Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1204: Yu Yin around the beam (1)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

#Ability Headline: Sang Yin is an ordinary person if he doesn’t fit any words#

"Where did you buy the swimsuit? It's so pretty. I forgot to buy it. I took it last year. Ah... It's a little bit. You look at me."

"Hahaha, come on, you just show off your figure."

"Don't touch..."

"Ah! Stop it!"

The girl's noisy voice echoed in Mingshu's ears. She opened her eyes slightly, and saw a group of girls, wearing swimsuits with very little cloth, playing in front of them.

"Sang Yin, don't you want to change? We have all changed."

Someone looked towards her.

Mingshu Yuguang swept around, and she was the only one here, which should be said to her.

In front of Mingshu was a locker with a mobile phone and a bag, above which was a bathing suit.

"Don't touch it! Hate!"

"Quick, everyone hold her!!"

A few girls are making a lot of noise here, and there are some next to them, all young girls of the same age.

"Sang Yin? We are going out. You can change it soon."

The girl who spoke before called again.


Mingshu took the swimsuit into the next compartment and locked the door.


The pseudo female protagonist, Yi Jiao Jiao, was born again.

The boyfriend of the previous life betrayed, his relatives were indifferent, and he thought that he was a good friend.

After being reborn to Yi Jiaojiao who was still in high school, he got golden fingers, opened the ability space, and learned the medicine that had long been lost.

Yi Jiao Jiao found her former self, although she was far away from Yi Jiao Jiao's circle, but as long as she worked hard, she would definitely revenge for her former self before returning to those people.

From now on, Yi Jiao Jiao began to reach the peak of his life. His boyfriends, relatives, and scum friends in the previous life slapped his face one by one.

If this is the case, it seems that this is just a story of rebirth, no problem.

The problem is-

Because the previous life was betrayed by others, after Yi Jiaojiao was reborn, any hostility to her, or just an unintentional sentence that violated her, would find a way to rectify it.

The reputation may be impaired, and life may be dangerous.

Yi Jiao Jiao relied on his own space, not afraid of being discovered.

In short, people who offend Yi Jiao Jiao definitely have no good ending.

The original name was Sang Yin, the same high school as Yi Jiaojiao.

The original owner is a girl who is not good at communicating with people, but has a good family background, knowledgeable and reasonable, and belongs to a quiet girl.

Because of the good looks, even if the original owner is low-key in the school, he still hangs at the top of the school flower list.

Yi Jiaojiao's family history is not very good, although gradually improved by relying on the golden finger, his appearance has also changed a lot, from a native girl to an exciting and energetic goddess.

Yi Jiao became beautiful, and some people could not help comparing the original owner with Yi Jiao.

In an outdoor activity organized by a school, some students pulled the original owner and chatted with a group of people. It happened that when talking about the change of Yi Jiao, the original owner just listened and did not participate.

But there was a classmate who said something awkward and happened to be heard by Yi Jiao.

The student fell into the water and almost drowned.

At the time, the people who were discussing had more or less some problems.

Outdoor activities are at the seaside. The swimsuit straps worn by the original owner are somehow broken.

Some classmates took pictures and spread them maliciously to the forum.

The original owner's character is not very strong, and the family helped her to solve this matter, saying that someone was malicious.

But many people at the time saw that even if they were sealed, they would still look at her with strange eyes.

Faced with the strange eyes of the classmates, in addition to being more silent, the original owner did not make any resistance.

It didn’t take long for the original owner and Yi Jiao to meet at a cocktail party hosted by a big brother. Yi Jiao was here to see the big guy for treatment, and the big guy didn’t get better. Yi Jiao was almost their guest. .

At the reception, the original owner said the wrong sentence. That sentence was not yet said to Yi Jiao. Yi Jiao somehow felt that she was talking about her and argued with the original owner.

It's not right to argue, because the original owner hardly spoke much.

Yi Jiao Jiao fell off the stairs in front of those people when someone came.

The big brother thought it was pushed by the original owner.

Surveillance also showed that the original owner and Yi Jiao pulled at the time, and Yi Jiao fell downstairs.

The original owner was accused of ill-intentioned guilt and was kicked out of the reception by the gangster.

The reputation of the original owner was ruined in the circle.

The original owner didn't know why Yi Jiao Jiao framed herself. She went to Yi Jiao Jiao theory, but because she couldn't speak, she was led by Yi Jiao Jiao. Finally, everyone in the school knew that she pushed Yi Jiao.

Yi Jiao Jia began to become obvious to her. No matter what the original owner did, Yi Jiao Jia had to mix a foot, either let the original owner be a laughing stock, or let the original owner become her foil.

The original owner remained silent except for silence.

But what did you say?

If you don’t go bad in silence, you’re sick in silence.

In this way, the original owner embarked on the black road of villain BOSS.

The original owner is just not good at communicating with people, it does not mean that she has a problem with IQ.

Next, Yi Jiao Jiao suffered several losses, but after knowing who made it, Yi Jiao Jiao was very comfortable with it.

When the original owner was stepped on by Yi Jiaojiao.

The original owner asked her why she should target herself.

Yi Jiao's statement shocked and angry the original owner.

Just because she looks like someone who betrays her.

At first, she was aiming at the original owner, which was indeed the case. When she saw that she had lost everything, she couldn't help hating her heart and wanted to destroy it.

But the person who betrayed her was later picked up by Yi Jiao Jiao, who still did not let go of the original owner.

In the end, the original owner counterattacked, and it is even more unlikely to end.

The original owner finally died.

[Sang Yin's wishes make Yi Jiao Jiao lose everything. 】

Mingshu went out after receiving the memory, and the group of noisy girls had just gone out.

At this time, it should be to participate in outdoor activities organized by the school.

The original photo hasn't happened yet.

Mingshu put the clothes in the cabinet and turned out a sunscreen from the bag.

Lock the cabinet and go out with your mobile phone.

There is still a distance to the beach, and Mingshu walked to the beach while sorting his memories.

After walking through a tree-lined path, the blue sea appeared in front of him.

The large troops of the school gathered together, and Mingshu walked over there.

The original owner and Yi Jiao Jiao are not a class. She went to her class and someone rented a barbecue grill and was grilling.

barbecue! !

Mingshu's eyes shone slightly.

"School flowers, a bunch?" The skinny boy in the class whistled at Mingshu.

Mingshu was thinking about how to rub the barbecue. Hearing this, he turned around and walked towards him, with a slight smile: "Is that enough?"

The boy blushed on the spot.

He... he just casually said!

"Well...just enough."

The boys next to him laughed abruptly: "Ha ha ha ha... School Flower is in a good mood today. You will appreciate your light and you can perform well."

"Go to you." The boy scolded with a blush, and murmured again: "I didn't care how to call it before, today the sun came out of the west?"

After whispering, the boy gave the grilled meat skewers to Mingshu: "Here... to you."



The penultimate day, the little cuties with monthly tickets!

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