his head: "Is it fine?"

Peng Pai shook his head and denied, "No."

When did their boss elaborate?

Did Miss Sister misunderstand?

Ming Shu was undecided and turned back to the bar. Manager Cai pulled Yu Jing and talked about something on the other side.

"Today you drink is my request." Manager Cai said this when Peng Pai came over.

"Thank you Manager Cai."


The young people quickly started to play together.

"Sister Qi, can you stop me from doing things?" The bartender is very helpless. Sister Qi has been busy recently!

"That's not wide enough for you to play?"

The bartender aggrieved: "You are here, my hands are shaking."

Ming Shu began his speech: "Man, just to stand the storm and bear the pressure..."

Bartender: "..."

After Ming Shu's speech, he dropped a plate of fruit.

Bartender: "..."

Mingshu moved to the other side, poured a glass of wine, and pushed to the boy sitting outside.

Yu Jing looked up at her, and then lowered her head: "Yin soul is not gone."

"I heard it."

Yu Jing didn't care, and the tone was very aggressive: "What happens when I hear it."

Where is the fan of the former cold male god, now it is just a little bastard.

The kind that wants people to beat him.

Before Yu Jing continued to die, Peng Pai came to speak with Ming Shu and successfully rescued his boss.


The video of the shocking band was posted online, and it quickly swept through the circle of major friends.

The stunned face value and talent make the business of the bar instantly recover, even better than before.

Thrilling Band does not come to the bar every day, after all, there are other programs in the bar besides them.

But every time you come, it must be the most popular.

Ming Shu found that Yu Jing was really very precise. When there were many people, he was a tall and talented male god. As long as he came out, he would attack his group of younger brothers either by verbal attack or armed attack.

There was no good face in front of her.

Of course, they haven't said a few words. These days, they always step on the point, step on the point to leave, no matter how many fans can't keep him.

He really is single by virtue of his ability.

Had to serve.

"Sister Qi, someone is looking for you."


"I don't know, but he is very handsome." The little girl Chong Mingshu frowned, "Maybe it's Qi Qi's suitor."


"Box No. 8."

Mingshu held a bucket of popcorn in the past and went into the posture to see who he was without looking at his face.

Yu Ting.

The sound insulation of the box is good. When the door is closed, the whole world seems to be quiet.

Yu Jing looked up at the box and stood still.

"Boss, it's us immediately, what do you think?" Peng Pai in front urged him.

Yu Jing withdrew his eyes and followed Peng Pai to the front stage.

Peng Pai Xizi said: "Sister Qi is really good, and we will prepare clothes for us."

Yu Jing took the guitar hand and said, "Are you familiar with her?"

"Okay, you just leave after the show, I don't know most of Qi Qi is here. Boss, in fact, you can think about it, Qi Qi is very good."

"She's pretty good about me."

Peng Pai is very gossip: "Boss, don't you like Sister Qi?"

Yu Jing was impatient: "Why should I like her? Don't sing? Don't sing and I'm gone."

"Don't sing! Sing! Brothers, get dry!"

When Yu Jing turned around, she glanced in the direction of the box.

Just a woman, what's the point of attention.

Don't care.

Don't care.



Yu Jing took a deep breath and jumped onto the stage in cheers.


Box No. 8.

Mingshu took the popcorn and sat down: "Why are you looking for me?"

Yu Ting was sitting alone in the box, wearing only a shirt, one finger pointing at the jaw, and one hand tapping on the leg.

He raised his eyes to Mingshu, and the almost identical face of Qiao Yun made Yu Ting lose his mind for a moment.

He quickly recovered: "I heard that someone is making trouble here?"

Mingshu clicked and chewed the popcorn, and the air was full of the sweetness of popcorn.

Wen Yan, Ming Shu smiled: "Yeah, your Yan Xue is cute, do you want to beat her for me?"

How long ago was this news, and now I come to ask.

"Yan Xue?" Yu Ting frowned: "Did you make a mistake?"

Mingshu doesn't matter: "Oh, you think I made a mistake, that's why I made a mistake. You just have to be happy."

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