Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1226: Yu Yin around the beam (23)

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Ming Shu handed over the completed test paper to Fu Yunbo.

Fu Yunbai glanced rudely and answered every question in great detail.

He looked at Mingshu with complicated eyes.

"How did you make him so... fearful?" That should be fear.

From entering to subduing the man, she did not use any power.

Afterwards, there was no excessive behavior. Why was that man so scared?

Mingshu is unpredictable: "Mathematics makes people afraid."


Mingshu passed Fu Yunbai, and she walked a distance before her voice slowly sounded: "There are many people who can resist physical pain, but some things are different..."

There are not many people who are not really afraid of death.

Some people say that they are not afraid of death, but just do not feel the fear of death.

Fu Yunbo frowned slightly.

Zhuang Mengmeng heart-shaped: "The sound is so good."

Fu Yunbai glanced at her: "Your practice questions are done?"

Zhuang Mengmeng: "..."

Math makes people crazy!

Mingshu walked out of the power management board.

She unfolded another note in her hand.

There is only one address above.

Mingshu put away the note and looked up at the night sky where the stars were almost invisible. She found a sugar and put it in her mouth.

The cold drops of water hit the back of her hand.

"It's raining."



A power organization.

What he did was killing and setting fire, burning and looting.

Recently, Shanhai will not know which muscle is wrong, and even started to kill the abilities, and many abilities are missing.

Her task is to destroy such an organization.

Mingshu stepped on the dead branches and rotten leaves, and turned over the wet mountain road, lights appeared in front of him, and some people patrolled back and forth.

Farther away, there is a villa standing on the mountainside.

The entire mountain is the site of the Shanhaihui.

The entry of Ming Shu was exceptionally smooth, but...

She and a land battle that she hasn't seen for a long time met on a remote corridor in the villa. Land warfare is random, not as if lurking in.

Mingshu raised an eyebrow: "Aren't you the leader of the Shanhai Club?"

The Marines glanced back, and there was faint footsteps. He quickly pushed open a room and brought Mingshu into it.

"Strange, did the land war just come here?"

"Eh, what do you think Jay is looking at in the land battle? Younger..."

"The land battle looks good. Our boss, men and women, take it all, don't you not know, maybe someone else's bed is good?"

Some unspeakable words came in from the outside.

The footsteps of several people passed through the corridor and gradually walked away.

The land war heard these words, and there was no wave in his expression. He glanced outside through the curtains, and his tone was indifferent: "How are you here?"

"Why can't I come." Mingshu leaned on the sandalwood round table in the room.

Marine: "Do you know where this is?"

Mingshu's tone was brisk: "The old nest of the Shanhai Club."

The land battle frowned even deeper. She knew where this was, and she dared to come.

"It's dangerous here."

"It's not dangerous what am I doing, outing?"


The Marines approached her: "Hurry away from here, and since you can come in, you will definitely be able to go out, don't do bad things."

"You do what you do, I do what I do, there is no conflict." Ming Shu tilted his head: "Yes, classmates of land warfare."

The whole land was hidden in the darkness, and Mingshu leaned on the round wooden table, only half of the curtains were drawn, and the light fell in, clearly depicting her outline.

Clear and arrogant...



She didn't care about her situation at all, or where it was.

The Marine asked: "What do you want to do?"

Ming Shu looked out the window: "Why should I tell you."

Marine Warfare: "..."


Mingshu and the land battle were talking about collapse. Someone was looking for him outside. The land battle could not disappear for too long, and finally he could only leave.

He reminded her.

I don't know what she is doing here.

Of course, at this time, Lu Zhan didn't think she could do anything earth-shattering by herself.

After the land battle left, Mingshu also went out of the room. She first secretly overheard several important people in Shanhaihui.

The former Jay brother who had a leg with the land battle was one of them.

Mingshu leaned on the wall eating sugar and thinking about the problem.

"What are you going to do, let me go, you let me go!!"

A stern voice sounded in the side corridor, and Mingshu glanced at the probe, just in front of a pair of terrified eyes.

The man was dragged by two people and was walking towards the end of the corridor.

I didn’t see them in the past. Which room should it come from

They entered the last room and the corridor returned to silence.

Mingshu let Harmony do the monitoring and shake it close to the room. The room has good sound insulation and no sound can be heard.


The door of the room was opened, and Mingshu faced each other inside.

Ming Shu raised his smile: "Hi, good evening."

The girl smiles like a flower, the whole person comes with a beauty effect, and the people inside look a little stunned.

The man hadn't recovered yet, Mingshu had lifted his feet and kicked them in.

There were not many people in the room, plus she kicked into this, and the one who was tied to a standing operating table was only five people.


The people inside scolded.

Ming Shu closed the door smoothly, started to manipulate the things next to him, and hit a man who wanted to ring the alarm.

Two of the people in this group have abilities. Thanks for the great quality of the room, there was no problem.

Mingshu got these people together, tied them up, and released the struggling young man.

The young man gasped for breath, wondering if he was happily rushing for the rest of his life after the robbery, or was moved by someone to save himself, with tears in his eyes.

After slowing down for a while, the young man looked up at the girl in front of him: "Are you also a power catcher by them?"

"No." Mingshu looked back and smiled: "I'm just an ordinary person."

The young man's eyes widened.

Ordinary people?

Isn't it!

Mingshu looked at the things in the room. The place was empty. Only the place where the youth was **** just now had some weird machines.

"What is this?" Ming Shu asked the youth.

The young man was still immersed in the ordinary people. Hearing Mingshu’s problems, he turned his head to look around and said blankly, "I don't know."

"So what's the use of saving me?"


Mingshu set his sights on one of the powers: "What are you talking about?"


Powers use their eyes to indicate that they will not speak.

"you do not say?"


"Oh, forget it, I don't want to know that much."


He was all ready to face the evil forces, swearing not to bow his head, why did she not ask?



Little fairy: Come and come, today I will tell you what is called fancy voting.

Little Angel: I don't want to listen to such a brainwashing lesson.

Harmony: Do the little goblins fight?

Little Angel: (doubt) You will be so kind.

Harmony: It has been so good~

Little fairy: remember to vote after reading!

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