Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1285: The way of apocalypse (8)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Aunt Mei was close to Qi Yu, she would push him when she reached out, and Qi Yu didn't react, just looked at her calmly.

When Aunt Mei was about to touch Qi Yu, her wrist was held.

Aunt Mei turned her head to stop her from being a little girl. The red dress on white background made her look like an elf in the snow. She looked so charming that even a woman was easily distracted when she saw it.

"Who are you!" Aunt Mei quickly reacted.

Ming Shu smiled shallowly: "You can't control who I am, but if you dare touch him, I can't guarantee you will know who you are."

Aunt Mei's eyes widened in disbelief. She struggled several times, and the force on her wrist was not loose.

She suffocated her face and pulled hard.

Mingshu suddenly let go, Aunt Mei fell back directly and fell to the ground.

Aunt Mei sat froze on the ground for a few seconds, then got up from the ground, her eyes vicious: "You even instructed someone to do it to me! You white-eyed wolf, you are going to turn the sky..."

Aunt Mei scolded one after another without repeating the words.

Mingshu looked at Aunt Mei's eyes getting colder and colder, and vaguely wanted to start.

Qi Yu stretched out her hand, but the hand passed through her. Qi Yu was slightly stunned, and the palm of his hand was held by someone for the next second.

Qi Yuchao smiled at her: "It's fine."

Seeing that Aunt Mei was scolding more and more fiercely, Xinghun quickly pulled her: "Aunt Mei, calm down, the Secretary will not be okay, you have to believe the Secretary."

"Of course I believe in Xiaohe!" Aunt Mei's chest undulates slightly: "You tell me, is he a demon and has harmed my little crane?"

Star Soul said softly: "It's not about Jiu Shao's business."

Aunt Mei obviously didn't quite believe it: "You see what he looks like, and dare to instruct people to do something with me, and who this is, and all the messy people go to the base!"

Star Soul: "..."

He didn't know if it was messy, he only knew this girl, which was very different for Jiu Shao.

"Aunt Mei."

Qi Yu's voice made the scene suddenly quiet.

Qi Yu looked coldly: "I call you Aunt Mei, you don't really think of yourself as the master, the heir of the Qi family is me, not your son. This base is all I gave him, I can give him, naturally I can take it back. I have tolerated you before, but it does not mean that I will tolerate you in the future."

It doesn't matter if he is alone, he is not interested in tossing them with them, and they treat them as bullies.

But he couldn't let her be aggrieved.

Aunt Mei seemed shocked, her face turned from red to green, and finally stared at Qi Yu with a grudge.

"you you……"

Star Soul has a headache, and quickly said: "Aunt Mei, please go back first, we will now organize the rescue of the director."

Aunt Mei's heart is actually a bit confusing. In the past, no matter what she said, he would not answer, so she felt Qi Yu was not afraid.

But today Qi Yu's words made Aunt Mei suddenly realize that he is the true heir of the Qi family.

This base is only a small part of the world, and there are more forces outside.

Qi Family...

Aunt Mei clenched her hands. Her family Xiaohe was so good. This Qi Yu only knew about the trouble, and it was not Xiaohe who helped him clean up the mess.

Xiaohe should be the one who inherited the Qi family!

Lao Qi likes Xiaohe so much...

Thinking of this, Aunt Mei felt a little relieved.

In the end, whoever inherits the Qi family is not necessarily the same. Her vicious sight is like a poisonous snake: "If the little crane has three lengths and two shorts, don't think about it better!"

Qi Yu smiled silently.

Aunt Mei snorted and pulled Star Soul away, asking for some details to make sure her son was fine.

Atractylodes hesitated for a moment, chasing away the star soul.

"Who is she?"

When the person left, Mingshu asked.

Qi Yudao said: "Stepmother. As soon as my mother dies, she can't wait to bring the illegitimate child into the door. The illegitimate child is older than me, so you should be a rich dog blood plot."

It's probably that he has acted too arrogantly over the years, causing the woman to feel that he is not afraid.

Mingshu raised his eyebrows: "That golden retriever is your brother? Are you looking different?"

Golden Retriever?

Qi Yu burst out laughing.

The term golden retriever is so interesting.

"Yes, half-brother. He is more like my dad, and I am like my mother. If you look closely, you will still find us similar."

Mingshu thought for a while, and it seemed really a bit like it.

But his golden hair was too dazzling, and her attention was barely on his face.

Mingshu said with a loud voice: "Not all of your world is like this, and you still pay attention to it? Do you have a good life?"

Qi Yu explained: "It was really difficult at first, and there were too many unknown dangers.

But as long as there are weapons now, these things will not pose much threat to us.

Farther away, there are already large-scale urban agglomerations.

There is an energy hood outside, and people living inside are no different from the normal world. "

Their world is huge. The distance from the beach to this base is just the tip of the iceberg.

Mingshu eagerly tried: "Shall I go help you beat her? I won't let anyone see it."

Qi Yu pinched Mingshu's hand slightly tight.

There are many people around him.

Compliments, flattery, fear...

They will also stand in front of him, stop danger for him, and take the lead for him.

But they are different from her.

Every time she came forward for herself, he felt that the world was actually not that annoying.

"No need." Qi Yu shook his head: "She doesn't speak badly to you, I don't want to ignore her."

Mingshu: "..."

My pot of feelings.

My snack...



Qi Yu brought Mingshu to the base's residence, and Xinghun asked him to go out and give him some permission. Qi Yumo rubbed out for a long time.

Mingshu lay on the wide bed and looked at the void thoughtfully.

Harmony is still not moving, does it mean that it is ancient?

The ancients were opposite to them.

But why do you need her?

Do you want to pass her and destroy the authority?

Before Harmony, she always encouraged her to fall in love...

The more Mingshu wanted the Harmony, the more suspicious.

Oh shit!

I still have so many halo values ​​that I haven’t exchanged for snacks.

Don't let me find you out!

Qi Yu didn't come back for a long time, and Mingshu thought of his stepmother, rubbed up and walked outside the house.

As soon as she walked out of the room, she heard the sound not far away.

"Nine young, is it dangerous this time?" Soft Meng's voice showed concern, almost imaginable, the expression of the master of the sound at this moment.


"It's okay...I'm just..."

"Leave it all right."

"Nine young, I don't understand what I mean to you? I really like..."

"I have someone I like."


The conversation stopped, Qi Yu's figure turned out, and Mingshu was standing on the aisle. Qi Yu felt a sigh in the bottom of his heart.

"Wife-in-law." Qi Yu fart Biandian stepped forward: "I only like you, will never change heart."

Ming Shu looked behind him, and the fairy girl who had seen before was standing there, looking sadly at this side.

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