Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1172: Adulterous male (2)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

The original owner lived as prime minister, and it wasn't a matter of seeing people. It was an endless person, so Mingshu only planned to deal with two sentences at will.

But some people don't think so.

"Pappa..." Applause from far and near: "Sir Prime Minister is really impressive."

Feng Qiguo has one phase and two pavilions. This woman is one of the patriarchs-Feng Pao, and is now a celebrity beside Shen Yu.

It can be honoured as an old character. Feng Gelao's age is naturally not small. His body is already a little blessed. The navy blue official suit is worn on his body, and he has quite the prestige of the old man.

The prime minister came in front, and the position was naturally higher than that of the old man, so Feng old man still bowed his head when he saw Mingshu.

Mingshu put his hands in his wide sleeves and took the words without humility: "It is an honor for me to let Feng Ge look at each other."

Feng Gelao: "..."

Who can't hear her satire?

The two gangsters faced each other, and the rest of the ministers did not dare to say anything, moved back in small steps, but wanted to watch the show, so they moved very slowly.

Feng Ge Lao snorted: "Senior Prime Minister has made great contributions this time, and Your Majesty will definitely reward him."

The word reward is particularly important.

"Then I look forward to it." Ming Shu smiled with a smile.

Feng Gelao looked a bit weird looking at the woman in the dark red suit, what happened? She used to talk to her before, she wouldn't go back like this...

Feng Ge Lao stared at Ming Shu for several seconds, and finally walked to the other side.

Make you happy now, see how long you can be happy.

As soon as Feng Ge left, the ministers of her group also spread out, and the original master's group slowly surrounded.

"Sir, you must be careful today."

"Recently, the DPRK and China have not been very calm, and the Xiaguan worried about what would happen."

"Yes, lord, you have to be careful. During your time away, your majesty has replaced many people. Now Feng Ge is very popular."

Mingshu said he knew.


The Qiankun Hall of the dynasty is magnificent and full of local qualities.

Mingshu looked at the gleaming dragon chair. How many snacks do I have to buy!

Compared with the other standing up, Fengqi Kingdom is much more humanized. Each minister has a futon and a small table-although there is nothing on it-but everyone can sit.

The prime minister is in the middle of the position. On the two sides are two old patriarchs.

There is a large open space in front, if something happens, you need to go to the open space to start the performance.

"Your Majesty arrives--"

The voice of the woman officer sounded.

The ministers stood up and stood in the gap between the small table and the small table, bent over and put their hands on the forehead.

Neither Mingshu nor the Second Pavilion need to salute. This is a rule passed down through the ages, so they only need to stand down symbolically.

The ministers hung their heads and could not see the situation at all, but when the queen sat down, they could accurately start shouting--

"Your Majesty, long live, long live, long live."

"Free courtesy." The woman's majestic voice sounded from above.

"Thank you Lord Ron."

After the ministers shouted the ‘manifesto’ every day, they took their seats.

Ming Shu raised his eyes and looked at Shen Yu on the dragon chair. Feng Qi Kingdom was the female supremacy. The woman was much taller than the man, but it was not the so-called five big and three thick... Of course, the long disabled are not counted.

The women of Fengqi State are only slightly taller than the women of other countries, and their appearance is also famously beautiful, because as the main force of the country, they have added a bit of British spirit. The men of other countries are very kind to the women of Fengqi State. enjoy.

In view of Fengqi's system, appreciation is appreciated, most men are still reluctant to marry Fengqi.

As a member of the royal family, Shen Yu naturally had no choice but to wear a robe at this time, revealing the femininity of the woman in majesty, which made people unable to move their eyes.

"The prime minister has worked hard." Shen Yupi said with a smile: "This time the battle won is very beautiful, the prime minister is indispensable. I heard that the prime minister is injured? Does it matter?"

Ming Shu said: "Does your majesty have any points for this injury?"

Shen Yu didn't expect Mingshu to face her so straightforwardly, her face was heavy, but only for a moment, she quickly recovered the image of the majestic empress: "The prime minister can take care of his body, this time the prime minister made great contributions , I don’t know what reward the Prime Minister wants?"

"His Majesty."

Mingshu hadn't said anything yet, and a minister rushed out from behind. She stepped forward and knelt down to the ground: "The minister has something to do."

Shen Yu was dissatisfied on the surface: "It is not a matter of urgency. I will discuss it after I have sealed the prime minister."

"Your Majesty, this related to the Prime Minister."

Shen Yu raised her eyebrows slightly: "Oh?"

The minister pulled out a wrinkled letter from his sleeve that seemed to carry blood: "Wechat has a letter here, please see your majesty."

Shen Yu pondered for a moment: "Presented."

The female officer handed the minister's letter to Shen Yu's dragon case, with blood stains on it and fingerprints left, as if it had been snatched from somewhere.

Shen Yu motioned to the female officer to tear down.

The following ministers did not dare to breathe, all lowered their heads, as for what they were thinking, then only they knew.

Mingshu looked sideways at Feng Gelao on the left, and the old Feng Gela's face already showed a little less obvious joy.

The other Zhang Ge, on the right, looks at his eyes and noses, and looks nothing like a worldly person.


Shen Yu slapped it on the table.

The ministers were frightened, and they knelt and climbed to the aisle beside them.

Shen Yu shook her fingers in the air with letter paper: "Jing Se! What is this?"

Calling it by name directly shows the anger of the empress.

Mingshu sat unimpressed and asked with a smile: "What is it? Your Majesty misses me."

Shen Yu: "..."

Shen Yu patted the stationery on the table and said in a cold voice: "Senior Prime Minister, what have you done yourself, don't know?"

"It's really not clear, after all, your majesty didn't invite me to participate in the compilation of this drama, right?"


Shen Yu's heart jumped wildly, what did this Jingse do? !

Pressing the bottom of my heart is not weird, Shen Yulong yelled unpleasantly: "Come on! Don't kneel down to me!"

Mingshu is silent, so she hates this identity, can't she just let me be a bully?

How can I kneel casually!

I am shameless!

My snacks will not agree!

[Hidden task: Since ancient times, the sages have many lives, and the males and females have been banned. 】

Ming Shu: "..." What are you doing! Encourage me to be a traitor? Don't think that you are not instigating to pull the poem!

[The host is not a traitor, but a traitor. ] Harmony is very seriously corrected.

Mingshu: "..."

Is there a difference? Is there a difference? In the end, it wasn’t even being scolded. You’d be uncomfortable if you didn’t encourage me to be a scum, right?

The host is already scumming, and scumming has nothing to do with it, so Harmony continues happily.

[Hint: Please host to strive to become a traitor. 】

I don't want to!

I don’t need hate value anymore...


What task do I do!

I'll just go find the hostess!


Where is the hostess now?

[Host, if the hidden mission fails, one-half of the hate value will be deducted at one time, the hate value is less than one million, and the mall will be closed again. 】

Ming Shu: "..." I think this rule was made by you on the spot.

[Serving the host all the time is my duty. 】

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