Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1261: Obey the order (18)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!


Ming Shu opened the door and went in.

Unsurprisingly, Ye Jie was already standing behind the door, smiling and looking at her.

"Darling, I came back very early today, did you miss me?"

Mingshu handed him photos and newspapers: "Can you explain?"

Ye Jie blinked, and then took the picture, he looked down.

"I help them accomplish one thing, they give me life, Darling, it's that simple."

"They are all dead."

Ye Jie flipped his hand over the photo, his eyes fell on the top photo, and he didn't say anything for a long time.

"Ye Ji, did you hide me?"

Ye Jing looked up: "How come, Darling, I will not lie to you if I deceive anyone."

How could he be willing to lie to her.

"You really don't remember anything?"


"To be honest, otherwise you will get out of here today."

Ye Ji grabbed Ming Shu and lowered her head to touch her lips: "How can Darling drive me away, so cruel."

Mingshu pushed him away and walked to the living room to sit down: "I am cruel, I am afraid of myself, so you better not fool me."

"Don't be angry." Ye Jie chased her. "I don't remember much, and I think my memory is strange."

Mingshu: "Where is strange?"

Ye Jie looked at her carefully: "It's not like my memory..."

Not like his memory?

Is it because he wants to restore his memory?

"Why would those people die?"

Ye Ji shook his head: "I really don't know about this. When I arrived, they were all good."

Indeed, the previous man had no problems.

And it took so long for the man to die.

Too much coincidence is not coincidence.

There must be a reason.

Ming Shu asked: "What do you remember?"

Ye Jie thought about it and replied: "I should be from Xicheng District, there is a very large family, they seem to be studying what, how do I appear in Dongcheng District, I really don't remember."

His memory is intermittent, and many of them are fragmented and cannot be connected.

He said there was nothing wrong with amnesia.

Ye Ji... Ye family?

Mingshu had heard of this family, which was very prestigious in Xicheng District, and the families of Yixi could only look up.

But this family, in the plot of the former mistress of Ish, the sense of existence is not high.

Ye Ji held Mingshu's sleeves: "Darling, don't you drive me away?"

"Tell me anything later, understand?"

"Observe the order."

Ye Jie posted to kiss her, Mingshu thought about the matter, and pushed it a few times without pushing it away, so he kissed him.

"Do you know what the Ye family is studying?"

"Um..." Ye Jie thought for a while: "I don't remember it, it seems to be related to the card."

Mingshu has a headache, this is a waste of snacks.

She decided-

forget about it.

there is always a solution to a problem! Let's talk at home!


Dingdong Dingdong——

Dingdong Dingdong Dingdong Dingdong——

The doorbell rang like a bell, and Mingshu put his clothes in order, ripped the clothes on Ye Ji's body, and covered the covered place.

Then he got up and opened the door.

A completely strange little girl stood outside the door.

It's really a little girl.

At the age of seven or eight, with a bright and shiny crystal crown, wearing a delicate princess dress, looks cute.

"Who are you looking for?"

Xiao Gongju smiled with familiar nervousness: "find you."


"Luo Yan?" Mingshu hesitated.

Xiao Gong raised his chin: "Are you surprised to see me?"

"Yes... a bit." Once a woman, but now a little girl: "You really don't pick."

Abnormality is not ordinary, can accept all people's design calmly.

Xiaogongju's expression changed slightly, and his heart was resentful. Fortunately, Qi Yu didn't remember the second illness now!

"Is Qi Yu here?"

"Not here."

Mingshu closed the door, and Xiaogong took advantage of his petiteness and slipped in from below.

"Don't think you are a child now, you can be ashamed."

Xiao Gong raised his head, revealing a quirky look like a little devil: "I don't want it."

Mingshu: "..."

Xiaogong lifted her gorgeous princess dress and walked into the living room. Ye Jie had stood up and stood lazily.

"Who is she?" Ye Jie stared at Xiao Gongju and looked at her. Her mother... was not an adult and was not very threatening.

"Dead pervert."

"Huh?" What a pervert?

Xiaogong raised his eyes with a blazing light: "I am her daughter."

Ye Jizi squinted: "Huh?"


The play was followed by a good follower: "Daughter girl, when I picked you up, you were still so small, I finally raised you up, and you turned around and followed your rich biological parents, hey... popular Not ancient! I wasted so many snacks."

Xiao Gongju Luo Yan: "..." How to give yourself a pit!

Ye Jie loosened the fruit knife she was holding: "Darling, such a ungrateful person, what do you let her in?"

Mingshu agreed: "It makes sense, you throw him out."

Ye Jie was very happy, carrying Xiao Gong's collar and dragging outside the door.

"My grass!" Xiao Gongju couldn't help but swear: "You two are enough!"

He has been very difficult to find, and he has to bully a single dog!

It's almost inhuman!

"It's done, take the young man back." He also hopes that this pervert will help the goblin to find his memory.

Ye Jingyin looked at Xiaogongju's eyes, and Xiaogongju's eyes on Shangyeji's eyes were dark.

This narcissist just looked so cute just now, how can it be fine now!

Ye Jie squeezed Luo Yan's delicate neck, Luo Yan had the illusion that his head was about to separate from his body.

Fortunately, Ye Ji didn't do anything, just drag him back.

With a casual smile, he pressed him on the chair and brought him a drink from the kitchen.

"Darling's daughter-in-law is my daughter-in-law, although you are ungrateful, but Darling is kind and does not care about you." Although I don't know where it came from, it does not prevent him from hating her.


she was?

What a joke!


Who is your damsel!

Wang Ba Dan takes advantage of him!

Probably because of Ye Jing's breath, Luo Yan took a sip in his cup and tried to calm down his irritability.

Every time I meet this narcissistic narcissist, I get angry!


A sip of the drink squirted out, and Ye Ji pulled Mingshu early to stand on the other side without any suffering.

Ye Jie looked at Mingshu: "Darling, he wasted his drink."

"He he..." Xiao Gong shook his hand: "He put something in the drink."

Mingshu's gaze drifted to Ye Jie.

Ye Jing burst into a wink, and his tone was calm: "Darling, I didn't."

Mingshu said with a smile: "Good job."

Ye Jing froze for a moment, then looked at Xiao Gongju with a slightly provocative look, and Darling was toward him.

Luo Yan: "..."

He is now a child, and these two people even feel honored to bully their children! ?

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