Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1152: The boss meets (20)

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Yu Jing pushed open the door and came in again, smoothly locking the door.

After more than a month of contact, he hasn't made any progress yet, Yu Jing feels that he is holding back his male compatriots.

"I tell you something..."

Ming Shu was hugged by Yu Jing, and it was a kiss to meet. In this way, she had been experiencing it for half a month.

Experience effect...Excellent.

Waiting for Yu Jing to release her, Mingshu breathed slightly: "I'm going to Yu's house next week, will you go?"

Yu Jing bit her lips slowly, and heard her voice, a slight pause.

"You know..." He opened his lips: "You all know?"

Mingshu smiled.

Yu Jing knew from her expression that she knew everything.

"I'll tell you, it doesn't matter if you don't go." If you don't tell him, you may have something to do.

Yu Jing rested his chin on Mingshu's shoulder: "Must go?"

"I am a polite person."

That's about to go.

Yu Jing said for a long time: "I will go with you."

Yu Jing is not very willing to go to Yu's house.

He didn’t want to delve into the last car accident. He knew what it was for and what he could do, nothing more than his loved ones.

When he didn't meet Mingshu, he probably thought he would die.


There is nothing to be missed.

But now it is different.

There are people who make him nostalgic.

so good.

Yu Jing hugged for a while, until someone knocked on the door outside, Yu Jingmo rubbed reluctant to let go, Yu Guang aimed at Mingshu's white collarbone, and suddenly planted a strawberry in a position just below Mingshu's collarbone.

Mingshu looked at the mirror, and his clothes could only be covered, but the larger the movement, the more obvious it would appear.

"you really……"

Yu Jing walked out of the office and suddenly flew a kiss at the door: "This is a sign to prove that you are mine."

Mingshu: "..." Snake disease.

Yu Jing will still wear a mask when he comes to power. Ruan Xiaolian feels that his colleagues are right, they will burn as soon as they get on stage.

I heard that the Jingtian band only performed in Qiyun, and Qiyun's perfect entertainment. Now Qiyun is almost full. Manager Cai considers receiving a limited number of guests every day.

"Isn't the second tube coming again today?" Mingshu waited in shock at the stage. They came down and glanced behind Mingshu, not seeing the slightly shy boy.

"It seems that there is a big case." Peng Pai said: "It is estimated that this time will not come."

Before the second tube was occasionally absent, Mingshu was too lazy to ask, but it has been a few days in a row, such a situation is hard to see.


"Ah, haven't I told Sister Qi yet? The second tank is a policeman... but it's just a filmman. There is no big skill. I heard that there is a big case this time, and even these filmmen must be on standby."

"...The life of the police is so rich?"

"Sister Qi, who is not an individual, what to do in her spare time, as long as it does not violate the law and discipline, the king will not care."

"Leave." Yu Jing pulled Mingshu away.

What is there to talk about!

At that time, I didn’t know how to accompany Lao Tzu!


Behind is the coaxing of several people by Peng Pai.


Yu Ting's wedding was held in a hurry, but everyone who had notified the party informed that because Yu Yu's death didn't take long, so the wedding was not very grand, everything was simple, and the venue was at Yu's house.

Seeing the wedding photo at the door, no accident, Yan Xue.

Mingshu can only admire this.

"Xiao Qi." Qiao Cheng brought Cui Yuhui over, and their eyes stuck to Yu Jing, who was in formal attire: "Don't introduce me?"

Yu Jing had always been like this when he was abroad. When Mingshu once chatted with Peng Pai, he learned that they had encouraged him.

Because this can save him a lot of trouble, and more importantly, it's more important for young girls to like this. The more indifferent you are to me, the more I love you.

Mingshu said they cheated on the spot.

Peng Pai also argued with her that they were not cheating fans, they were images and packaging.

Ming Shu cast off the words of Peng Pai's image packaging: "Yu Jing, this is my dad, this is my mom."

Mingshu was very brief.

"Uncle, auntie is good." Yu Jinghao is also a rich man. Anyway, even a cold face is very polite.

This is mainly the daughter-in-law's parents. If you change to someone else, he may be really cold-faced.

"Yu..." Qiao Cheng and Cui Yuhui looked at each other, and they didn't know what information they exchanged at that moment, but when they spoke, it was very natural: "Well, did Xiao Qi trouble you?"


Qiao Cheng and Yu Jing chatted, Cui Yuhui dragged Ming Shu to the side: "Xiao Qi, is he Yu Yu's Yu Jing?"


Cui Yuhui's expression is a little weird: "Xiaoqi... I'm not against Ha, but... isn't he rumored to have bipolar disorder? Grandpa Yu sent him abroad for treatment..."

"Mom, he is not sick."

When Cui Yuhui glanced at Ming Shu, he might have made up something terrible: "Not sick..."

"Hey, you chose it yourself. My dad and I don't know what to say." Cui Yuhui took Ming Shu's hand and looked firm: "In the future, mom and dad will support you. The Qiao family is standing behind you, come on! "

Mingshu: What does "..." support? Not a mom, what the **** are you doing? How can it be like choosing a prince to take the throne?

After the two sides finished speaking, they went inside.

"Mr. Qiao, Mrs. Qiao, please... Six or six lords?" The housekeeper at the door saw Yu Jing's whole body was stunned. Why was Liu lord here?

Isn't he abroad?

The news that Yu Jing returned was like wings. It spread among the Yu family. Some people knew that he was in China, but it was surprising that he just returned.

Among them was Yu Eryu: "Who did he come back with?"

The person who sent the letter said: "The people of the Qiao family seem to be Qiao Qi's boyfriend."

Qiao Qi?

Grandpa Yu thinks of Qi Jie in the mouth of Brother Long...No?

"Go walk..."

Yu Erye almost ran all the way.

When the Qiaos met their acquaintances, they separated from them when they came in. At this time, there was only Ming Shu and Yu Jing on this trail.

Yu Erye saw the two at a glance. Even if he hadn't seen him for almost half a year, he would not admit his mistake. He was not so beautiful, but he didn't feel masculine or handsome.

These brothers were handsome when they were young, but no one was so surprised.

"Lao Liu." Yu Eryu smiled and greeted him: "When Lao Liu came back, he didn't give a call to his 2nd brother. 2nd Brother sent someone to pick you up."

Yu Jing looked at Yu Eryu inexplicably.

His relationship with Lord Yu...but it's not good.

In other words, this family has no good relationship with him.

Even on the surface, it is actually diametrically opposed in the dark.

"Second Brother..." Yu Jing said with irony: "I'm afraid you will send someone to pick me up, I won't be able to return."

"What's that sixth man saying?" Yu Er's younger brother's mischievous expression: "I'm your brother, and it can still hurt you. this Miss Qiao?"

The second grandfather Yu was afraid of the elder sister in the mouth of Long Ge, but it was not Yu Jing, nor did he know how Yu Jing got on this boat.

Yu Guang, Yu Guang swept towards Yu Jing, and that face made Yu Yu's heart vaguely guess.

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