Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1146: The boss meets (14)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

The shocking band once again swipes the screen in the circle of friends.

The boy playing the guitar in the middle of the stage seemed to bring his own halo, which made people unable to move his eyes.

The shocking band seldom sing their own songs, but every time they sing, they will definitely detonate the audience.

At the end of this game, Peng Pai was picked up by the agent and asked if they were ready for their debut.

Peng Pai was very excited, but unfortunately after the excitement, he refused.

He knew what it was for the Jingtian band to be popular today. When Yu Jing promised him to join, he made it clear that he would never make a debut.

If he violates this agreement, he will immediately withdraw.

The song was written by Yu Jing, and the lead singer was him. If he quit, the Jingtian band is still the unknown band.

Now they can make a lot of money.

Peng Pai thought, anyway, they have a decent job, and they can still play like this every night. This life is worth it... a fart!

"Ooo... I refused to be a superstar! Qiqi, can you imagine how much you want to slap yourself when I refused?" Peng Pai was lying on the bar and howling, everyone around could not bear it Stay sideways.

"Why do you refuse?"

Peng Pai continued to howl: "What can I do if I don't refuse? Even if I sign, the boss will not agree, then what use is it for me to sign."

Ming Shu laughed: "Your cognition is quite clear."

Peng Pai's gaze drifted over and Mingshu immediately poured him a glass of wine.

Mingshu looked at the time, ignoring Peng Pai's shouting, looking for a circle in the bar, and finally found Yu Jing in the corner of the deck.

A lot of wine was piled on the table in front of him, Yu Jinglan lazy leaned against the deck, the dim light hit him, plainly added a bit of mysterious temperament.

"Go away."

Xu Shi noticed that someone was approaching, Yu Jing lifted his eyes, and spikes appeared all over his body.

At this time, Mingshu felt like a cat with a hair.

People-more want to tease him.

Ming Shu flicked his leg beside him and sat down directly: "The whole bar is my place. Where do you want me to go?"

Yu Jing might be drunk. He sat up and propped up: "Your site... I'm going, I'm going..."

Mingshu pulled him back with a headache, and fell into Mingshu's arms with a shock, his face touching the soft place.

Yu Jing's body suddenly froze.

The confused thoughts were slightly rational.

This stepping horse... what's going on?

Will she hit him?


Yu swallowed, and decided to continue to be drunk, anyway, his head was dizzy.

However, he felt that Mingshu had embraced his waist and did not mean to beat him.

The deck in the corner seemed to be isolated at the moment, leaving only his chaotic breathing and Mingshu's normal heartbeat.

Yu Jing started to have sugar on his face, and the effect of alcohol made him more dizzy at this time.

What does she mean?

Her breath was near, and she was sweeping his cheek and fell to her ear: "Happy birthday."

"The following song was ordered by a friend for his girlfriend and I wish her a happy birthday."

The isolated space suddenly gathered voices from all directions, and a brain surged into Yu Jing's ears.

"Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to you

We are happy together

No matter who you are

From which country

Tall, skinny, and complexion






At first it was just people on the stage singing, followed by the group chorus below.

The surrounding light dimmed, the light struck a girl in the center, and the boyfriend pushed the cake over.

In the corner, Yu Jing was chin-chucked by Mingshu and kissed in the happy birthday.

Yu Jing's head exploded, bursting into countless fireworks, drowning him.

She had the sweetness of peach in her mouth, Yu Jing slightly tilted her head to meet him, and touched the tip of her tongue as if carrying an electric current, and her whole body became hot.

Yu Jing's eyes burst into tears: "What's crying?"

Probably due to the effect of alcohol, Yu Jing looks much more obedient.

"After she left...the first birthday." Yu Jing didn't cry, but her eyes were a little bit red: "Today is also her death day."

The woman in Yu Jing's mouth was his mother.

After her death, the man only remembered her day of abstinence, although the next day he will be compensated for the material...

The day she died was his birthday. She was going to take him to his birthday party, but...

Life is on the way.

Sometimes he thought, life is fragile.

Mingshu kissed the corner of his eyes: "Don't cry."

"I didn't cry..."

Mingshu followed the corner of his eyes on the bridge of his nose and finally landed on his lips.

This kiss is much more intense than the kiss that just tasted.

In the noisy environment, Yu Jing's mood was even more peaceful at this time, and all the uneasy factors for him disappeared at this moment.


Mingshu gave Peng Pai the unconsciousness of Yu Jing.

"Hey, how did the boss drink so much? Obviously, I refused to be a superstar. How did I get the same as the boss refused..." Peng Pai smelled the alcohol, and was very puzzled: "Isn't the boss saying that drinking hurts the body?" ?"

Peng Pai didn't understand his boss, and he clearly said: "Sister Qi, we're gone."

"Well." Mingshu contained a lollipop and leaned on the door to send them.

When they left, Mingshu returned to the bar. At this time, the bar was almost closed, and there were sporadic guests.

Mingshu went to a deck and handed over the prepared money: "Thanks."

It was the boyfriend who gave the cake before, and he did not count. He put it directly in his pocket: "If Sister Qi is where you are, you can help me with this trivial matter. But Sister Qi... You have had a birthday this year Kind of... Alternative?"

Mingshu bit the lollipop, looked down at the stage, took back his eyes, and smiled: "Today is mine."


Yu Jing woke up the next day with a headache and was wearing yesterday's clothes, all covered with alcohol.

How much did he drink?

Yu Jing sat up on the bed and felt a bit wrong for a while.

Last night, it seemed...

The picture kept flashing from Yu Jing's mind, and his complexion became a little bit strange.

Yu Jing stretched out his hand and touched his lower lip, his tongue curled around his lip, and it seemed to be still sweet.

She really kissed herself?


Yu Jing almost fell off the bed and rushed into the bathroom. Peng Pai, who was sleeping on the sofa, was awakened and rubbed his eyes to knock on the bathroom door: "Boss, what's wrong with you?"

"No...nothing." Yu Jing's panicked voice came from inside.

But Peng Pai's mind was not clear at this time, so he didn't pay attention, but instead explained: "Boss, it's not that I don't change clothes, you don't allow me to change."

What Peng Pai wanted to say, the sound of water rang in the bathroom.

Peng Pai's head was stuck on the door. He was too sleepy and didn't care. He was going back to sleep.

Just as his head turned around the door and was about to leave, his ear suddenly caught a little abnormal, and the sound of water seemed to be mixed with strange sounds.

Peng Pai's response was half a slow, and the tiger body shook for a long time.

He patted his face and muttered.

Did not wake up...

Keep sleeping……

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