Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1202: Rape male **** (32)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

The news that Shen Yu locked up Feng Ge in the ears of ministers immediately.

Feng Ge is old, but the people around Shen Yu, she was locked up by Shen Yu?

For a time there were a few ministers who wanted to persuade Shen Yu, but they also broke this thought.

Shen Yucheng is having fun in the harem. The prime minister of Mingshu is also a day-to-day prime minister. Can you call me to deal with things?

Two words were passed.

To be a traitor, one must naturally have the consciousness of being a traitor.

How can they help them deal with government affairs!

Three months later.

The old man, Zhang Ge, pushed Shen Yan to the top on the grounds that Shen Yu's mother had seized the position and pretended to preach the imperial edict.

In the past three months, the news about Shen Yan's death has been vaguely transmitted.

Shen Yan appeared and accused Shen Yu of what he did to himself and the emperor.

The ministers did not immediately respond, but instead looked at the prime minister's house.

The Prime Minister's House only sent someone a congratulatory letter, and then there was no movement.

this is……

Agree with Shen Yan to overthrow Shen Yu?

They all thought that Prime Minister planned to rebel on her own, but she didn't mean it?

The hatred value is not full, Mingshu feels that he should go for a lap.

So the day they acted, Mingshu also went slowly.

Ministers: "..."

Did not say that Prime Minister is going to participate!

Did the prime minister regret it and want to rebel?

The minister gave way to Mingshu, with Shen Yan and Zhang Gelao ahead.

Old Zhang Ge is still the same as the old god, as if this matter was not her head.

"Senior Prime Minister."

When Shen Yan saw Mingshu, his heart was a bit complicated, Duanmushu's thing...

Duanmushu was involved in the Seven Sisters.

Mingshu carried a bag of snacks: "Don't care about me, I'll take a look."

Minister: "..."

The ministers couldn't help but look back, and they made sure that the prime minister came alone, and they were still not assured.

After all, Prime Minister can kill the entire beam alone... The capital of that day can really be said to be bleeding into rivers.

For several days thereafter, there was a **** atmosphere in the imperial capital.

Shen Yan saw that Ming Shu had nothing to say, nodded to Zhang Ge Lao, a group of people went to Shen Yu's palace.

The door of the hall was closed and no one was guarding it. The hall was also quiet.

The people next to them pushed open the door and went in. The hall was messy, but no one was there.

"What about people?"

The Yulin Army was suppressed by Zhang Ge's old emperor's token. The Yulin Army would not help Shen Yu.


However, searching the entire palace, no trace of Shen Yu was found.

Shen Yu ran away, and Huang Guijun Paeonia was also missing.

No one knows whether Shen Yu ran with Huang Guijun or Huang Guijun ran with Shen Yu.

And where they run from is also a mystery.

Shen Yan made people search in the Imperial City.

As a result, no one was found, and Shen Yu evaporated like nothing.

Next is Shen Yan's throne ceremony.

Shen Yanxuan blocked Duanmushu as an emperor. This matter was opposed by many ministers. After all, Duanmushu was Emperor Shenyu.

How can a man become the emperor of two empresses.

But Shen Yanli dissented from the crowd and sealed Duanmushu.

Shen Yan wanted to seal Mingshu, but he didn't know what to seal, so he asked in the early dynasty.

Ming Shu opened her mouth and gave her a sentence: "Tao Xiong?"

Shen Yan: "..."

Shen Yan also found out that at first, she was very kind to herself.

But since that incident, her attitude towards herself is no different from that of others.

Shen Yan may have made Shen Jin the king out of compensation.

This is the first male prince in Fengqi State.

"Congratulations, lord!" Mingshu looked at what was sent in the palace: "We Weichen will see you in the future and have to salute."

Shen Ying's courage was also big: "Isn't that my prince?"

"Say it again?"

Shen Ying immediately changed his voice: "I am an adult husband."

Shen Yingshen held Mingshu: "Master, you come with me."

Mingshu followed him to the study, and since he married in, this study has almost never been used by Shenshu.

Shen Ying suddenly covered Ming Shu's eyes.

"What are you doing, murder?"

"Master, how can I be willing to murder you." Shen Ying caused Mingshu to move forward.

Mingshu felt stopped.

Shen Ying slowly moved his hand.

At a glance, Ming Shu saw the painting hanging in front of him.

That was when she was sitting in the pavilion, watching him dancing swords.

There are several others beside them, all of which are portraits of her.

From the painting, we can see the intention and affection of the painter.

"Adult." Shen Xian turned to Mingshu: "Do you like it?"


He whispered: "Do you like me? Do you like me as much as I like you?"

Ming Shu looked left and right and suddenly lifted his sleeves: "Come, I will draw a picture for you."

Shen Ying: "..."

Change the topic again! !

"Relax, I painted very well, and I promise to paint you beautifully. Come, stand ahead."

Ming Shu pulled Shen Ying to the front. She unfolded the paper, drew the pen and dipped it in ink, and the stroke was quick. The arc, Shen Ying felt that she was afraid of making random drawings.

Mingshu quickly closed the pen.

Shen Xing thought about it and was stopped by Mingshu: "Don't worry, read it later."

After the ink dried out, Mingshu rolled it up and handed it to Shen Ying: "Well."

Shen Yingping wants to see what she drew.

He took it, ready to unfold.

Mingshu immediately said: "That... Jingyu seems to have something to discuss with me just now, I will go first."

After he finished his reaction, he slipped out of the study.

Shen Xing expands the painting——

His face was slightly ugly.

Is this what she said to paint herself beautiful?

How could I believe her!

What did she paint? Pig? What does he look like in her eyes? !

Shen Ying took the painting and went to find Mingshu to settle the bill.

"Your Highness, what are you doing so anxiously?"

"What about your family?"

Jing Yu was frightened by the murderous words of "Your family": "Uh...Isn't Lord with you?"

Shen Xing did not find anyone in a circle.

"Your Highness, please don't be too angry and angry, your adult will be distressed." Jing Yu carefully gave Shen Yingsheng soup.

What the **** did you do!

Inflate your Highness like this.

"She distressed me?" Distressed how he treated him? He refused to say to him even if he liked it!

"The most distressed man is your Highness." Jing Yu nodded repeatedly: "You weren't having a bad stomach the other day. The adult specifically ordered you to give you a daily stomach soup."

Shen Ying looked at the soup in front of him, put the painting aside, and finished the bowl of soup.

Jing Yu felt slightly relieved when she saw Shen Ying's face improve.

"His Highness rests first, and the adult will come back. He will come. Don't be angry."

Shen Ying snorted.

Jingyu was embarrassed and quickly withdrew.

Who knows when I left, my sleeves swept to the scroll on the table, and the scroll fell to the ground with a snap.

Jingyu's heart jumped, to finish!

She crouched down to pick up the painting.


Jing Yu: "..." She didn't do it on purpose! But... what is this painting?

Shen Ying bent over to pick up the painting, and he turned around.

--like you.

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