Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1149: The boss meets (17)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Yu Jing hasn't appeared in a week.

Mingshu finally reacted a little. She grabbed Peng Pai who came to the bar and said, "What about your boss?"

"I don't know, I can't reach him."

"...Can't you contact him, don't you worry?"

Peng Pai scratched his head and didn't think there was a problem: "Uh... sometimes the boss will also disappear for so long, normal."

Mingshu: "..." normal ghost!

"Where does he live?"

Peng Pai said: "Most of the time we live with us, but sometimes we don't live with us. He hasn't come back recently."

"Where do you live when you don't live with you?"

Peng Pai shook his head: "I don't know."

Ming Shu: "..." If I had such a younger brother, I had to kill him. I didn't even know where my boss lived.

What Peng Pai thinks of is like: "The second cylinder should know that once, the second cylinder helped the boss deliver something, I asked Ha."

However, Ertong said that he was only delivered to a bus station, Yu Jing took it in the past, so he did not know where Yu Jing lived.

Mingshu: "..."

Mingshu walked out of the bar, touched his mobile phone, and opened WeChat.

Billion Bar Successor: Where?

Yu Jing: What are you doing with me?

Even the punctuation marks were not hit, and there was a killing air.

Mingshu shook, but continued to die.

Hundreds of millions of bar successors: According to the contract, you must have a performance once a week, otherwise it will be a breach of contract, and you need to pay a penalty. Do you have money?

Yu Jing: The contract stipulates that the band will find Peng Pai

Billion Bar Successor: ...

Billion Bar Successor: Where? Not to mention that you will not use it in the future!

Yu Jing's "reluctantly" returned to a location for a while.

Mingshu found an apartment according to the address, and the owner's consent was required to enter, but Yu Jing didn't tell her which household to live.

The security guard stopped Mingshu from allowing her to enter.

Mingshu sent a message to Yu Jing, and he did not return.

My little goblin is amazing.

In the end, Mingshu...over the wall.

There is nothing to be stumped as a villain! !

Then the question is coming--

Which house does Yu Jing live in?

Mingshu was a little annoyed, she patiently sent a message.

Billion Bar Successor: House number?

Yu Jing: 2-23-1

1 building on the 23rd floor of 2 buildings?

Mingshu found this community interesting, and the two buildings went to the end, the furthest from the main entrance, and she found it only after one turn.

Finally found the door, Mingshu knocked on the door.

It took about ten seconds for the door to be opened from inside.

Yu Jing stood at the entrance, wearing a T-shirt casually, her hair soaked, and she seemed to have just taken a shower, and her face was still blushing out of the steam.

Drops of water dripped from his hair tips, hit his collarbone, and rolled into his collar.

"What are you doing here?" Yu Jing exposed all his thorns.

Mingshu looked at him with a smile: "You don't want me to come, why tell me the house number?"

Yu Jing was about to close the door. The expression on his face was obviously ‘give you another chance to reorganize the language’.

Mingshu reached out to block it, and really reorganized the language: "I'll see if you hang up. As the boss, I can help contact the crematorium."


Mingshu finally entered the door in Yu Jing's rage.

Yu Jing and Ming Shu sat face to face on the sofa: "What are you doing with me?"

"Confirm that you are still alive."

"Confirmed?" Yu Jing twitched his lips: "I'm not dead, do you want to be disappointed?"


Yu Jing: "..." MMP.

"Now that the confirmation is complete, please leave...cough cough cough..." Yu Jing suddenly coughed while covering her mouth.

Mingshu looked up at him, and the blush on his face remained constant.

Mingshu got up and reached over his forehead, Yu Jing suddenly froze.

"Have a fever?"

Wet hair rubbed the back of the hand, and Mingshu's mouth twitched: "What about the hair dryer?"

The warm palm was still on his forehead, Yu Jing didn't have the energy to answer Ming Shu's question.

Ming Shu looked down at him, Yu Jing suddenly scolded: "Go fuck."

Mingshu tightened her wrists, Yu Jing pulled her into her arms very hard, his hot body embraced Mingshu: "I like you."

He tried to calm down, not to think about this strange feeling.

But when he saw the news from her, he was very uncontrolled.

As soon as she touched herself, her whole body became hot.

What he her.

Yu Jing's breath fell on Mingshu's ear, and it was extremely hot: "Qiao Qi, I like you."

Mingshu was silent for a while: "So, where is your hair dryer?"

Yu Jing: "..."

He is confessing! !

What the **** did you do!

Is it time to care about the hair dryer? !

After a minute.

Yu Jing sat on the sofa in a clever way, and Ming Shu took his hair dryer to blow his hair.

Her fingers passed through his soft hair, close to her scalp, and she swallowed hard in confusion.

The buzzing sound kept ringing in his ears, Yu Jing suddenly stretched out his hand to hold Mingshu's finger, but then released it in a panic next second, his hands folded on his lap, and he was sitting in danger.

Mingshu is inexplicable, and what nerves.

Mingshu dried his hair and put the hair dryer back to his place, Yu Jing coughed again.

"Is there medicine?"

Yu Jing may be a sequelae of confession. At this moment, he did not know how to speak, and raised his finger to the restaurant table.

Ming Shu looked at the usage of the medicine and poured good water into his hands.

When Yu Jing received the medicine, her fingertips touched the back of Ming Shu's hand, and the two posted for a moment, and Ming Shu moved away first.

"I just...what's your answer?" Yu Jing didn't take the medicine, but looked at Mingshu instead.

"What answer?" Ming Shu smiled: "I don't like you, what answer can I give you."

I didn't like your words, so Yu Jing shook his hand.

Yeah, if she likes herself, why doesn't she admit it when she kisses her?

He put all the medicine in his mouth and took a sip of water to swallow, but there was a piece of medicine stuck in his throat, the bitter taste spread, as if bitter to his heart.

"But, I don't like anyone, I can be with you."

"Cough cough cough..." Yu Jing who was drinking water was choked. Just now his throat was bitter, and now the tip of his tongue began to bitter.

But he couldn't take care of it and looked up to Mingshu: "What are you saying?"

Mingshu spread his hand: "Do not speak good words a second time."

Can be with him...that is, she promised him to confess?


She said she didn't like herself.

But it doesn't matter. How could someone like him not like it? She will like Laozi sooner or later.

The bitterness in Yu Jing's mouth seemed to start to sweeten now.

He put down the glass, stood up, and stared at Mingshu: "Did you kiss me that day?"

Ming Shu's serious denial: "You remembered the drunk wrongly."

Why can't you forget this?

Yu smiled: "I remember it wrong."

He suddenly reached out and hooked Mingshu's chin, and his lips pressed down. He pressed against Mingshu's lips, and for a while, he extended his tongue and touched Mingshu's lips. The soft touch made me want to touch and leave. Yu Jing, continue to deepen.



Ah no matter, I ask for a monthly pass.

Boom Boom! !

Monthly pass Monthly pass Monthly pass Monthly pass! !

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