Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1282: The way of apocalypse (5)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Mingshu stood in front of the transparent cabin, the galaxy was shining outside, and occasionally the light flashed over them, and they were in the universe.

The entire space-time authority is floating in the vast universe.

Mingshu turned around: "They seem to be afraid of you."

Qi Yu was very ridiculous: "That is, your husband and I are geniuses."

Naomanshu said very politely: "Genius is easy to die young."

Qi Yu: "..."


Laozi's knife!

"Why did you come to attack me?"

Without any precautions, Qi Yu had no time to pick up the knife, and his gaze wandered: "That... I will definitely meet you instinctively, so I went!"

Ok! It is sauce purple!

Ming Shu raised his lower lip: "You originally planned to kill me."

Qi Yu groaned.

How to round this...

Qi Yu quickly flashed through several feasible plans, and finally he seriously said: "All the organizations forced me!!"

The smile in Ming Shu's eyes made Qi Yu's scalp numb.

Not easy to fool...

Qi Yu quickly shifted the topic: "Well, daughter-in-law, wouldn't it matter that way? Do you need me to find a body for you?"

"No." Mingshu walked up to him: "When did you like me?"

"Um..." Qi Yu gave a slight meal: "When I like you, I can't tell, but I am sure that my mind should be the Lingyan plane, but at that time...I am actually not sure if I can even You met and later found out that you are every time..."

He looked at Mingshu: "So, do you like me now?"

Although she knew she would not be here if she didn't care about herself.

But he just wanted to hear her talk.


Same as before.

Say to him, like him.

"I promised to let you be a male pet, you don't have to be intimate." Zhi Nanshu didn't say what Qi Yu thought.

Qi Yu: "..."

Go to your uncle's pet! Who wants to be your pet!

Is a genius like Lao Tzu a male pet?

Say something like I'm dying!

Qi Yu approached Mingshu, and Mingshu turned his gaze to one side: "Do you want to be here?"

She had heard the words just now, and now the entire Space-Time Administration is under the control of the elder.

In other words, no matter what they do now, they can be seen.

Qi Yu followed her, and the code beating on the screen seemed to show its sense of existence.


Qi Yu let Mingshu stay in the room. He left the room and didn't know what to do.

Mingshu stood in front of the holographic screen.

Since she entered here, Harmony is the same as dead. Will this ancient be Harmony?

If it is really, it is such a big thing to carry on my back that I haven't taken her host as my eyes at all!

Ming Shu waited for a while, Qi Yu did not return.

She was so bored that she wanted to find something to eat, but it turned out to be a soul body now.



But can bear.

Ming Shu waited for a while, and Qi Yu didn't come back. She got up and turned around the room. The room was cold in color, and there were very few colored things.

The room is divided into three parts.

Inside is the bed, in the middle is a few consoles, and outside is like a meeting place.

She walked to the inside, with a crystal lamp on the bed, very small and glazed.

To be honest, the crystal lamp is obviously out of step with the surrounding environment, but judging from the location of the crystal lamp, this thing is at least the thing that the owner pays more attention to.

This is where he lives.

Mingshu was about to go out, and suddenly his feet flickered, and Mingshu immediately floated into the air.

The shaking continued for more than ten seconds, then the things in the room began to move, and the things fell to the ground, making a booming sound.

Mingshu passed the end of the bed and caught the crystal lamp that fell from the head of the bed.

Then she felt the whole room falling down.

The red warning light was lit from all around the room, and Ming Shu returned to the outside. The garbled characters on the holographic screen had stopped, and he was slowly typing a line.

[You guessed it right, I am ancient. 】

The sense of falling continued, sparks were splattering around the room, and Qi Yu rushed in from outside the room.

"young married woman?"

Mingshu stood steadily in the void, and the shaking around him didn't seem to have anything to do with her, and falling would not cause any problems for her.

She held Qi Yu and stabilized his body.

"How did you anger it?" Ming Shu asked.

"It's purpose is to destroy here." Qi Yu anxiously said: "I will take you out of here first, and I will tell you later."

Mingshu plugged that crystal lamp into him.

Qi Yu froze for a moment. His eyelashes were drooping, and his emotions were indistinguishable in his eyes. He took Mingshu's wrist and said, "Go."

People outside have already started to evacuate, and they have to give up here.

Everyone ran down, but Qi Yu took her up, and some people went up.

Mingshu found that all of them had been to the meeting room before.

Mingshu thought they were leaving from above, and found that after reaching the above, everyone started to automatically control the escape cabin and helped the people below to leave.

The system of the escape cabin is separated from the main system, so it can be used at this time.

However, it is not known if the ancients will react to seize control.

Everyone is racing against time.

The escape pods popped out one by one.

"You withdraw first!" The Minister of Technology shouted at the rest: "What about the director?"

"The director said to meet below." Someone shouted.

The Minister of Technology quickly said: "Withdraw, the spacecraft will leave after five minutes, and notify everyone who has not left yet."

The Minister of Technology waited for a while: "Now start counting..."

One screen was separated and a five-minute countdown.

Qi Yu walked with Mingshu towards the elevator next to it, where he could reach directly below.

Much faster than running down.

The spaceship has been started and is on standby, and the people below are directing the remaining people to go up.

Qi He and the Minister of Technology arrived in the last thirty seconds.

Qi He looked around: "How about Luo Ban?"

Among the people present, Luo Yan was not seen, everyone shook their heads, and none of them saw Luo Yan.



The hatch of the spacecraft began to close, and Qi He ran towards the hatch: "You go back to the base first."


Qi He was extremely fast and jumped out at the last moment when the door closed.

Mingshu clearly felt that Qi Yu squeezed himself at that moment, he stared at the closed door with a lip, and looked a little cold.


Countdown to zero.

The spaceship popped out.

They were almost approaching the atmosphere at this time, the entire space-time authority was surrounded by flames, and some places had begun to burst.



Xinghun came out to appease: "Come on, calm down, the director will not be okay, and there is an escape cabin on it."

Everyone calmed down a little bit.

"what is that?"

After being ejected, the spacecraft was still a little bumpy. At this time, the spacecraft stabilized, and suddenly someone saw the outside scene.

The higher place is like a firework feast.

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