Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1238: Yu Yin around the beam (35)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

The murderer has already caught, how to tell the abilities, Fu Yunbai and the Administration need to worry.

The purpose of Yi Jiao Jiao is to ask for something from the side of the authority, that man is here to assist her.

Power crystal.

Rumors of that thing can make ordinary people possess abilities, but they are all rumors, and no one has ever confirmed it.

However, the power crystal has been heavily protected by the authority, proving that its role is by no means ordinary.

Yi Jiao Jiao dived into the Power Management Bureau for this reason, and there was a huge organization behind her.

Yi Jiao Jiao said that she was threatened, and she was right. She had the handle in the other side and had to agree... Of course, she was also interested in the power crystals in that population.

Wei Yaxuan's death was completely unlucky.

The man was afraid that Wei Yaxuan would go out and talk and expose Yi Jiao, so he hurt the killer.

Both Yi Jiao Jiao and the man will be sent back to the bureau to make a ruling.

These people can no longer be sanctioned by law, and the bureau has laws specifically formulated for abilities.

Of course, it is recognized by the state.

The murderer caught and the activity continued.

But that night, all abilities were summoned and sent back urgently.

Mingshu looked at the bodyguard on alert: "What happened?"

The bodyguard replied: "The bureau was invaded, and I heard that something was lost. Now all abilities have to go back."

Mingshu frowned slightly.

The official plane that they still arranged for them, Fu Yunbo blocked Zhuang Mengmeng.

But Ming Shu did not see Fu Yunbo.

Several helicopters at the airport took off in turn, rushing towards the authority.

Yu Shen's plane stopped at the airport and did not go to the authority.

When getting off the plane, Mingshu saw a woman waiting with a group of black bodyguards.

Yu Shen came down, and she immediately ran over, nervous and worried.

"Xiaoshen, are you okay?"

"Mom." Yu Shen yelled, "I'm fine."

Yu mother kept a distance, trying to touch her son, but also a little afraid.

She looked deeper and deeper, making sure that her son was fine, and she looked slightly relaxed.

"Mom, this is Yinyin, mine..."

"Yinyin, I know that your business, my father and I agree." Yu mother hurriedly said: "I'm going to the bureau right away, you and Yinyin go home first."

After her mother finished speaking, Yu took the group of people away.

Yu Shen looked at Yu Mother's back and looked sideways, smiling at Mingshu palely: "Introduce next time."

"Master, my wife has just arrived, and I will wait to see you here."

Yu Shen clenched Mingshu's hand, meaning an unclear hum.

Mingshu held his arm: "Let's go."


The authority is remote, but some people still find the anomaly of the authority.

Some netizens photographed a strange light appearing there, and saw a red thunderbolt in the sky, slashing straight to a place.

But these videos, rumors soon disappeared.

No waves have been triggered on the Internet.

Mingshu heard that the missing thing of the authority is the power crystal.

This is internal information, and the rest of the power thinkers who attacked the authority.

Now the world is looking for the murderer who attacked the administration.

"What's the use of power crystals?"

"Well, you want to know?"

Mingshu nodded, wondering if he could eat...

"You kiss me." Yu Shen put his face together.

Mingshu was eating a cake, looking at Yu Shen, and then looking at the cake, and finally walked towards Yu Shen.

The sweetness of the cream circulated between her lips and teeth, and Yu Shen hugged her waist and held the person in her arms and kissed it all over again.

The tip of his tongue licked the cream from the corners of Ming Shu’s mouth, and said before Ming Shu’s trouble: “The power crystal was found in a deep mountain.”

"The hand of many abilities passed through, and there was a lot of noise, and finally it was kept by the authority."

Mingshu is curious: "Really let ordinary people have abilities?"

Yu Shen shook his head: "No. But it can make the power strong, but it also has side effects. For a long time, the power will lose its nature."

Lost nature...

To seize power that is not yours, but cannot withstand such power, and finally can only become a puppet dominated by power.

Mingshu shook his mind a little.

There is always a class of people who try to gain power that is not theirs.


It doesn’t matter how much the world of abilities makes noise. It’s not related to the world of human beings. After the holidays, Mingshu still has to go to school.

The results of the monthly exams have come out, and many students wailed and could celebrate the rest of their lives after the students struggling to pass the pass.

A few Jiang Le, except Luo Yi was to be invited to the parents, the rest is okay.

"Zhan Ge didn't come to class again." At lunch, Jiang Le pressed his cell phone: "You said what Zhan Ge did recently."

"Who knows, Brother Zhan is doing a big deal... Auspicious, you put down the chicken legs for Lao Tzu!" Tang Zhe changed his tone afterwards.

Cheng Xiang quickly licked the chicken leg.

Tang Zhe: "..."

Luo Yi was quick, and clipped two ribs on Tang Zhe's plate.

Jiang Le quickly took care of his plate and moved to Mingshu: "Yinyin, who was your boyfriend last time?"

"Which one?"

"It's... that's like a black aquarium."

Jiang Le's words attracted the attention of the other three, staring at her with wide eyes.

Mingshu thinks about Yu Shen's appearance, it is indeed like a black meeting.

She smiled and nodded: "Well, boyfriend."

"Ah..." Jiang Le's face was disappointed: "I thought you were going to be with Brother Zhan. Zhan Brother was in love."

"Hahaha, Lele, I think you are falling out of love!" Auspicious demolished the platform mercilessly.

Jiang Le glared at him: "Go and go, talk nonsense, the sound is so beautiful, she has a boyfriend, you are all falling in love!"

When several people were in trouble, Jiang Le suddenly booed twice and pointed to the phone: "Brother Zhan's phone."

Everyone looked at the phone strangely.

The Marines took the initiative to call them. It was going to rain red that day!


Jiang Le looked at the address on the phone and looked at the house that was almost demolished in front of him: "Is this here?"

The following few people are not so sure, how could their war brother live in such a place?

They stepped on the old, staircase that was mottled with the traces of years.

Standing in front of Room 509.

Jiang Le looked at Tang Zhe around him: "You... you knock?"

Tang Zheqian gave Cheng Xiang: "Auspicious, are you here?"

Lucky withdraw from Luo Yi: "You come, you come."

Luo Yi: "..."

Mingshu reached out from among them and knocked on the door.

The door opened with a click.

Everyone: "..."

Jiang Le pushed the door carefully: "Brother?"

The room was a little dark, and Jiang Le didn't dare to look at it, he screamed and headed.

But no one answered for a while.

Jiang Le stretched his head in again and called out, "Brother?"


There was a sound of something falling to the ground in the room. A few looked at each other, ignoring the call, and rushed in.

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