Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1200: Rape male **** (30)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Mingshu looked at Shen Ying and scrambled: "What do you want?"

The prince did not answer directly, but instead said: "Although the country of Feng Qi is a woman in power, its strength cannot be underestimated. Over the years, friction among countries has been constant, and countries have been engulfed and subverted, but Feng Qi has always been good."

The prince paused: "But Fengqi's land is rich and always coveted."

Mingshu interrupted him: "Speaking the key point, there is so much nonsense, what about you as the throne ceremony?"

Prince: "..."

The prince smiled: "The purpose of this palace is very simple, to submit to my girders."

"What if I don't?"

The prince looked at Shen Ying: "Jing Cheng should not want to be an enemy of his husband?"

"Jing Cheng should be very curious to know what this palace has done to him." The prince then said: "Jing Cheng Xiang is assured that he will not die, just like Duan Mushu, it will become my puppet. I want him to be conscious. , He is conscious."

The prince observed Ming Shu's reaction.

However, the woman on the opposite side, except for the arc of the corner of her mouth, maintained at one...I couldn't see whether it was a smile, or a mocking arc, without any change.

No anger, no doubt, no worry...

She asked: "When did you start counting?"

The prince depressed the discomfort at the bottom of his heart: "When did it start? The specific record of the palace is not clear, but it has indeed been for many years. The people of this palace slowly penetrated into your imperial capital, and some of them are already your courtiers. "

He was not as stupid as North Vietnam, and he was fighting Feng Qi directly.

"But according to my plan, I shouldn't do it so quickly." The prince seemed to be showing his victory: "Unfortunately, there was a disobedient little thing that ran back from the palace."

It is self-evident who this little thing is.

It’s all a mistress.

"Duan Mushu was an accident. This palace just wanted to kill him. Naturally, His Royal Highness was also an accident...but for this palace, it was all good."

"So, Prime Minister Jing Cheng, returning to the main palace is your right choice. Your seventh highness, the main palace will be returned to you intact."

Mingshu asked in a hurry: "Are you so confident?"

The prince laughed twice: "Now the entire emperor is under the control of the palace. The courtiers and your empress are in the hands of the palace. What do you think people outside dare to do?"

"Confidence is good." Mingshu stepped up to the prince's side. Although there was a smile in the corner of his mouth, there was no wave in his eyes: "But sometimes, you have to think about it, maybe there is someone...worse than you. ?"

The prince did not scold Ming Shu, but just snapped his fingers, and Shen Ying went out from his side.

"Since Prime Minister Jing Cheng said so, let this palace see if you are very powerful."

The cold light flashed in Shen Xing's hands, he clenched his dagger and walked towards Mingshu.

The dagger was drawn towards Mingshu's neck, and Mingshu held his hand. Previously, he retained his strength, and his body was always soft, as if he had no strength.

But now he is full of strength.

Without a hit, Shen Xing immediately switched his attack.

The prince looked at the situation over there. Although Shen Ying started to gain the upper hand, it was because Mingshu was afraid to hurt him and dared not start.

But almost all of them were suppressed later.

The prince suddenly clapped her hands, and Shen Ying immediately retreated.

"This palace feels more fun..." The prince withdrew his saber from the subordinate next to him, and when Shen Xing went back, he pierced with a sword.

The blood flowed down the blade and dropped to the ground.


Mingshu suddenly stood still.

The prince saw Mingshu finally responding, and Shen Ying was really her weakness.

He heard people over there ask: "Do you know why I don't kill people?"

This question is very abrupt and has no context.

The prince did not answer.

The woman standing over there, lowered her head slightly, something seemed to be surging around her, and began to expand rapidly.

There was no ups and downs, and they sounded slowly.

"I don't kill people, I only slaughter the city."

She looked up.

The smile is still there.

"Congratulations, Your Highness."

A breath of coolness sprang from under the prince's feet. He suddenly felt his scalp numb. The person on the other side was clearly the same person, but it felt completely different.

That is……

It makes people tremble, and the fear of running away immediately.



Countless blood converged into rivers, winding to all streets.

There was only silence in the whole city.

It seems as if all creatures have disappeared.

On the dark street, the little animal crouched on the ground, looking up at the person sitting next to it.

Are you shoveling shit?

"Disgusting." Mingshu murmured.

The little beast jumped on her, licked her fingertips, and pushed a series of thumbs the size of a grape-like fruit.

eat something?

Mingshu pinched the fruit and stuffed two into his mouth as if mechanically, and the aura flowed out of the fruit.

Mingshu turned to look at Shen Ying, she had little energy, almost moved slowly, holding Shen Ying in her arms.

Shen Ying's eyes closed tightly, and his body was so clean that there was no drop of blood.

The prince lay not far away, still holding a breath.

He clasped the ground with his hands, staring at Mingshu with the eyes of the monster.

" are a demon."

"Oh, they said so to me." Mingshu seemed to answer his words, and seemed to be talking to himself.

The prince's throat was breathless and gasping, his eyes glaring like bronze bells.

"Tell me, how can I get him back?"

The prince was stunned for a while. Although he laughed, the voice was sharp and unpleasant: "Do you think I will tell you? Hahahaha..."

Mingshu looked at him: "Sou, I need to know how to unlock his control over Shen Hi."

The little beast twisted twice, and seemed to want to persuade her to meet her gaze, and the little beast jumped from her and rolled to the prince.

"You... what are you doing?"

The prince was frightened.

The little beast jumped on his head, humming and not listening.

Let you mess up, shoveling **** now crushes me!

"Go down, what do you want to do to me!"

The prince's head shook like a rattle, and the little animal sat steadily on his head, and his furry paws slapped him on the brow.

The fur on the little animal slowly floated up, emitting a warm milky light.

The prince's face glowed in the light, and the blue was purple.

His expression began to grieve, and the pain was so extreme that he couldn't even make a sound, clenching his teeth, and blood was flowing down his mouth.

The small animal quickly withdrew its paws, jumped in disgust, and shook its hair.

Little Beast Road: He raised Gu with his body, killed him, the mother Gu died, and the child Gu died naturally.

Mingshu set Shen Ying aside, propped his body up, and picked up a blood-stained sword on the ground.

"Do not……"


The Crown Prince's hands fell down weakly, his eyes staring at Shen Ying not far away.

The little beast looked up at the woman who slowly pulled out her sword.

Are you afraid that I lied to you? I don't like him, maybe I will let you kill him personally.

Ming Shu looked down.

She grinned at the corner of her mouth, as if she was short-lived: "If you lie to me..."

She didn't say anything later and turned back to Shen Ying.


This sentence was finally written, bang bang bang.

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