Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1196: Rape male in power (26)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

"Can you cook?"

Shen Yan was planning to tell Mingshu that he was going to take Duanmushu away, and Mingshu jumped out without warning, blocking her words.

"...No, no."

She is also a queen anyway, how could she cook?

And cooking such a thing is a man's job in Fengqi Kingdom.

Women's hands are used to defend the country.

Mingshu probably thought of this too: "Will Duanmushu be?"

"..." What did the prime minister want to say?

"I... some will." Duan Mushu said weakly.

Duanmushu is the male master!

The male owner can also order cooking!

Mingshu's gaze was slightly brighter when he read Duanmushu: "Don't you just want to know who poisoned him? Simple."

Shen Yan: "..."

What is simple? !

What a simple method?

How can ordinary people's sao operation be incomprehensible?

—She went straight into the palace.

After hearing this news, Shen Yu let Yu Linjun encircle her palace in the first place.

The results waited for a long time, and did not wait for someone.

"Where did she go?"

"Your Majesty, Prime Minister... Going to the direction of Yuhua Palace."

"What did she do there?" Duanmushu wasn't taken away by her all?

Thinking of this, Shen Yu hated Mingshu again.

"..." Where does he know! !

Shen Yu asked again: "She alone?"


Shen Yu feels that she is suffocating to death now.

She just entered a palace, she was so scared.

Feng Ge's old waste, there has been no movement for so long.

Shen Yu was restlessly waiting for the news.

The Yulin Army reported Mingshu's movements. She went to Yuhua Palace first, and then went to Yushu Study.

Then he took two people out of the palace.

Shen Yu smashed everything on the table.

"You trash! She is now going into the palace blatantly to take people out, you don't even know to stop it!! Are you dead?!"

"..." Your majesty, you did not let them stop.

And how can they stop it?

Shen Yu vented, and sat down on the dragon chair.

"Go and ask what she is doing."


The Yulin Army led the order, the Prime Minister's House could not help, but Yuhua Palace and Yushanfang could inquire.

"Your Majesty, the Prime Minister came into the palace and asked, who... who poisoned the emperor."

"Poisoned?" Shen Yu raised her voice: "What poison?"

"People who listen to the imperial dining room say that someone poisoned the emperor's meal, which caused the emperor..." That's it.


The two people that Mingshu took away, one of them was the operator, and the other was the person who passed the word.

The behind-the-scenes master only knows the rumors, and does not intend to confess.

As for the antidote, none of them have.

Of course, Mingshu finally asked.


"Da Liang Guo?"

What did Liang Liang Guo poison Duan Mushu for?

Transnational poisoning, sick?

"It's my reason." Shen Yan seemed to think of something, his eyes slightly darker: "It's me that caused him trouble."

Mingshu: Is "..." a deep sadism?

Shen Yan left Duan Mushu and she left.

It is said to be looking for an antidote.

Of course, Ming Shu was pulled by Shen Ying, and she didn't know until Shen Yan left for several hours.

No one knew where Shen Yan went.

"Why should she leave Duanmushu?" !

Think about it.

"Don't make trouble."

"Did you not like me?"

"When did I like you?"

"..." Shen Ying stared at Mingshu and suddenly said: "Don't like me, what bed do you sleep with me?"

"That doesn't mean that I like you, everyone has desires." Mingshu Zhenger's eight classics explained: "I just need one."

Shen Ying exploded: "You bullshit!"

Mingshu: "..."

Where is my nonsense? People have desires! No problem at all!

"I threw him out." Shen Ying suddenly went to Duanmushu's room.

"That's someone else's, why are you so jealous." Mingshu got up and followed him: "It's enough to stop."

Shen Ying paused, turned around, and said vigorously: "Then you like me."

Seeing that Mingshu was silent, Shen Xing turned around to look for Duanmushu.

Mingshu quickly grabbed him: "I like..."

Shen Ying blinked, looking forward to her words.

Mingshu continued to say, "You in bed."

Shen Ying: "???

Ming Shu angered Shen Ying and was locked out the same night.

Shen Xing's temper is so great, Mingshu has never had such treatment.

Mingshu sat outside and looked at the stars in the sky.

Why can some people love me and say it when I like you?

The favorite person...

Shouldn’t it be prudent and prudent?

Shoveling shit.

The little beast suddenly jumped onto the next step.

It shook its hair.

Mingshu propped his back with his hands and turned his head to look at it.

The little beast sat on the ground, his eyes like black gems, looking at Mingshu seriously.

Are you really going to accept that ugly monster?

Mingshu looked at the sky again.

The little animal hummed: What good is the ugly and eight-legged beast, you actually intend to accept him! !

Mingshu raised his hand, grabbed the little beast in his hand, put it on his lap, and poked his head with his finger: "Why don't you like him that much?"

The little beast did not allow Ming Shu to poke, rolled inside, and stuck to her clothes.

I have always disliked him, he will bring you disaster.

Rustle ——

The cool wind blew across the courtyard, and the tree shadow whirled.

Mingshu raised his hand to cover it halfway: "How can you learn this sentence too, I think this is what you hate the most."

The little beast suddenly said nothing, and all his hair fell down, and a small ball curled under Mingshu's palm.

"So, sometimes dangerous things don't necessarily bring disaster, right?"

The beast is quiet for a long time.

Will you abandon me?

With... that person.

Mingshu rubbed it gently with his fingers: "No."

The little animal held her finger and rubbed it.

I do not know either.

But this does not mean that I endorse the ugly bizarre biped.

He doesn't even have hair! !

Mingshu: "..."

The aesthetics of the beast really cannot agree.

If the goblin is hairy, what is it? Ape? monkey?

Mingshu couldn't help rubbing the goose bumps on his arm, but fortunately there was no hair.

"Are you going in?"

Shen Ying's voice suddenly sounded from behind.

Mingshu threw the little beast into the grass next to it, stood up and looked back.

The little animal yelled.

Shit shit, you jerk! !

I want to break with you!

Shen Ying held a pillow and stood in the door of the half-open room, protruding a head to look at her.

"Go in." Mingshu fart past past.

Shen Ying blocked the door: "You..."

The following words were blocked by Mingshu, and when Shen was hired to recover, he was already lying on the bed and his clothes were almost undressed.

And more pleasure made him have no energy to pursue Mingshu.

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