Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1160: The boss meets (28)

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"It has been raining for three days, and the business in our store has faded a lot." Manager Cai stood at the door smoking cigarettes with a sad face.

Mingshu stood beside him drinking milk tea: "How about the expansion?"

Speaking of this manager Cai, he was even more worried: "This is not very smooth. This section is a prime location. No one likes to make money in this profitable location. No money will be added."

"That's just that you didn't add enough money."

"There are only so many budgets, what can I do."

"..." Mingshu bit the straw: "There is only one way."


"Grab the bank."

Manager Cai: "..." I will listen to you.

The two women stood outside and talked about the latest.

Mingshu looked at the time. Why didn't the little goblin come?

She called and no one answered.

Mingshu had a bad hunch in his heart. Almost at the same time, Brother Long sent him to call the surprised man.

"Sister Qi, someone chased down Mr. Yu. We sent someone to intercept and was blocked."

There was a lot of noise over there, mixed with rain.


Because it rained, and caught up with the National Day holiday, several roads were blocked.

At the time of Mingshu, at the scene of a series of car accidents, Yu Jing sat on the edge of the ambulance, wearing a towel, and the nurses next to him seemed to dare not approach him.

The rain curtain blurred and blurred his figure.

Ming Shu rushed over: "Did you hurt?"

Yu Jing's first reaction was to hold Mingshu, and Mingshu patted his back. This time it was her carelessness, and he should not be left alone.

She forgot that Qi Yu now has no memory, and naturally there is no such mysterious means.

Yu Jing's cool fingers pressed against the back of Ming Shu's head, tightening her with wet arms, as if she wanted to squeeze all the air out of her abdomen.

Mingshu turned his face, kissed his earlobe, then moved forward, and a warm kiss fell on Yu Jing's side. Yu Jing slowly released his strength until Ming Shu kissed his lips.

Under the general public, Mingshu is not good enough to be too vulgar.

Mingshu asked the traffic police there, this is a serial car accident, the car in front is rear-end, it is not clear in rainy days, several cars collided together, and there are large trucks behind, leading to the current situation.

After Ming Shu asked, he pulled Yu Jing into the car.

"Take off your wet clothes." Mingshu turned on the heater in the car. It had been raining in recent days and the weather was a bit cold.

Yu Jing looked at the front without moving, and after a while he jumped out: "They want to kill me."

"I'll help you kill them. Be good, take off your clothes first."

Yu Jing still did not respond.

Ming Shu hands on his own and unbuttons his shirt. The texture under the shirt is very beautiful, with both abdominal muscles and mermaid lines.

Mingshu put his shirt aside and wiped his body with a towel.


Yu Jing turned his head to look at Ming Shu, his eyes seemed to be confused.

Mingshu was not much to talk about. He started directly. His trousers were pulled off, leaving only a pair of boxers.

Mingshu accidentally swiped the back of his hand, Yu Jing shook his body, the confusion in his eyes faded away, and he seemed to recover.

At this time, he sat on the co-pilot gloriously, and there was a MMP in his heart wanting to say.

Mingshu dragged the blanket behind him and put it on him, carefully sorted the bottom and pressed it beside him.

Yu Jing suddenly grabbed her wrist.

" have come to me." Otherwise, he did not know what he would do. He felt that he had a beast in his body, and he wanted to rush out and occupy his body for a moment.

But seeing her, he became very calm.

No grievances, no open fights, no brothers fratricide...

She is the only one in his world.

"If I don't come to you, I should collect the corpse for you." Mingshu didn't earn his hands, and started the car with one hand.

Yu Jing: Can't you say "..."?

I just walked around the ghost gate, okay!

You almost never see such a handsome boyfriend!

Do you want to die?


Don't be irritable!

Don't be irritable to your girlfriend!

Mingshu didn't know Yu Jing's complaint at all: "Do you know who did it?"

"I don't know, the person who hit me ran away." Yu Jing paused: "Are you arranging people beside me?"

If someone hadn't helped before, the car he was sitting in might be knocked over directly.

"Yu's family?" Mingshu whispered: "Since I don't know who did it, I'll take it together."

Yu Jing suddenly said: "I can solve it without your help."

Ming Shu laughed: "You have been chased and killed without the ability to fight back, how can you solve it yourself?"

Yu Jing remained silent for a few seconds: "I have 35 percent of the equity book."

"Thirty-five percent?" Mingshu thought for a while: "Isn't this all the equity that Mr. Yu died when he died?"


"Not all those shares have been allocated..." Ming Shu paused and understood: "So, your old man really cares about you."

Grandpa Yu made two wills, the first one was normally distributed, and the latter one was all owned by Yu Jing.

Both wills are notarized and are valid wills.

Yu Jing does not take out the later will, then the previous will is valid, but he takes out the latter, then the latter will be valid.

Yu Jing thought that before going to the Yu's house to incense the old man Yu, he didn't feel very deep, as was someone else's life.

He just lives according to the trajectory of others' lives.

Old Master Yu knew that he had no thoughts about Yu's industry, and he was afraid that someone would persecute him, so he left him a hand.

From the perspective of a father, it is naturally unfair to other children, but...

Some people are born with preference.

Like Yu Jing.

Although he was squeezed by outsiders and had white eyes, he had a Yu grandfather who had been protecting him.

Like Qiao Qi.

She loves her parents who love her and they support her no matter what they do.

But no matter what kind of family life you have, how you are favored, and where you will end up, you still have to rely on yourself.

There are many people with good backgrounds, and finally do nothing.

The background is average, and there are countless people who shine in the end.

"Have you ever thought about it, maybe because of the 35 percent of the shares in your hand, someone wanted to kill you." Ming Shu suddenly said: "Yu Erye just wanted to tie you and take it from you The shares allotted to you before, why did anyone try to kill you by all means?"

Then there is only one possibility.

The murderer knew he had another valid will in his hand, enough to subvert the will of all of them.

So he must be removed.

This will will never be seen until he is dead.

"That said, my brother is the most suspected?" If he died, Ju Jingguo would be the most beneficial in the current situation.

"Catch and ask to know."

Yu Jing: "..."

Why is the wife so cruel?

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