Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1244: Obey the order (1)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

#世界头条:Jianxue resets the world if he doesn’t agree#

This world is very special.

Their lifespan is recorded by a small card and counts down every day.

That card became the most important thing for people, even the people on the pillow could not tell where it was hidden.

There is a huge gap between the rich and the poor in the entire world. Cities are divided into rich and poor areas, with a very sharp dividing line in between.

On one side is a bright and beautiful high-rise building.

On one side is a dilapidated, low-rise building.

Not only that, lifespan will be plundered.

Yes, life can be plundered.

Of course, plundering life is not allowed on the bright side.

But the right to money, and the desire to live, always breed out-of-rule transactions.

The pseudo female protagonist of this world is called Ish, the tip of the rich zone is white and beautiful, what do you want?

Because of anger with his family, he ran away from home and ran to a poverty-stricken area. He was unlucky and met with bad guys and was arrested.

But she was rescued by the hostess Lu Ning.

Lu Ning took the false heroine home, and Lu Ning knew that people here hated the rich, so she didn't dare to say her identity.

During her life with Lu Ning, she knew Lu Ning's ideals. She wanted to leave here and live in a better place.

The false heroine was slightly disdainful.

Later, once the false heroine killed herself, not only was Lu Ning involved, her lifespan was almost looted.

The mistress knows that someone in a poor area sells lifespans, and she wants Lu Ning to take herself, and she does not want to die.

Lu Ning, as a mistress, could not do this kind of thing, so she refused her, but she promised to be a false mistress, and she would find a way to recapture her lost life.

Since life can be plundered, it can naturally be taken back.

As long are not dead.

After death, even lifelong plunder returns will not help.

The false heroine felt that Lu Ning did not want to help herself, and had a big fight with Lu Ning, and ran out on her own.

She hit by mistake, and really found a person who sold life.

However, the other party did not intend to help her, but did not really intend to help her, but her life span was not much. The other party saw her looking beautiful and sold her to a group of people.

Where did the mistress know that this would be the result, she was defiled and innocent, and did not live as well as a dog.

Once the pseudo-hostess found an opportunity to escape, but the other party soon discovered that someone was sent to arrest her.

It was at this time that she met the original owner.

The original caller was Jiang Xue, and the false heroine saw that there were many people around Jiang Xue, and her status was not low, so she asked her for help.

Jiang Xue certainly didn't save her.

A person who doesn't know at all, why should she save?

The pseudo-hostess was tortured to death shortly after being arrested.

Then she was born again.

After the rebirth, the pseudo-hostess felt that it was the fault of the hostess and the original host.

If it was not the mistress who did not help her, how could she be sold.

If the original Lord rescued herself, how did she die?

The false hostess also hated the people in the poverty-stricken areas, and it was this place that became her nightmare.

So after rebirth, the pseudo-hostess chose to retaliate against the hostess and the original host. Not only that, she also destroyed the poverty zone.

The original owner was forced into a hostile relationship with the false heroine.

The false heroine restores her identity and uses her identity to initiate a proposal to destroy the poor in the rich area.

Someone quickly responded to this proposal. Although the government opposed it, it was finally forced to compromise by this group of people.

The fight between the poor and rich areas has officially started.

It is conceivable that the rich areas are well-equipped, how can the poor areas compare?

The captives in the poverty-stricken areas resembled the old society, and the tattoos of the slaves were wounded.

Their lifespan is deprived of only one day's life. If they don't work hard according to the allocation of slaves, don't want to live the next day.

The false hostess seized the hostess and she let the hostess experience everything she had experienced before.

The original owner ran fast and was not caught.

But in the end, the original owner still died in the hands of the false hostess, or... suicide.

The pseudo-hostess became a hero in the wealthy area, and she eliminated the thorns in their eyes.

[Jianxue's wish is to become Yi Xi's nightmare. 】

This is good!

[Hidden task: poor and cheap can not be moved. Tip: The gap between the rich and the poor is too large to be friends, please host to aim the artillery fire at the rich area. 】

Mingshu: "..."

Is this task so early?

and also……

The original owner is not bad!

[Hint: Either you are rich or I am rich. All rich people are enemies. ] Harmony is a calm change.

Mingshu: "..."

Jiang Xue is the eldest lady of the ‘Du Ji’, the largest life-selling organization in poverty-stricken areas.

Compared with those small workshops and black workshops, Jiji is a "state-owned enterprise", which guarantees credibility-except there is no official certification.

The rules of discipline are strict, and the lifespans sold here are voluntarily sold by people.

They trade life for money.

I love you.

And within three days of repentance, it can be refunded-of course, Jiji is not a charity, will not be retired, and will charge a certain percentage of life as a breach of contract.

The buyers of Duoji are mostly from the wealthy area, and use high prices to purchase life.

At this time, Mingshu was sitting in the office of ‘Du Ji State-owned Enterprise’, where the spacious and bright, transparent glass was staff.

Mingshu looked at the cards in his hand, and this was the card that recorded life.

The card is entirely white, and this thing is born with it, it is amazing.

There are not many things on it, similar to the ID card. There is a photo in the upper right corner, and the information is next to it.

Name: Jiang Xue

Remaining life: 135 days in 6 years

Maximum lifespan: 28 years

This maximum life is a limitation.

That is to say, if you died at the age of 23, if you deprive others of your life, you can continue to live.

But the maximum life expectancy is 40 years, and you can only live to 40 years old.

If there are no restrictions, those rich people will not be old monsters.

But the life of the original owner... there is no possibility of life extension!


Someone knocked on the door outside and was the assistant of the original owner.

Mingshu put the cards away and let people in.

The assistant put a stack of materials in front of her: "Miss, this is today's audit information."

Ming Shu nodded: "You can buy me some food and come back."

"Good old lady."

The assistant quickly left, and Mingshu turned over the stack of information, which recorded the people who came to sell life.

Everyone's life is not long, one or two years, the money is enough for them to spend a long time, can not continue to sell.

Mingshu needs to be reviewed one by one. This is a discipline rule to prevent someone from profiting from it.

She tried two and she didn't want to do it.

The assistant came back carrying the things for a while, and did not buy much.


"Uh..." the assistant said carefully: "Did Missy say she was going to lose weight?"

"Weight loss?" Ming Shu looked down at his body. This body is well maintained. Where do I need to lose weight?

Mingshu pondered for a moment: "I will eat less and eat less, you buy more and come back."

The assistant's mouth twitched.

Sure enough the girl said that weight loss is deceptive.


This plane is not familiar to everyone, so please pay attention to the background description above~

Degree Ji means extending life~

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