Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1170: The boss does not meet (end)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

"Mr. Yu, what about Qiao Qi?" Feng Heng's teeth were heard from the phone.

"I still want to ask you!" Yu Jing whispered softly: "You can't even see your own wife, what do you want her to run to my wife?"

"..." Fang Heng resisted the anger at the complaint of the wicked, but he couldn't resist the sarcasm: "Mr. Yu, every time I look for my little pity, I'm afraid it's Qiao Qi!"



After a few seconds of silence on the phone, Feng Heng said: "So, where have the two of them gone?"

"If I knew, I would still listen to you talking nonsense."


The two men were speechless.

At this time, Ruan Xiaolian, who was pulled out by Mingshu for a picnic, was having a good time chatting with Mingshu.

"Sister Qi, try this, new taste... is it delicious?"

Mingshu thumbs up.

Ruan Xiaolian seemed to be inspired: "I'll say it, it's obviously delicious, Feng Heng Lao said it's not delicious, do you think he has a bad taste?"

"Single by strength."


Ruan Xiaolian feeds Mingshu well, the two are lying on the lawn, and the sun is very comfortable.

"Sister Qi... Feng Heng proposed to me."

"Huh." Mingshu is still remembering.

"I'm a little scared." Ruan Xiaoli said: "His mother has always disagreed with us, and now it's stiff, if I knew Feng Heng proposed to me, I don't know what would happen..."

Mingshu raised his hand, covering his eyes with his back: "You don't have any **** with you."

Ruan Xiaolian looked sideways at Mingshu: "A marriage without the blessings of his family will not make him happy."

"Then do you like to seal?"

Ruan Xiao pity for a few seconds.

"I love him."

"Love?" Ming Shu lowered his hand, her pupils reflected the blue sky and white clouds, she moved her lips: "What is love?"

The voice seemed confused, and it seemed to be asking.

Ruan Xiaoli turned over, holding his head in both hands: "Don't you love Mr. Yu?"

"Who knows..."

Ruan Xiaoli blinked: "But you care a lot about Mr. Yu. You will worry about whether he is cold or tired. He will take care of him. If he is wronged or hurt, he will love."

"There is a lot of things between me and him..." Mingshu pinched a grass and placed it in front of him, the blade of grass slowly spinning.

"All I know is his name."

Ruan Xiaolian seemed to hear a light murmur, but it didn't seem to.

Ruan Xiaoli doesn't know what happened between them. Some words are spoken when they don't know the situation, and they may not have a comforting effect.

She got up from the ground and looked down at Mingshu: "Can Sister Qi accept the loss of Mr. Yu?"

When Mingshu fingered, the blade of grass stopped rotating, the tip of the blade was facing down, and the breeze was blowing, shaking slightly.

Her fingers were loose, and the blades of grass fell on the grass: "No."


Mingshu was sitting on the steps of the villa, with a bag of snacks next to her.

Yu Jing came in from outside: "Wife-in-law."

Ming Shu looked up at him, and the afterglow of the setting sun shrouded Yu Jing as if it had been coated with a light warm light.

She held out her hand: "Yu Jing, hug."

The stunned face that just wanted to get angry, the expression slightly converged, saw her soft look, any anger was gone.

She fouls! !

Yu Jing stooped to hug Mingshu.

The last rays of the sunset fell, and the whole world began to be dull. Under the deep blue sky, the two embracing people seemed to have only a few years of silence.


Mingshu and Yu Jing got married half a year later. The wedding was held by Ruan Xiaolii and they were a little bit jumpy on the day of the wedding.

Although there was no danger in the end, Yu Jing and Feng Heng made a determined determination that they should never let these two people get together in the future.

Of course, this is just their delusion.

Yu Jingfeng's daily life is-

Yu Jing: Where are you?

Feng Heng: No.

Yu Jing: Where did it go?

Feng Heng: I don't know.


Feng Heng: Where are you today?

Yu Jing: No

Feng Heng: Where did you go?

Yu Jing: I don't know.

Feng Heng: Forget it, I will come back anyway, I will talk to you about a business Balabala......

Yu Jing: ...

Talk about fart!

not in the mood!

Yu Jing threw away his mobile phone and saw the guitar that he had put for a long time. He got up and took it off. His eyes touched the score on the back. He seemed to remember something and retrieved the mobile phone.

"Peng Pai, give you a task."

"What? Boss, you say."


After many expansions of Qiyun Bar, Qiyun Bar now occupies a very large area and the stage has expanded a lot.

The posters of the Jingtian band are still hanging, but now the bands performing in the bar have no longer have the Jingtian band.

Yu Jing looked at the news from Peng Pai on his mobile phone, and the corner of his mouth slightly curled up.

"How did you come?" Ming Shu was detained by Manager Cai in the office to look at the account book. When Yu Jing pushed the door in, he fell helplessly to the table and said, "Help me check the account?"

Yu Jing didn't say anything, so she picked her up and put it on her lap to help her look after it.

These things are usually handled by him, so it seems no difficulty.

The ghost knew that he was the most annoying before he met her.

But now...

He is not only shouldering a group, but also looking at her is very likely that he will take over the Qiao family in the future.

Yu Jing took Mingshu who was about to slip back and fixed it in his arms.

His lips flicked over her earlobe and landed on her cheeks, holding her head in her hands, leaning toward him, accurately capturing her soft lips.

Yu Jing felt that every kiss had a different experience.

He loosened Mingshu and hugged her in the most intimate posture: "Did you engrave the words on the guitar you gave me?"

Mingshu warned: "What?"

this problem……

"No!" Ming Shu denied: "How could I do that kind of thing."

"Is that right?" Yu smiled lowly, his voice helpless. "I knew you wouldn't admit it, so I asked Peng Pai to ask you, wouldn't you forget what you said to Peng Pai?"

Ming Shu: "..." MMP was pitted by Peng Pai.

"Obviously you carved it yourself, why don't you admit it?"

"Qiao Qi, did you like me then?"

"Otherwise why would you bother to give me a birthday and give me a gift?"

Every time Yu Jing said something, Ming Shu's expression and smile lightened.

You know too many goblins!

To be killed! !

"You like me, right?"

"..." Mingshu curve saved the country and hugged him: "Let's try the office?"

Yu Jing: "..."

You stop here!

Don't pull on Laozi's clothes, I don't do it!

I just want to hear you say something like it! !

is it hard!

is it hard!


Yu Jing didn't find it at the end. Those properties that were opened everywhere were related to him.

Mingshu lived in this world for more than ten years, and the cause of death was flu.

Mingshu, who has tried all kinds of strange death methods, did not want to express his views.

Back at the Baiyun Room, Harmony waited for a while, and when Mingshu didn't respond, he began to refresh the information.

Name: Ming Shu

Hatred value: 1260000

Aura value: 230000

Branch task: unfinished

Hidden task: complete

Mingshu didn't even see it, and waved directly: "Next pavilion."

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