Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1254: Obeying the order (11)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Ye Jie changed clothes and came out, the clothes fit well.

The man was standing tall, and the sleeves of his shirt were slightly curled, revealing a white wrist.

The corner of the mouth with a stream of smiles, the eyes are deep, as if full of old wine, full of intoxication.

Give him a stage and probably be able to start a concert.

He grabbed his hair and posed a sullen gesture to Mingshu.

"How about Darling? Am I the most handsome."

"The ugliest."

"That Daring's vision is unique."

Mingshu thought a little: "I am indeed blind."


Ye Ji walked in front of Mingshu, holding a white card at his fingertips: "Darling, this will be left to you for safekeeping."

Mingshu looked at him.

This kind of thing normal people, even if they are husband and wife, will not be handed over to each other.

He just gave it to himself?

Ye Jie bent her lips: "My life is worth it."

Mingshu's eyes fell on the card, and his finger pressed Ye Zi, revealing nothing but silence.

The following is the remaining life-1 year and 17 days.

Ming Shu jumped.

Why is there so little time left?


Ye Jie said first: "I'm running out of time, so is Darling going to treat me better? Let's kiss one first?"

Mingshu: "..." I slap you to death!

Mingshu took the card and determined that she had read the time correctly.

The goblin gave her this thing so easily... wouldn’t I want to sympathize with him?

According to the goblin's's really possible to touch porcelain like this.

The big guys who touched the porcelain world couldn't get upset.

"Did you grab that person's life last night?"

"Well, Darling I'm not robbing. That's what he owes me. I just took it for me." Ye Jie blinked and answered casually: "But it's not very useful to me, probably because I'm special, otherwise Nor will I encounter Darling."

Mingshu: "..." Did the goblin light up the skills of the little prince?

"How could it be of little use?"

"I don't know." Ye Jie held the chest in false anxiety: "Darling, don't you really kiss? I think I will die in a month, my heart hurts..."

Ming Shu frowned and looked at the card: "You go with me to measure."

Mingshu changed his shoes, and Ji Ji stood still.

"Darling, kiss me and follow you."

Mingshu: "..."

It's faster to play!

Mingshu hooked his hand at him, and Ye Jitu went forward.

Mingshu pressed his head: "I will play rogue with me again, I don't mind beating you."

Ye Ji shook her head and was hurt in the face: "Darling is so cruel."

Mingshu: "..."

Mingshu loosened his fingers and hooked his neck instead, leaned over and kissed him.

Ye Jie's eyebrows immediately bent: "Darling..."

"Shut up and go."

"Observe the order."


Assistant He was waiting below, seeing Mingshu and a strange man who had never seen him come down, the conjecture in his heart was verified, and Missy did have a situation!


This man is too handsome.

What the **** is a Darling?

"Miss? This..." What do you call it?

"Ignore him." Mingshu went straight into the car.


Assistant He glanced at Ye Jing, who followed Ming Shu on the bus and completely ignored him.

Assistant He: "..."

From the place where Ming Shu lived to Ji Ji, a dozen minutes away, Assistant He heard Ye Ji called Ming Shu dozens of times.

Assistant He looked at each other's eyes.


Missy, where is this little white face?

Mingshu took a man to work, and was still a good-looking man. The employees were very curious and took Assistant He's gossip.

"Assistant He, who was the one who went in with Missy just now?"

"Miss. Is there an object?"

"So handsome, what is it called?"

Assistant He asked me three times, and Missy didn't tell him what they did.

"Work hard, don't gossip all day!" Assistant He said with a straight face: "I will tell you when I hear."

All employees silently gave a thumbs up to Assistant He.

This is their assistant He.

"Assistant He, are you going to be a friend of women outside?"

Mingshu's voice came from the office.

Assistant He coughed and entered the office.

Ye Jie sat in a circle around Mingshu's position, looking around.

This man...

It's really not polite at all!

Mingshu stood in front of the desk and looked down at the documents on the table.


Mingshu asked Assistant He to come to get the cards of the storage life of Duoji. Assistant He was full of doubts, but Mingshu did not give him the answer.

The storage life card of the age is slightly different from that of normal people. There is no name and maximum life on the card, only the remaining life.

The original owner did not know where this thing came from. Anyway, when she knew it, Du Ji already had such a card.

It is said that there are several other companies, and they have the most such cards without excessive discipline.

This kind of card can only be used to store life, just like... a bank.

Mingshu let Assistant He go out.

Mingshu placed two cards in front of Ye Ji.


"The life span of this card is 200, you try it."

Ye Jie smiled: "Darling cares about me very much. In order to express my gratitude, I will kiss Darling..."

Ming Shu looked at him faintly.

"Well, I save." Ye Ji sighed helplessly: "But this thing is useless to me, but it's a waste. How can I waste Darling's assets."

"Why is it useless?"

"Um..." Ye Jie looked at the cards on the table, and then looked at Ming Shu: "That is, this life expectancy will not increase."


Ye Ji spread his hand: "I don't remember."

There is only one possibility that the lifespan cannot be increased-he once plundered the lifespan exceeding the highest value, the lifespan was halved, and he can no longer plunder the lifespan.

Mingshu checked Ye Jie's card again, wrong... If so, the color of the card would become off-white.

But this card is the same as a normal card.

It was only after Mingshu that Ye Jie didn't even remember his name. He only knew that he was Ye Jie after seeing the card.

Where he came from and what he wanted to do, he could not remember.

"Darling, I didn't expect that you would care so much about me, and there is no return, I promise it by myself."

Ye Jie suddenly hugged Ming Shu's waist, and he looked up at Ming Shu: "Darling, kiss."

Mingshu wished to shoot Zhang Fu on his head.

Kiss you a big head ghost!

"Miss, Xicheng District..." Assistant He saw that the office door was not closed, and came in directly. Who knows to see such a scene.

He quickly turned around: "Miss, I see nothing, you continue."

Assistant He quickly walked out and closed the door.

The blinds of the office may have been put down by the cleaner, so the office is a completely safe space at this time.

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