Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1298: The way of apocalypse (21)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

"Wan Jingjie... how long has it existed?"

Mingshu thought for a while: "It's been a while."

Qi Yu: "..."

How long is it?

"Baby, it is enough for you to remember that Wan Jingjie is above any other world."

Ming Shu smiled and said: "It is equivalent to you now overriding any world, is it very exciting?"

Qi Yu: "..."

not at all!

Before, she bragged that she was very good, but the result was so bad that no one knew her.

Qi Yu felt that they had walked for a long time, and this corridor did not have any bends, so it went straight forward, and the surrounding patterns were strange and changeable.


Just when Qi Yu wondered if they were real, when they were going down here, a big mouse suddenly appeared in front of them.

Half man tall, straightened his forelegs, looking at them.

When the mouse saw Mingshu, he squeaked twice, and seemed to see something horrible, turned and ran.


The big mouse stiffened and turned back, twisting its feet together and praying: "The little one has seen the little ancestor."

"Who is your ancestor." I am not the ancestor of the mouse!

Mingshu dragged Qi Yu over: "What did you see when I ran?"

The big rat trembles and lies on the ground: "Squeak... little ancestor, are you okay?"

What's your name?


Mingshu asked it: "How did the Apocalypse Tower open?"

These big rats are the guards in the apocalypse, corresponding to the number of layers in the tower, a total of ten.

The big mouse kneeled completely on all fours: "Return to the small ancestor, I don't know."

Mingshu: "..."

I don't know if you are right!


"We are also investigating, little you have anything?" Don't be okay, don't be okay.

"Take me to the fourth floor."


"speak English."

"Now all floors are blocked..."

"Fuck you, use this to fool me?"

The rat is again a slapstick and a kowtow: "Squeak..."

"The mouse meat is not good, but..."


The big mouse jumped up: "Little ancestor please come with me."

"How old are you?"

"Back to the young ancestor, this is Xiaowu."

"Oh, I haven't seen you for so long. How are you still alive?"

"..." squeak! ! It will not die, and it is not a serious mouse! Um... there seems to be something wrong... forget it, the little ancestor is terrible.

The big mouse did not dare to say anything, and took Mingshu and Qi Yu to walk some distance ahead, and then Qi Yu found that they had turned.

There were also fork roads, one with the same corridor and one with stairs leading down.

"Little ancestor, did you come back for the purpose of opening the tower?" Xiao Wu asked cautiously.

"Otherwise? Eat your meat? You still have a lot of meat."



It's not tasty!

The walking time was very short this time. After the ladder was completed, a glorious hall appeared in front.

Xiao Wu's work was very slippery: "The little ancestor arrived on the fourth floor."

Qi Yu found that the hall was separated by things, on both sides, and they were standing on a walkway in the middle.

Unlike the painting above, there is someone in the hall.

Seemingly seeing strangers, the people from the main hall came over here.

"Someone here?"

The man's voice came out, yin and yang were weird: "I have caught Lao Tzu here for so long, and finally I am willing to show up? What do you want to do to me?"

Mingshu looked at him: "Newcomer?"

If you have been here for a long time, you won’t yell even if you see someone appear.

Wuwuzhiwuwu: "It's... right."

This man has been here for a long time, but for the young ancestor...

Probably a newcomer?

"Hello! You stop me!"

Mingshu walked forward from the aisle, and the main hall behind did not disappear like the previous corridor.

Qi Yu looked back at the man in the main hall. He was pounding the transparent barrier in anger, but the voice could not pass.

The front halls are all the same halls. Each hall is closed with a person. The clothes are from ancient costumes to modern costumes. The old and young women and children have everything.

In the first few, I was very excited to see someone appear.

Later, those people will become numb, some will look up, and some will not even bother to lift their heads.

Mingshu did not go fast, she seemed to be looking for something.

Finally stopped in front of an empty hall.

"What about the people here?"

Xiaowu looked out of the hall, and Qi Yu discovered that there was something inscribed outside each hall.

Primary Five replied: "It's dead."

"Dead?" Deaths rarely happen, but they are not without them.

Ming Shu asked: "Which other people at this level have the ability to reverse time and cross space?"

Even if he is afraid, Xiaowu is very vigilant: "Little ancestor, why do you ask this?"

"Rest assured that I don't do anything, I just want to ask something."

Xiaowu seems to be more at ease: "This layer is detained by people related to time and space, but the ability to reverse time and cross space... This kind of ability is relatively rare, and there should be two more in front."

"Take me to see."

Xiao Wu hesitated for a moment, and under the eyes of Ming Shu smiling, he led the way.


The first is a girl, sitting casually in the hall.

Mingshu stood outside, and the girl immediately looked at her, glancing past her and falling on Qi Yu.

Her eyes lit up, got up from the ground, and ran outside: "Little brother is so beautiful, you are also caught? Hey, that little mouse, can you arrange him across from me? I want to see this little brother every day , Even if I’m locked up here, I’m very happy."

Primary Five: "..."

Qi Yu stood behind Mingshu, and he didn't like people other than his wife.

Mingshu looked at her with two eyes: "The mentality is good."

The girl laughed, her eyes glued to Qi Yu tightly: "Anyway, you can't get out, then you can't suffocate yourself."

After talking, the girl seemed to think of something. The person arrested appeared directly here, not in the aisle outside.

Only those big rats called guards can move in the aisle.

"Another one?"

"Just next door." Xiaowu quickly said.

Next door is a man, sitting motionless on the ground, unresponsive.

"Hey, he can't talk, who are you?"

The girl stood next door shouting.

Mingshu ignored her: "Only these few people have this ability?"

Xiao Wu's weak answer: "Reversing time is an extremely rare ability."

And not everyone with ability will come here.

Mingshu pointed at the man: "He has always been like this?"

"It wasn't when I came." Xiao Wudao said: "Last seems to have become like this. I don't know if anyone has broken into it. It was too chaotic at the time. We found that others were still there, so we didn't check it carefully."

Their responsibilities are only responsible for these people not to run out.

Mingshu asked Xiaowu to check out the specific ability of this man.

Xiaowu was in a dilemma, and finally succumbed to Mingshu's obscene prestige.

It soon told Mingshu that the man had the ability to travel through space and reverse time.

The two abilities are almost in line with the apocalypse.



Mingshu: Want to be promoted to get rich and marry Bai Fumei to the top of life?

Villain representative: No, I want to be a good person!

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