Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1144: The boss meets (12)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Long brothers, after a lot of battles, Liu Lei no matter how hard-mouthed, finally explained.

He was contacted by a man whose name is unknown, but Liu Lei secretly took a photo.

Brother Long showed the photo to Mingshu, because it was a bit sloppy. The photo was a bald man, wearing a vest, muscled arms, and messy tattoos.

Probably not tattooed, so I'm embarrassed to say that I'm mixed.

Brother Long asked himself to recognize it again, and no one knew who this man was.


Mingshu touched the phone, someone sent her a file and named her-"This is the Giant"

Ming Shu: "..." Even an intelligence officer is an elite.

The file contains information about all members of the Yu family.

Yu Jing, the old man of Yu Yu, ranked the youngest sixth.

The name is taken from the surprise, because the happy word is more female, so I was surprised.

Because this little six man was very favored, soon rumors spread.

It is said that this is the old man Yu was wearing a green hat.

But Grandpa Yu did not alienate Yu from surprise, but was more spoiled.

Yu Jing is also very arrogant, smart and talented.

Later, the shocked mother died in time because of a car accident.

Yu Jing was also in the car at that time. It was Yu Jing's mother who was guarding him before he survived.

Since Yu Jing's mother died, all her talents have disappeared.

Half a year ago, Yu Jing was diagnosed with bipolar disorder.

Grandpa Yu sent Yu Jing to go abroad for treatment. Since then, no information about Yu Jing has been found in China.

Grandpa Yu died two months ago, and now the Yu family looks calm on the surface. In fact, everyone wants to be this home.

It is amazing that Yu Jing and Yu Ting are separated by a generation. Yu Ting's father is Yu Jing's brother.

That is to say, Yu Ting had to call Yu Jing Liu Shu.

Although... Yu Jing's age is younger than Yu Ting.

Sure enough, it's a big show.

Ming Shu paused for a moment in Yu Jing's birth date, and slightly tickled the corner of his mouth.


Mingshu suspected that this matter had something to do with Yu Ting, Huyou Harmony helped to investigate the big man.

However, the result was unexpected. This matter has nothing to do with Yu Ting, and has something to do with Yu's Second Lord.

Depressed second brother.

That big man is the bodyguard of Er Yu.

Speaking of Yu Yu, this is also a famous person in the circle who can play. The boss is not small, and there are more tricks than young people.

If it weren’t for the Yu family, it’s impossible to figure out how much.

"Please ask Yu Eryu to come and sit, isn't it difficult?" Mingshu looked at Long Brother.

"It's not difficult, it's not difficult, Yu Er often comes to our casino." Long brother immediately packed the ticket: "I can't keep him from running, I must tie him over."

"Be polite."

"Yes, please, we must please."

Brother Long made a game at night, and invited Yu Eryu easily.

Mingshu did not show up, but asked Brother Long to ask him why he wanted to start with Yu Jing.

Yu Eryu only knows how to spend all day, and finally he wants to be smart, and he is caught.

Brother Long scared him casually and soon picked him up.

Yu Jing held a lot of shares in his hand, which were given by Yu Yu during his lifetime.

I shouldn't want Yu to be surprised, but just wanted him to worry about food and clothing.

Before he died, Yu Jing also sent Yu Jing out of the country deliberately to prevent him from getting involved in the battle. It can be said that the arrangement was very proper.

It's just that Yu Zhen somehow didn't leave.

Now those of the Yu family want to be the family of the Yu family. At this time, they rely on shares to speak.

The shares of each company are similar.

So the shares in Yu Jing's hands are particularly important...

Yu Erye did not want to kill Yu Jing, just wanted to catch him and let him surrender those shares.

"I really didn't want to kill him." Yu Eryu was pressed on the table and argued aloud: "I just let him kidnap him."

"But the fact is that Yu Xiaoliu was almost dead." Long Brother smoked a cigar and tilted his legs. At this time, Long Brother was very popular.

Liu Lei said it was terrible, and Yu Erye said it was just kidnapping.

Brother Long didn't know what to do now, so he called Mingshu.

"Sister Qi, this kid said he didn't do it, he just let him kidnap him."

"Oh, that's to say, there are still people interfering in it?"

"...This." Brother Long didn't dare say anything.

The giants are more complicated than their gangsters.

These people can make nine bends and eighteen bends.

"You ask him, where do you know Yu Jing is in China."

Brother Long covered his phone and turned back to ask Yu Eryu: "Where do you know Yu Jing is in China? Honestly!"

"I know from my bodyguard. He told me to see Yu Jing in the street."

Yu Eryu shouted: "Brother Dragon, what do you want? Is Yu Jing's wild species good for you? I will give you double, as long as you help me..."

"Call me." Brother Long suddenly waved.

You can hear the screams of Er Yu on the phone.

Mingshu sent some pictures to Brother Long, and told Yu Eryu to shut his mouth when he went back, otherwise they wouldn't know where they would be.

Also sent his bodyguard.


Yu Eryu was thrown outside the gate of Yu's house, his nose and face were swollen, and he limped to the Yu's mansion.

Oh shit.

Yu Jing that wild species...

Yu Eryu scolded badly in his heart, but he dared not say at all that the things in those people's hands were enough to destroy him.

"Second Uncle, are you?"

Yu Ting's car stopped beside Yu Yu.

Grandpa Yu blocked his face and laughed twice: "Yu Ting, did you come back so late?"

"The company has been busy recently." Yu Ting's eyes fell on Yu Er's body: "Second Uncle, why are you doing this?"

Grandpa Yu coughed: "It's okay, I drink too much, and I have a conflict with people."

Yu Ting did not know whether to believe it or not: "Then I will send the second uncle back?"

Yu Er refused: "No need."

Yu Ting didn't force him. He said a few words to Lord Yu, and the car drove a distance away. He told the assistant in front of him: "Go check how Uncle Er made this."


In the back, Yu Er watched Yu Ting's car disappear, and yelled, all riding horses are a group of wild species.

Dare to be awesome in front of his elders with a little skill, one is more hateful than the other!

Yu Eryu stumbled back to his cottage, a woman greeted: "How do you make it like this?"

Grandpa Yu cursed and scolded, and the Yu family scolded it all over. Even the dead Grandpa Yu was not spared, and finally asked, "Where is Wang Yong?"

"Aren't you with you?" The woman said: "Isn't he your bodyguard? How did you get this way, who hit you?"

Grandpa Yu pushed away the woman and shouted: "Call him and let him roll over for Lao Tzu."

The woman glanced at Yu Eryu and went to call.

"Sorry, the user you dialed is not in the service area..."

"Sorry, the user you dialed is not in the service area..."

The woman did this even a few times. She turned to Yu Yu, who was still scolding: "Not in the service area."

Yu Eryu agitated, the curse stopped.

The villa suddenly became quiet.


This plot is a bit of a headache, I don’t know if there is a logic problem, please point it out if there is any.


Guys, look at more than half of this month, don’t you really think about voting? !

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