Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1194: Adulterer in Power (24)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Shen Yu came out of the palace personally and was outside the prime minister's house at this time.

The Yulin Army surrounded the Prime Minister's House so that it could not be drained, and countless archers aimed at the Prime Minister's House.

Mingshu held out a plate of preserved fruit-a person.

"Your Majesty, are you still visiting here so late?

"Jing Se, where is Duanmushu?" Shen Yu estimated that he really cared about Duanmushu, and did not mean anything.

"Duan Mushu? I asked him to come to the house as a guest. What is your opinion?"

Mingshu admits it this way. Shen Yu was stunned, and his anger immediately rose to his heart: "Hijacking the emperor, this is a death sentence!"

Guest? She is clearly abduction!

"Oh, then Your Majesty, please, I continue."

That means, the decree has been received, but whether you can cut my head or not depends on your ability.

Shen Yu shivered with anger: "What do you want to do? Rebel? Do you still think that Duanmushu can threaten me?"

Mingshu said with a smile: "If your majesty feels that I want to rebel, I have no opinion. If necessary, I can cooperate with your majesty."

When the rebellion comes back, there should be a lot of hatred.

"You you..." Shen Yu's face was slightly distorted against the fire.

With a smile on his face, Mingshu nodded and said: "Your Majesty, you are welcome, this is what you should do as a pillar of the country."

Shen Yu tried to calm herself down and could not be taken away by her.

She just deliberately angered herself.

"Jingse, hand over Duanmushu!"

"Don't pay."


Shen Yu suddenly withdrew the knife from the Yulin Army next to him and waved forward: "The prime minister committed the crime and took her to me."

Mingshu was eating compote calmly: "Your Majesty, you said the same last time."

Shen Yu: "..."

The Royal Forest Army just preparing for action: "..."

"What are you doing for a while, give it to me!" Shen Yu kicked on the nearest Imperial Forest Army: "You can't save the emperor today, you all have to lose your head."

Imperial Forest Army: "..."

Between losing his head and being beaten by Mingshu, Yu Linjun chose to be beaten.

The Yulin Army rushed up, and Shen Yu threw the knife to the person next to him, grabbing the bow and arrow.

Use an arrow to draw a bow and aim at the person in front.


The arrow shot toward Mingshu, and Mingshu grabbed a person to block him.

When the arrow hit the man's shoulder, Mingshu immediately drove backwards. Shen Yu couldn't aim every time, and it was the Imperial Army who suffered.

The Imperial Forest screamed, did His Majesty come to deal with them, or did he come to deal with the Prime Minister?

Shen Yu missed several shots, his face flushed.

Shen Yu waved his hand: "Ignite, let go of arrows."

Mingshu stepped on a royal forest army and shouted, "Your Majesty, you better not..."

Shen Yu raised his voice: "Release!"

Mingshu swept away the last few Imperial Forest Corps, retreated to the back, symbolically opened his eyes with his five fingers.

The rocket shot towards the prime minister's house, as if hitting something in mid-air, it was bounced back.

The people who used this trick last time, the grave head is estimated to be almost grass.

I remind why no one listens.

Mingshu dropped his hand: "All remind your majesty not to."

Shen Yu was guarded and was not injured.

But all around was the Royal Forest Army shouting to extinguish the fire.

After finishing the last few pieces of preserves, Mingshu picked up a knife from the ground and dragged him down the steps.

"Your Majesty, don't be afraid, I will be gentle with you and let you experience what deep hatred is."

Shen Yu: "..." neuropathy.

"Your Majesty, go away."

"Your Majesty...stop her, don't let her come, escort, escort!"

In the chaos, Shen Yu was dragged halfway and pulled towards the palace.

The back cry was particularly harsh.

Shen Yu didn't know how long she ran, and a layer of sweat came out of her body, and the clothes stuck to her body, as if wrapped in a sheet that made her breathless. It was very uncomfortable.

"She caught up..."

Shen Yu looked back and saw someone catching up.

"Stop her!" Shen Yu pushed the people around while running.

In front of it is the Royal Palace. Perhaps because that is her site, Shen Yu has a certain confidence in her heart.

Hurry up...

Hurry up...

Shen Yu didn't know what he tripped at, and flew forward, hitting the ground firmly.

Shen Yu turned back.

In the darkness, a figure is slowly approaching.

It seems that a beast hiding in the dark, about to rush out, has not appeared, and has made people feel the breath of terror.

Shen Yu was shocked.

That kind of trembling from the soul.

She held her trembling hand, but she was the queen, how could she be afraid of her! !

But still couldn't help shaking.

The moonlight that I could see just now was gone.

Shen Yu propped up on the ground and backed away, his eyes fixed on that side.

Mingshu walked in front of Shen Yu and looked at her with her eyes down.

"Jing... Jingse... This is the palace, what do you want to... do?"

"Your Majesty, rest assured, I won't kill you."

Shen Yu was not at all relieved.

She looked at Mingshu's hand reaching towards herself.

It seemed that the viper that had turned out was rushing towards her.

"Don't come over..."



Mingshu beat Shen Yu at the palace goalkeeper. This is no longer a provocation, this is a rebellion!

But no one dared to speak in Chaotang, even the party of Shen Yu remained silent.

Shen Yu, with such a royal army, was surrounded by the Prime Minister's House, but it turned out that Shen Yu was beaten.

What can they say?

Shen Yu didn't go up, and even Feng Ge didn't see him, and he smashed things all morning in the bedroom alone.

It was not until the evening that Feng Ge was allowed to enter.

"Your Majesty, take care of your body."

"Old Feng Ge." Shen Yu's voice was a little low: "You heard about last night?"


Shen Yu's eyes are strange: "Do you know? She's the prime minister..."

Shen Yu seems to be thinking about which adjective is better, and pauses for a few seconds.

"Her prime minister's house seemed to be covered by something, and the rocket was bounced back."

Feng Gelao has heard of it.

Feng Ge's old brow jumped, kneeling on the ground, his head hitting the ground: "Your Majesty, Jing Se is afraid of being a monster."

The personality has changed a lot, and there is such a mysterious ability, is it not a monster?

"You get rid of her for me! Get rid of her and hear it!" Shen Yu shouted suddenly, "She is a monster!"

She doesn't want to see her again! !

Feng Ge is always suffering.

How does this make her work?

"Weichen leads." Feng Ge Lao Ying should come down.

Shen Yu's mental state is not very good, Feng Ge always called the doctor to show Shen Yu.

The doctor prescribed a tranquilizer, but Shen Yu had a nightmare as soon as she fell asleep, and the whole palace was panic-stricken.



Little fairy: The little rabbit is good, open the door.

Little angel: ...what are you doing? Black fairy?

Little fairy: I am a fairy, what a black fairy tale?

Little angel: You are suddenly like this, a little scared.

Little fairy: Don't be afraid, I just want a ticket.

little angel:……

Harmony: Serve the fairy.

Little Angel: You have changed Harmony.

Harmony: serving the host, has it never changed?

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