Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1273: Obey the order (30)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

A month later.

Mingshu suddenly received a call from Lu Ning, saying that she had a new discovery and wanted to meet her.

But Ming Shun waited for two hours at the appointed place, but Lu Ning didn't show up.

Call back and prompt to shut down.

Mingshu called the Ye family. The Ye family said that Lu Ning left three hours ago.

Just when the doubt was clear, Lu Ning's phone suddenly came in.

Mingshu is connected.

The phone was very quiet. About thirty seconds later, a voice came out: "Jianxue."

It is the voice of Ish.

Mingshu asked quietly, "Lu Ning is with you?"

"It's good to know." Ishton paused. "Aren't you and her very good? If you want to keep her alive, come and see me alone."

"Oh, no, you're having a good time." Ming Shu hangs up the phone.

It was amazing that Yi Xi dared to kidnap the kitchen lady!


Is it wrong?

Have you planned a kidnapping for so long? ?

Yi Xi persevered and came over. After Mingshu hung her several times, she finally connected again.

"Little cute, didn't I tell you, did you play it yourself?"

"Jianxue!" is different from the original calming appearance. At this time, Ish's voice implied anger: "You don't play tricks on me, Lu Ning's life and death can be in your hands."

"Ok, no problem."

Mingshu hung up again.


Yi Xi did not know if he was mad, and sent a few pictures to Mingshu.

Lu Ning was **** in a water tank and was pouring water around her face. The water had flooded her calf.

Mingshu: "..."

Isn't this familiar plot deserved by the male lead?

Sure enough, am I a man?


Mingshu found the place where Yi Xi said, in a basement of Dongcheng District.

Lu Ning hangs in the water tank unconsciously.

The light around was dim, and Mingshu did not see Yi Xi's figure.

Mingshu walked over to the water tank.


The bullet shot right in front of her, and Mingshu strode, looking in the direction of the bullet.

Yi Xi slowly came out of the darkness: "Jianxue, you are still here."

"Little cute, don't dare not come."

Yi Xi frowned slightly, this woman was always talking nonsense.

But quickly released: "Since you are here, so sorry, neither you nor Lu Ning want to go out here today."

When she was born again, she should get rid of them as soon as possible.

Mingshu wowed: "Then you are great! You are so great, why not save the world."

Ish: "..." Neuropathy!

Mingshu squeezed his wrists and glanced around. Yi Xi was about to speak. When he saw the man who was still standing just now, he suddenly moved.


Yi Xi fired two shots, but missed the target.

Instead, Mingshu was getting closer and closer to her.


Mingshu jumped over the obstacle and arrived in front of Yixi. Yixi pointed his gun at Mingshu and pulled the trigger.


The wrist was clamped in the hand, and even the gun was unstable, the gun slipped and was caught, and the muzzle turned against her chest.

Yi Xi stiffened her body, and the pain on her wrist made her forehead full of cold sweat.


Mingshu raised her hand and hit her shoulders, bent her legs against her abdomen, and Ixi completely detached and slipped towards the ground.

"Little cute, if you want to get started on me, you should shoot the first time, not nonsense."

Yi Xi curled up on the ground, too fast...

She didn't react.

"Jianxue..." Yi Xi suddenly laughed, his eyes full of madness: "Do you think I only prepared this hand?"

Ming Shu looked down at her.

Yi Xi grasped the ground with her fingers and left a clear palm print in the dust. She looked up at Ming Shu, her eyes flickering happily.

"It's a pity that when you go back, you can't even see his last face."

It is also a good choice to kill the people she cares about.

Yi Xi's eyes were misaligned and fell somewhere behind Mingshu, her fingers clenched slowly.

"That's really a pity, I'm afraid you will be disappointed." Mingshu pointed his gun at Yixi.

Yi Xi's nerves were tense and he screamed: "You dare to move me, he will be dead in no time!"


Gunshots sounded from the side, and Mingshu missed the shot, hitting Yi Xi on the shoulder.

The scene was suddenly confused, and Ixi was taken away by someone. These people were obviously arranged by Ixi and protected her at a critical moment.

It may be that Ming Shu discovered that when Ming Shu came in, these people were hiding farther away.

Yi Xi's voice penetrated the gunshots, and appeared vicious and savage: "Blow up here!"




The entire building was blown up and collapsed from below. The unidentified people around them froze for a second before they fled.

Ish was mixed among these people, and she was taken away from afar, before she looked back.

That building has completely collapsed.

She didn't believe it, they could survive!

"Miss, are you okay?"

The dull pain on Yi Xi's shoulder attacked her, and she said palely, "Blow me over there too."


Some house in Dongcheng District exploded without warning.

Ye Jing was standing on another street, looking at the explosion, and his dark eyes were full of Li Senhan.

He stopped the car with the beast and went to Xicheng District.


Mingshu sat on the ruins and gnawed fruit. There was a lot of dust on her, but there was no injury.

Lu Ning lay next to it, and woke up quietly for a while.

"Miss Jiangxue..." Lu Ning looked at her: " saved me?"

Mingshu threw away the core: "Yeah."

Lu Ning sat up, all in ruins, this...

Where are they?

Mingshu touched one from the side and continued to nibble: "How are you kidnapped by Yi Xi?"

Lu Ning covered her head: "Ye Tong...Ye Tong. When I came out, I met her. She bumped me inexplicably and put a tracker on me."

When she was caught at once, she still had consciousness, which Ish told her.

Lu Ning breathed: "Yixi took my life card."

Mingshu bites the fruit: "The life card can only be used by herself. What use does she take?"

"No..." Lu Ning said: "I found that the life card can change the name. Someone from the Ye family is doing this. When Ish reset, there seems to be something wrong. Her life is not much."

Ming Shu blinked: "Ye Wenji?"

Lu Ning denied: "No, Mr. Ye didn't know, I discovered it by accident."

Mingshu nodded thoughtfully: "Are you going to tell me this?"

"No, I wanted to tell you that I found a pattern."

"What law?"

Lu Ning was slightly agitated: "Every time the world resets after the two regions have fought, no matter which region is left, it will be reset in the end. What if the two regions coexist peacefully?"

Mingshu looked at her and smiled: "The most important thing now is to get your card back."

Lu Ning's expression is terrible, yeah, her life is now pinched in the hands of others, even thinking about it.

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