Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1157: The boss meets (25)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

"Sister Qi, Sister Qi..."

As soon as Mingshu entered the store, he was surrounded by a group of people.

Mingshu clung to the little apple he had just bought and asked alertly, "What are you doing?"

"Sister Qi, you come to see this."

They surrounded Mingshu and walked inside. At this time, the headlights were turned on in the hall, and the light was sufficient. Mingshu saw the box on the table at a glance.

Inside the box is a dead mouse, **** as if crushed by someone.

Mingshu: "..."

The rest did not dare to look at it, and the timid little girl stood far away.

"Where did it come from?"

"Just when I opened the door today, I saw it placed at the door with a courier note posted on it, and the recipient wrote the store name, so I took it in." Manager Cai said: "Who knows that it is such a disgusting thing to open."

"Is there anything else?"


Mingshu let people throw things out, and then go to monitor. The things were sent here by a person dressed as a courier, with a mask and hat, put down the box and left.

In the next three days, I received such things.

The time of delivery is different every time. Sometimes, when they are open for business, they will let customers directly bring them in.

The staff of Qiyun Bar was frightened and did not know who sent them such things.

There was an extra letter in the box sent on the fifth day.

Mingshu opened the letter to read-

Which word did the dog write?

Mingshu felt a bit difficult, and handed it to Manager Cai next to him, the imperial style waved: "Nian!"

Manager Cai originally wanted to see which tortoise grandson had adjusted them, but when he saw the letter on the letter, he instantly retreated. The person who wrote the letter was afraid that he would study medicine!

She passed it on to a young man next to him: "It seems that the air conditioner is too open, and my head is a little dizzy. You come to read Qi Jie."

The letter circulated in a circle, and no one recognized what was written.

This is simply challenging the limits of humanity!

Everyone had been discussing for a long time, and they only felt that they knew a few words, but they couldn't even make a sentence at all, and they didn't understand what was written.

Mingshu finally decided to show the letter to the door, and whoever recognized it would receive a prize of 1,000 yuan.

And write a sentence below-this big brother who is not afraid of the wind and rain to send us things, please send us a puppy who can speak human words first, forgive us humans can not understand.

Yu Jing stood at the door and glanced for a few moments. After entering, he asked, "What is that door?"

"Nothing, new game." Mingshu replied casually: "You came so early today?"

Yu Jing put the guitar aside: "Miss you."

"When do you miss me?"

"No." Missing her every moment.

Yu Jing and Ming Shu were across a table. He supported the table and kissed Ming Shu for a moment with difficulty: "Last time I told you, how did you think about it?"



"My family lives very well." Although Mr. Qiao Cheng always steals her food, Mr. Qiao Cheng has good things and will share with her.

Mingshu likes the atmosphere of Qiao's family very much and is very lively every day. She doesn't really want to move.


Yu Jing said: "But without me."

Yeah, without him.

Mingshu thought for a while: "I'll go back and ask my dad, if they agree that you move in, you can live with me."

Yu Jing: "..." So should I go to please my future father-in-law now? What does father-in-law and mother-in-law like?

Yu Jing thought about it himself. Mingshu was dealing with Long Ge's affairs, and the room was quiet for a while.

That night Yu Jing was absent, so the performance of a song did not continue.

The atmosphere in the bar is very lively. Many people think that the scribbled letter outside the door is a new game. Although there are only a thousand pieces, many people are still very happy to guess.

The game is about the process of playing.

Yu Jing grabbed Peng Pai: "You said it would be better to send elders something?"

Peng Pai scratched his head: "I haven't sent it...Melanin?"

Yu Jing: "...You still get out."

Peng Pai: "..."

"Ahhhh... I recognized it!!"

There was a sudden scream from the crowd.


Outside the abandoned rotten building, suddenly cars came in one after another, one was cooler than the other.

The sound of deafening music and the voices of young men and women contaminated the film.

"What's the matter?" The little **** in the rotten building stood on the second floor and looked down: "Where did these people come from?"

"What plane?"

"Damn, why are there so many people?"

Just before these people have figured out what happened, the group of young men and women have stepped on the music in furious dances.

"Are you NPC?"

"What is the clue?"

"I must have found the treasure first! Hahaha, you idiots are definitely not my opponent. Quickly, what is the clue? Playing games, I never lost!"

Surrounded little bastard: "..." This group of people are taking drugs, right?

No, they asked the proprietress of Qiyun Bar, why did they come from this inexplicable group of people.

It took a while for the **** to figure out that their letter was displayed, and the boss said it was a game, and the clue is here.


This is wrong! !

This script is wrong! !

Finally, this group of monsters and monsters who had been taking drugs for a long time was confused, and the youngsters began to doubt life.

Why is it a bit different from what I thought?

"A car is coming."

When Mingshu came alone, she pushed the car door down and stood by the car, shining the flashlight in the direction of the second floor, where several figures were too late to avoid it, and they were photographed straight.

Mingshu went up the stairs.

There are still many people, more than ten people.

"It's you who killed me to die?" The iron bucket was used to raise the fire upstairs, and it was all yellow and dusky.

"Qiao Qi..." One of the little men took out a photo: "It's her."

Someone asked: "She came alone?"

A question and answer from a person standing on the edge before: "Just a car, no one below."

The questioning little **** then said: "Boss Joe, our elder brother wants to talk to you about something."

"Just talk about the matter and I will not refuse it. What is wrong with the dead mouse?"

Little bastard: "..." Didn't you hear that she was a woman? Frighten scare first!

"And who wrote your character?" Ming Shu continued: "The whole bar, just recognized by one person, you should practice your character seriously, don't know where to go about a stand."

Little bastard: "..." They just let one person do it, who knows that the word can be scribbled like that!

The little **** resisted the vomiting and made a please gesture: "Boss Joe, please here."

Mingshu didn't move: "Are there any food?"


"If you don't have anything to eat, do you guys so kindly ask me? What about consciousness as the host?"

Is this a normal reaction when normal people encounter such a thing?

Even if there is no tension in the current situation, there should be a sense of crisis!

Is this treadmill a woman!

Today the shock is a bit big, let him slowly.

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