Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1269: Obeying the order (26)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Ye Jie was indeed awake. The doctor of the Ye family was sitting in front of the hospital bed and was doing an examination.

When the man and Mingshu appeared, Ye Jie looked up.

A smile appeared on his pale face.


Ye Jie pushed away the people around him and went straight to the door.

The man's eyes softened slightly: "Xiao Jing..."

He opened his hand to greet his son, but Ye Jie staggered him and pounced directly at the man next to him.

Ming Shu was embraced by Ye Ji.

He whispered into Mingshu's ear: "Darling, I know you will come."

the man:"……"

Everyone looked at the man, and the man put his hands back behind him in embarrassment.

Since knowing this girl, it should have retained the memory of the previous round.

I just don't know... did you remember the memory before the car accident?

His son...

Ye Father sighed heavily.

Ye Jie's body is still very weak and needs to be checked again.

During the examination, Ye Ji didn't let go of the Mingshu. The doctors had no choice but to check like this.

Father Ye seemed much calmer, and every time he was awake, he was used to it.

When the doctor went out, Ye Father came in again and asked with a little hope: "Xiao Ji, do you remember?"

Ye Jie glanced at Ye Father and then Ming Shu. Of course he was who he was, and he was the same when he woke up last time.

He didn't remember anything, so he said he was his father.

Ye Jing didn't say anything for a while

He doesn't feel how close he is to this person.

Therefore, by virtue of his physical weakness, he relied on Mingshu shamelessly and did not respond.

Ye Fu said it was impossible not to be disappointed.

But he just sighed: "Bring the young master back to the room to have a good rest. If Jiang Xue doesn't want to give up, she can stay here."

"I want to take him out of here." Mingshu said directly: "He didn't wake up before, so I didn't mention it."

Ye Father's eyes rose sharply: "Jiang Xue Mai, am I too generous to you, do you think I will let you take away the little silence?"

Ming Shu: "Then let him choose."

Father Ye had a stomachache, and looked at his son with his strange eyes, and his posture of sticking to Mingshu...

"I choose Darling."

Ye Ye felt distressed.


Because of the night, Mingshu still spent a night at the Ye family.

The maid arranged a room for them.

In the room where Mingshu lived, she didn't have time to observe the room, and Ye Jie slipped in.

Catching Mingshu, he smiled a little, but his eyes were serious, not frivolous: "Darling, long time no see, miss you, kiss one."

Naomanshu is more true: "In fact, we haven't seen it in a few hours."

Ye Jieli was straight-hearted: "If you don't see one day, it's like a third autumn."

What's wrong with kissing your own daughter-in-law!

Just kiss!

Ye Ji rubbed Mingshu's cheeks, and finally caught the soft, wanton turn.

But Ye Ji's body suddenly softened, or Mingshu would quickly fall to the ground if he helped him quickly.

"A little dizzy..." Ye Ji was depressed, this body was not good, he looked at Mingshu: "Darling, please kiss me."

Mingshu: "..."

Mingshu threw him back to the room and asked the servant to come to the doctor.

As soon as he woke up, it was so messy that the doctor whispered something to him.

Ye Jie is a little bit unconvinced, he is in good health!

Not just kiss it, why is it so weak!

A group of quacks!

Ye Shao's eyes were not good, the doctor did not dare to beep, after checking, he was pushed onto the bed, and he left the room.

Mingshu sat beside him, Ye Jing looked at her expectantly.

Mingshu extended his hand: "Show me the card."


Ye Jie found the card and handed it to Mingshu.

Name: Ye Ji

Remaining life: 294 days

Maximum lifespan: 73 years

Mingshu frowned, this time... why wasn't it reset?

Mingshu asked him, "Can that person believe it?"

Ye Jie pinched Mingshu's finger, feeling a little sullen: "Who?"

"Your dad."

Ye Jing casually said: "Okay, he is very good to me, but I can't get close to him, I don't know why, I just want to get close to Darling."

Speaking of the back, Ye Ji started to tease Mingshu again.

After Ye Ji slept, Mingshu left the room to find Ye Father.

Father Ye was sitting alone in the study, with only one light on. The light was dim and he could hardly see the look on his face.

"Miss Jiangxue, is there anything else so late?" The son chose her and wanted to show off in front of him!

"I'm curious, why you are not at all confused, not even asking about my identity too much."

A stranger...well, she was famous before, not a stranger. But is it strange that such a person suddenly comes to the door?

Ye Father squeezed the bridge of his nose with one hand: "I knew you already with Ye Ji, do I need to elaborate more?"

During the time when Ye Jing left, he didn't know where he went, except for the beginning, and he knew it later.

Mingshu looked at the man for a moment through the dim light.

Finally, she slowly said, "Why is Ye Ji's life different?"

Ye Father pinched the bridge of his nose: "He even told you this?"

Mingshu did not answer.

The study was silent for a while.

"Why this is so, I don't know."

Ye Fu said that Ye Jie's life is normally lost and cannot be replenished by taking other people's life.

Unlike them, it will constantly reset.

"I have inquired a lot of people, but only found one person. It's the same situation as Xiao Ji. After that person's life came to an end, in the next round of reset, it disappeared and never appeared again."

"I don't know why this happens."

Mingshu frowned slightly, so this means that he really died?

This is more like a bug in the game.

Isn't the goblin so bad?

Thinking about the current situation of the little goblin, maybe it's really unlucky.



The next day, under the complicated attention of Ye Fu, Mingshu left with Ye Jing.

Mingshu took Ye Jing back to the Jiji, and unexpectedly saw Lu Ning as a girl.

She looked dignified, pacing back and forth outside the gate of Jiji.

Across the crowd, Lu Ning recognized it at a glance despite his different appearances four years ago.

She walked over quickly: "Miss Jiangxue."

"Go in and say." Ming Shu said.

Lu Ning nodded.

Lu Ning was really flustered. There was no difference between four years and four years later. Looking at the familiar environment, Lu Ning relaxed slightly.

"Daughter girl, you go out and bring two people back, our family does not support idlers!"

The cheap dad floated ghostly.

Mingshu: "..."

The cheap dad didn't mean to participate in their conversation. After saying that, he drifted away again.

Lu Ning had never seen this cheap dad, but he saw the people around him very respectfully, and hesitantly asked: "Miss Jiang Xue, he is..."

"Buddha, don't care about him."

Lu Ning: "?"

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