Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1247: Obey the order (4)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

The chef is slow in making things and focuses on showing off skills. Mingshu can only slow down.

Opposite Zhu Hongjie only poured a glass of red wine, nothing in front of him moved at all.

"Miss Jiangxue, can you still have an appetite?"

There is no such thing as a little chef!


After being criticized in this way, the chef seems to be a little dissatisfied, which means it seems to mean that you came from a poor area and you know how to appreciate it.

Fortunately, the chef is a little conscious, this is Zhu Hongjie's home court, just watch Mingshu and continue to be his own.

Zhu Hongjie took a sip of red wine: "Cough... I don't talk to Miss Jiangxue anymore. I want to buy life from you. The price is not a problem."

Mingshu chuckled: "I'm afraid you can't afford it."

Zhu Hongjie is slightly confident: "Although the lifespan price is high, it is not a problem for me."

How precious is life, how can it be bought for tens of thousands of dollars.

Zhu Hongjie has known about it for a long time, but his worth, this amount of money, is really not a problem.

Hidden anything is the group of people, Mingshu is also welcome.

"Mr. Zhu is well-known, rich and enemies..." Mingshu will be able to praise the idiom and use it in his brain.

Zhu Hongjie was very happy when he heard Mingshu exaggerating himself, but the more he heard, the worse.

"...People like you naturally need a special order to match your noble identity and highlight your status."

Zhu Hongjie tempted: "What is the special customization that Miss Jiang Xue said?"

Ming Shu smiled: "We sell to ordinary people on a yearly basis."

Zhu Hongjie: "..."

Not by year, by what?

"But Mr. Zhu is different. How noble are you. It is not the same as your identity in terms of years, so let's count by day."

Zhu Hongjie: "???

Assistant He in the back was also shocked.

Missy didn’t tell him, change the mode...

Under the shocked watchfulness of Zhu Hongjie, Mingshu continued: "I estimate Mr. Zhu's identity, one hundred thousand a day, which is one-tenth of your daily account. Not much, how many days does Mr. Zhu need to buy?"

One hundred thousand a day, thirty-six million a year?

The current market price, the life of one year, is only 15-20 million.

Zhu Hongjie lowered his face: "Miss Jiangxue, your price is a bit excessive."

Mingshu was surprised: "Does Mr. Zhu think his local life is not worth the price?"

Zhu Hongjie: "..."

If he denies that his life is not worth the price, but if he admits...

Zhu Hongjie's gaze took a closer look: "Miss Jiang Xue deliberately embarrassed me?"

"Oh, you see it."

The anger in Zhu Hongjie's eyes began to gather.

He sneered: "Miss Jiangxue, there is more than one businessman on the east side of the city, I'm not indispensable to you."

The rich and poor areas are just what everyone calls, and the official names are Dongcheng District and Xicheng District.

Dongcheng District is a poor area, and some people will call it a garbage collection bin.

"Well, you can find someone else."

Mingshu nodded happily, and the casual tone did not care about offending him at all.

Zhu Hongjie narrowed his eyes, and the atmosphere suddenly stretched out.

"see a visitor out!"

Mingshu got up and smiled right: "Then I wish Mr. Zhu good luck."

Zhu Hongjie stared at Ming Shu's smiling face, and his anger was even worse. He was even played by a woman.

Zhu Hongjie said: "Miss Jiangxue, don't think you are so capable. In our eyes, you are nothing."

The latter smiled brighter, and said to him, "Well, you are great, but you are particularly great."

Ming Shu took Assistant He to leave the villa.

Zhu Hongjie lifted the table on the spot.

"What kind of stuff! I really think I'm a thing, I still play with me."

"Don't be angry, sir." The butler persuaded: "Dongcheng District has done more to do this, we can find someone else."

They chose Du Ji, just because Du Ji is the largest in Dongcheng District and has the best reputation.

Zhu Hongjie's chest was more and more undulating: "Then you won't go yet."

Butler should be.


Mingshu got into the car, and Assistant He immediately said: "Miss, what are you doing? You don't want to do his business. If we don't do it, why are we back on the bar?"

"Jiao Jing is me!"

Assistant He is so confused, what is Liao Jing?

Mingshu looked at the street outside the car window and said reluctantly: "Go back first, I need to do something."

Assistant He: "?"

When Mingshu returned to Dongcheng District, there was no shadow. Assistant He stood at the gate to doubt life, so what would Missy do?

There are several companies doing this business in Dongcheng District. This kind of thing is not something that you can do by pulling a platform. If you want to do it, you have to see if they agree or disagree first. Who has no background?

For the sake of healthy competition in the market, prices all have a value, and everyone abides by this rule.

Those who disturbed the market and the black workshops were caught by these few and did not have good fruit to eat.

Mingshu paid a visit to the family members of these companies one by one, and amicably raised the price to 100,000 a day.

When Mingshu gave the new price list to Assistant He, Assistant He no longer doubted his life. He began to think about whether he was dreaming today.

"Miss, this... do they agree?"

"Why don't you agree if you have money?"

"But it's improved so much..." Assistant He couldn't be more anxious: "One hundred thousand a day, how can we still do business?"

The rich area is just a collective name, but not all are millionaires.

There are also many ordinary people with fixed wages. These people actually don't have much left in a month. Taking 100,000 to buy a one-year life span is their limit.

"Ah, it wasn't written above, did you watch the dishes?" Mingshu pointed to the list: "Ordinary people still sell according to the original sales."

Assistant He: "..."

Look at the word "dishes", why does it pop out of Missy's mouth!

Isn't this treading horse a special word for profiteers?

"Let's lead Quandongcheng to make a fortune!" Ming Shu patted the assistant's shoulders: "One year is 36 million, you can, you can buy a lot of snacks."

Assistant He: "???

What the **** is the last sentence?

"Miss, if you do this, it will cause many unrest factors. For example, someone will secretly plunder someone's life and sell it, which will disturb the entire market and is not good for us."

"When dealing with those people, those who are rich can weigh them up." Ming Shu said: "Neither the money nor the money may be."

They pay attention to credibility, others don't pay attention.

In the market, the life expectancy is obtained by dark means, and it is sold at a low price, at any time.

But those are just a few, and the real big heads are still in their hands.

"Do what I said." Mingshu shouted and laughed, "I know what I am doing."

Assistant He: "..."

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