Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1220: Yu Yin around the beam (17)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Yu Shen took a bath, wearing a bathrobe, sitting on the sofa.

Her cell phone stayed here...

On behalf of her will return.

Thinking of this, Yu Shen rested a little, and his right thumb gently rubbed his left thumb.


There was a slight sound from the door.

Yu Shen was shocked, and suddenly he didn't know how to face it.

He simply curled up on the sofa, facing inside, slowing his breathing, pretending to be asleep.

Yu Shen suddenly hated the hotel carpet because he could not hear footsteps.

The slight sound of rubbing the bag sounded.

The bag was placed on the table, and Yu Shen pinched his clothes tightly, trying to look like he had just been woken up.

He suddenly froze.

Why he...

Do these extra things?

What if she came back and saw herself sitting here?

Just when Yu Shen was stunned, there was a blanket on him, and he felt the man sitting next to him.

"Yu Shen?"

Her voice is very nice, and it's better to call him by his name.

I want to hear her scream a few times.

Yu Shen pretends to have good sleeping skills, which are all thanks to the bodyguards at home.

So he was convinced that the people around him did not find out.

"Yu Shen..." Mingshu picked up the people.

Yu Shen opened his eyes slightly, and his sleepy eyes looked hazy: "What are you doing?"

He looked at her confusedly, his head still a little bit cooperative, seemingly sleepy.

"eat something."

The bag rustled a few times, and then there was a rush of heat, with the smell of porridge.

"Do not eat...I want to sleep." Yu Shen is going to fall on the sofa.

"Eat a little, obedient."

For the rest of her life, she found that her speech was slightly different from that before, and it seemed to have a coquettish taste.

Yu Shen didn't know if it was his own illusion.

"I do not want to eat."

Mingshu tried the porridge, it was no longer hot, and she handed it to Yu Shen's mouth.

Yu Shen still squinted, if his body would not fall, Ming Shu reached out his arms around his shoulders and fed him with a spoon.

Yu Shen determined that she was different from herself and the day at this time.

Yu Shen took a sip and kept his face open: "Not tasty."

Mingshu was not upset and took a box again.

Yu Shen tried several kinds in succession, and finally he slowly ate the seafood porridge.

Yu Shen is actually quite hungry, but no one will treat him, and he doesn't want to say it.

A bowl of porridge bottomed out, and Mingshu wiped the corner of his mouth: "Go to bed?"


Yu Shen responded in a random way, and his mind was messed up.

Lying on the soft bed, he watched Ming Shu turn off the surrounding lights, then walked to his bed.

Yu Shen immediately closed his eyes.

He felt that she had stood for a long time, until he really wanted to fall asleep.

However, just as he was about to fall asleep, there was a sudden heat on his lips and something was covering it.

The breath on her struck her instantly.


Yu Shen made a subconscious sigh.

Then she stopped suddenly, her lips touching, with a strange touch, he was a bit numb at this time.

Yu Shen dared not move.

After a while, she kissed him again and again, Yu Shen dared not speak again, waiting for the heat on her lips to disappear, she left the bed, Yu Shen opened her mouth and breathed slightly.

Just now...

He almost suffocated.

In the darkness, he buried himself in the quilt, fingers touching the lips she had kissed.

The heartbeat was pounding.

She kissed him...

Kissing means like it.

So does she like herself?

Yu Shen thought of it, and was excited.


Wenjia Villa.

Mr. Wen sat on the sofa and closed his eyes to refresh himself. In front of him was a solemn bodyguard, but he was faintly anxious.

Their young master is gone.

If something goes wrong, they are the ones who died! !

Of course anxious!

"Master, where did Miss Sang Yin take the young master? You know, young master can't be outside..."

Grandpa Wen opened his eyes and looked at the bodyguard: "You just protect him so well, the sound is decent, and it won't be disordered, you are at ease."

"Old man..."

"Since the Yu family has handed him over to me, I will be responsible for him. What will happen, I will bear it."

The bodyguard suddenly choked.

Mr. Wen sighed: "That child has some physical problems, but there is no need to protect him tightly at all times. It cannot be replaced by anyone."

"Old gentleman, there is a gentleman who claims to be Fu Yunbo outside to see you." Aunt Zhou murmured weakly behind a pile of tall and mighty bodyguards.

"Fu Yunbai?" Master Wen said the name twice: "What is he doing here so late?"

Aunt Zhou waited for Wen's reply.

"Please come in." Master Wen said.


The next day.

Yu Shen observes Ming Shu's expression, she still looks like Xiao Yin Yin, seeing nothing unusual.

He didn't like the breakfast provided by the hotel. She was still saying the same thing last night and was hungry if she didn't eat.

After finishing breakfast, Ming Shu went out to check out, and then drove back.

Yu Shen never felt it again during that time. Last night, she was like that...

"Master, are you okay?"

Before approaching the villa, he was discovered by the bodyguards waiting outside.

"It's okay." Yu Shen looked at Mingshu.

The latter looked at the direction of the villa leisurely, and when he was still surrounded by bodyguards, he had lifted his foot to the villa.

The bodyguard also followed, if it wasn’t for the granddaughter who smelled the old man, now they don’t know what to do to her.

"Master, you scared us to death."

"Don't go out like this next time. If you have an accident, we can't make it."

Yu Shen lowered his head and replied as always: "I see."

The bodyguard dare not say more, after all, Yu Shen is their young master, not their son.

Yu Shen was a few minutes behind, and when he arrived at the villa, he found that the atmosphere in the villa was wrong.

In the living room, the old man sat on the side alone, and next to him was a man with glasses. The man was opposite the awkward strange girl.

Mingshu stood in the middle of the living room.

"Senior man, since Miss Sang Yin is back, then, may I take Meng Meng away?"

Master Wen didn't answer, but instead looked at Mingshu: "Yinyin, is this your friend?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?" Ming Shu said.

Fu Yunbai smiled politely: "Miss Sang Yin, I'm here to take care of you before Meng Meng. I'm here to pick Meng Meng."

"Oh." Mingshu scratched his hair. "Does she agree to go with you?"

"Mengmeng?" Fu Yunbo looked at Zhuang Mengmeng.

Zhuang Mengmeng seemed a little unwilling, but he didn't want to cause trouble to others, so he struggled.

"Sang Yin...Thank you, but I'd better go with Mr. Fu. It's safe for you and... Mr. Wen Lao." She stumbled.

"Well, since you have decided, then I won't say anything." Ming Shu let go and smiled: "If you have difficulty finding me, I will be happy to help you."

After a pause, she said again: "Can I cook another meal for me before I leave?"

Zhuang Mengmeng: "..."

Fu Yunbai: "..."

Father Wen: "..."

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