Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1242: Yu Yin around the beam (39)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Yu Shen's fingers picked up the Mingshu pajamas, and the pajamas slipped from her body to the ground, and a fiery kiss fell from her neck, to her shoulders, clavicles, and fire everywhere.

Mingshu was put on the soft bed, Yu Shen deceived him, and his kiss was soft and gentle, not anxious to do anything, but just kissed her slowly.

When Mingshu's consciousness was blurred, she entered slowly, and Mingshu's brows were slightly wrinkled, the pain struck, and she gasped slightly.

"Yinyin, it's okay, it's okay..." He pacified softly.

"Yu Shen..."

"What do you call me?" Yu Shen's voice was low and full of desire.

"Brother Yu Shen..."

Yu Shen rushed to the end, but he stopped and leaned over to kiss her tenderly.

It wasn't until Ming Shu adapted that he slowly moved, the movement was still gentle, for fear of causing her a little pain.

Mingshu was led by him to climb to the peak, and then fell quickly, floating in the floating room, hearing Yu Shen's voice.

"Yinyin, happy birthday."

"And I like you, I like you so much..."


Mingshu got a sore back in the morning, but Yu Shen was in a good spirit, and brought breakfast to Mingshu.

After finishing breakfast, Mingshu continued to paralyze in bed with snacks.

Yu Shen came over with a clean quilt cover and hugged Mingshu to the sofa: "Sound, is it still uncomfortable?"

"What do you say?"

Mingshu was powerless.

"Sorry." Yu Shen kissed her distressedly: "I'll pay attention to it next time."

Mingshu didn't want to move on his stomach, and Yu Shen got up to change the quilt cover.

The sheets were stained with blood, and Yu Shen did not let the servants wash them.

The time they spend together is simple, and there is not much to say, just staying where they can see each other.

Yu Shen helps Mingshu to do his homework, Mingshu eats, and occasionally angers him.

Yu Shen does conditioning every day. His physical condition seems to be much better, and the whole person looks better.

"Yinyin, let's go to the beach on the weekend."

"Go again?"

"I want to go with you again." Yu Shen said: "Secretly take me like last time."

Mingshu stared at him for a few seconds: "Don't go."

Yu Shen took out a cake from the back: "Really don't go?"

"I...consider." Mingshu reached out and held the cake.

Yu Shen continued to add snacks.

Mingshu was a little shaken: "I... think about it."

Continue to add snacks.

"Okay. But if I get scolded, I won't give you the blame."

"Well, it's all my fault. I took my wife out."


Mingshu shook off the group of bodyguards and took Yu Shen, a black household with no ID card, and drove by.

There seems to be no change at the seaside.

The same scenery feels completely different.

Mingshu and Yushen walked hand in hand on the beach, playful children, couples taking photos...

"Yinyin, wait for me."

Yu Shen suddenly released her and walked in the other direction.

Yu Shen returned quickly, holding an ice cream in his hand.

He said: "I owe you."

Mingshu forgot. At that time, he said he owed it first.

Mingshu took the ice cream and she licked it.

The sweetness spreads on the tip of the tongue, with a creamy aroma.

Yu Shen asked: "Is it sweet?"

Ming Shu nodded.

Yu Shen lowered her head suddenly. When she was caught off guard, she kissed her lips and the sweet taste was swept away by him.

His nose touched Mingshu's nose: "Well, sweet."

"Go away, the ice cream is about to melt."

"Give me some food."

"No, this is mine."

"Me too is yours."

"...Well, mine."

"Where was the porridge you bought me last time? I still want to eat it."


"Wife-in-law... Wait for me."

The two opened the same room last time, and Mingshu asked curiously, "Did you not sleep that night?"

Yu Shen blinked: "Sleep, fall asleep."

"Your powers are out of control, but nothing strange happened that night."

"I...may not be in a strange environment."

Mingshu approached him: "Did you know that I kissed you that night."

Yu Shen stepped back: "No, I don't know."

Mingshu looked at him and smiled: Brother Yu Shen, the reaction was wrong. "

Yu Shen: "..." He should be surprised, not denied! Stupid!


He covered his face, a little afraid to see Mingshu.

Obviously it was her who stole herself, why he did the wrong thing.

That night Yu Shen had the same porridge, but he still didn't know where she bought it.

He will never know.


Yu Shen of this plane still went first, his body was okay for the first two years, and worsened in the back.

But Mingshu didn't live long.

Died of...

Was split by thunder.

The ghost knows why she was struck by lightning! Her family obviously has a lightning rod!

This stepping horse is totally unscientific!

Name: Ming Shu

Hatred value: 1330000

Aura value: 160000

Branch task: complete

Hidden task: complete

Mingshu's eyes looked at the data, and they narrowed slightly.

"Did you secretly deduct my halo value?" The little **** chef likes her so much, the halo value has been detained so much.

Harmony is not nonsense, just brush a row of purchase records.

One of them is very expensive, it is the medicine she bought before without side effects...



Mingshu stayed in Baiyunfang for a while before leaving.

After Mingshu left, the row of purchase records just refreshed, leaving only a row of words-

Data receiving 95%...


Space and Time Administration.

In the conference room, there were many people sitting in full dangdang, all looked depressed, bowed their heads, and dared not say anything.

The blonde secretary sat on the top and looked at them silently.

The silent sense of oppression circulated in the room.

"I want a solution!" The blond director finally said, but when he said this, everyone lowered their heads.

The blonde director took a deep breath before he suppressed the anger.

"Now that the system has been repaired, why can't I get in touch?"

This is the matter of the Minister of Technology. He supports us: "I don't know, I am still investigating..."

Director Jinfa: "Who invades the system?"

"For the time being... I haven't checked it yet."

Everyone felt that the temperature in the conference room continued to drop.

Their system was hacked, but they didn't even know who did it.

It is completely understandable that the Secretary has such a big fire.

"What happened to Qi Yu and Luo Yan?"

No one answered in the conference room. The Minister of Technology spoke out weakly: "The situation of Jiu Shao is not very good, Luo Yan is slightly better, but... it should not be supported for a long time."


The Minister of Technology leaned on his side, rubbing the things he hit over his head, and fell to the ground.

The blonde director looks bad: "What are you doing in the technical department!"

"Director..." The Minister of Technology wiped cold sweat: "Those planes are already unstable, Jiu Shao has lost contact with the system, we want to find him..."

Director Jinfa: "I will give you the last chance to get me back, otherwise you will all get out of my way!"

Minister of Technology: "..."

The fair-haired director left with a bad look.

The Minister of Technology swallowed.

The people in the meeting room were relieved and got up to comfort the Minister of Technology.

"Don't worry, the Secretary is also angry."

"Yes, you are the mainstay in our bureau."

The Minister of Technology responded dryly, and he looked worriedly in a certain direction.

"My concern is... the following."

As soon as the Minister of Technology made this remark, everyone also followed the silence.


The thirty-fifth plane is over.

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