Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1302: The Way of Apocalypse (25)

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Mingshu regretted seeing the tears in Qi Yu's eyes.

But there is another kind of stimulation.

When she moved again, Qi Yu snorted, and the momentary stimulation made him numb.

At the last moment, Mingshu kissed him, almost trying to make him breathless, but the suffocation and the pleasure brought by his body made him unable to struggle and just wanted to sink like this.

Qi Yu shivered slightly, and Mingshu released him, letting him breathe.

In the dark, only his slight gasp, his eyes soaked, was like a bullied baby.

Mingshu felt that he was particularly well-behaved at this time, the kind of cleverness that wanted to be treasured.


Just like to make.

He calmed down his heartbeat too fast: "Wife-in-law..."

"Well." Mingshu covered him with a quilt and fell on him to look at him: "What's wrong?"

Qi Yu pursed her lower lip: "It's okay, I just wanted to call you."

He is sometimes scared, afraid that this is a dream, and after waking up, he has nothing.


Mingshu turned and lay down beside him.

Qi Yu is not happy: "I hold you."

"No." Mingshu refused.


Naoshu replied: "You are all sweaty and sticky."

Qi Yu: "...?"

Qi Yu dragged Mingshu back and forcibly rubbed her sweat.

In the end, Mingshu could only pinch a trick to keep the two clean and fresh.

Qi Yu struggled with death for a while, and Mingshu was not sleepy. Here, it didn't matter whether she slept or not.

But looking at the dead Qi Yu, she chose to sleep.

I must make him cry out next time! !


In the sky city closest to the Apocalypse Tower.

Long Zhenghai is reporting with an old man.

"Homeowner, this is how things are."

The Lord Long looks younger than Long Zhenghai. He wears a humble cyan dress and sits in the first seat.

Although he deliberately condensed his momentum, but his temperament also made people dare not offend.

"You said, Dan Jing knelt down for her?"

Long Zhenghai thought of this, and it was full of weirdness: "Yes, many people have seen it."

It was because of this incident that he hurried over to report.

Now he still thinks that this is Dan Jing's trick, then he doesn't need to be an elder.

Lord of a country, why should we kneel?

Long Family Master frowned: "What does that woman look like?"

"It's very beautiful, with a strong body, but it's not very tall, wearing red clothes on white..."

Long Zhenghai described the Mingshu in his impression again.

The Lord Long asked, "What is embroidered on the clothes?"

Long Zhenghai suddenly couldn't answer, he really didn't know what embroidered...


At the same time, in another place.

The prince of Lieyang Kingdom gave an answer: "It's kind of like a bird."

The lord of the blazing Yang Guoguo waved his hand and a picture appeared in the void.

In the picture, the shape resembles a phoenix, the whole body is blue, and the large bird with a particularly gorgeous tail feathers glides across the sky.

"But it looks like this."

The prince of Lieyang Kingdom nodded: "It's very similar."

"This is Jing Yu."

"Jingyu?" The prince of Lieyang Kingdom was stunned: "Is the legendary bird?"

"Shen Bird?" The Lord of Lieyang Kingdom sneered and concluded: "The woman is from Wanjing Mountain."


Long Zhenghai was surprised: "Wan Jingshan? Same as Tianqi Tower, but no one knows where is Wan Jingshan?"

Wan Jingshan.

Named after the name of Wanjingjie.

According to rumors, Wan Jingshan has the way to longevity. If you find Wan Jingshan, you can live forever.

It is impossible to verify how this rumor came.

Wanjing in Tianqi Town.

Wan Jing is shocked now.

Tianqi is talking about the Tianqi Tower. The first sentence of Wanjing refers to Wanjing Realm, the second sentence to Wanjing Realm refers to Wanjing Mountain, and Jingyu refers to God Bird.

The Apocalypse Tower is visible, and no one can enter.

Wan Jingshan is invisible and nobody can find it.

The Lord Long nodded.

Long Zhenghai's back was covered with cold sweat, he asked: "Is she very powerful?"

Lord Long said: "Den Jing said that she respected the Lord and knelt down to her regardless of her status. What did you say?"

Long Zhenghai whined: "Wan Jingshan..."

The Lord Long said for a moment: "I will go with you tomorrow."

All of Wan Jingshan's have appeared. This matter has not been solved by them.

Long Zhenghai responded quickly: "Yes."

The prince of Lieyang Kingdom has the same answer.

The rest of the family, who knew Wan Jingshan, were preparing to show up.

Wan Jingshan, who has never appeared before, is now someone from there.

Can they not be excited?

Many people scolded Dan Jing's old fox, knowing that it was from Wan Jingshan, but refused to inform them.

Those who don’t know Wan Jingshan are surprised by Dan Jing’s attitude and dare not look down upon it.

However, the forces from all parties were preparing for a meeting. The legendary person from Wan Jingshan was told that the person had left.

Dan Jing will never tell them where to go early in the morning.


The Snow Dragon is a thousand miles away. At this time, Mingshu is not far from the Apocalypse Tower.

Qi Yu was lying on the edge of the carriage. Looking down, the splendid mountains and rivers below were particularly spectacular.

The bird chirping sounded from afar, Qi Yu saw the last bird, the tail feathers in the sunlight, more gorgeous.

It moves from far to near, and finally walks side by side with the carriage.

"It..." Qi Yu pointed to the bird.

Ming Shu glanced outside, and the big bird fell down, and it took a while to stabilize his body.

It flew back slowly, and Qi Yu seemed to see grievances from his eyes.

"It's called Jing Yu." Ming Shu said: "Not very delicious."

Jing Yu: "..." Boom!

Qi Yu: "Have you eaten?"


"Then how do you know it's not tasty?"

"Too little meat."

Jing Yu: "..."

Qi Yu accepted this statement calmly: "What does it do with us?"

"It has always followed us," Ming Shu said.

Qi Yu wondered: "Is there?" Why didn't he find out?

Ming Shu laughed, she waved at Jing Yu, and Jing Yu's body slowly disappeared into the air.

After a while, Jing Yu reappeared, as if she had been there all the time, without ever leaving.

Qi Yu: "..."

Still invisible?

I can't afford it, I'm still a good man.


He is not a male favorite, no handsome male like him, no!

The little beast crawled out of Mingshu's sleeve. It looked at Qi Yu and then looked at the startling feathers outside.

With a grunt, shaking its colorful hair, he jumped out of the car window.

The sour taste of love!

Jing Yu fell for a distance and took over the beast, then Jing Yu disappeared, and Qi Yu couldn't see where they went.

"What kind of pet is your puppy?"

"Say who is a dog!" The voice of the little animal's bad humiliation came in from the outside: "Who is a dog! You are a dog, and your family is a dog except me!"

Qi Yu: "???

Does the dog speak? !

Mingshu, who was scolded, calmly concluded: "It's a dog."

Little Beast: "..." shit, I want to part ways with you!

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