Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1316: The Way of Apocalypse (39)

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The tenth floor.

Mingshu stood at the junction of the two floors.

She squeezed Qi Yu's hand slightly, and Qi Yu looked at her suspiciously. Before Xiaowu showed her these layers, she had never been on the tenth layer.

Little Five didn't mention it, it seemed that there was nothing on the tenth floor.

She led Qi Yu up the steps.

Qi Yu saw a door above.

A door similar to the tower gate.

Mingshu stood in front of the door, his finger against the door, and it took a long time to push it inside.


Did not push.

Mingshu: "..."

This is embarrassing!

"young married woman?"

"Cough..." Mingshu used a little effort, still didn't push, this broke the door!

It can't be pushed!

"Baby, stay away."


Qi Yu stepped back a bit. He watched his daughter-in-law draw a large knife, moved her wrists, and cut towards the door.


The knife crossed the door, and only sporadic sparks flew around, leaving small scratches.

The door stays still.

Mingshu: "..." is amazing!

Just when Mingshu was thinking about changing weapons, a picture suddenly appeared on the door.

A man stood in the picture, staring at her.

The man is about 40 years old, wearing the costumes of Wan Jingjie long ago.

Ming Shu stepped back: "Who are you?"

The man smiled confidently: "Ming Shu, don't bother, you can't open this door."

Mingshu raised his eyebrows: "How about?"

"This name..." The man sighed, "You haven't heard it in a long time, you can call me that."


Mingshu propped the ground with a knife: "You can count on it."

But Hengheng said: "Time, for us, is not important anymore, is it?"

"It doesn't matter what longevity is pursued?" Mingshu turned the knife: "You're dead."

Chi Heng: "..."

What did he mean by that sentence just now?

"Let's say, what do you want to do?" Ming Shu asked straight from the door: "Control the Apocalypse Tower? Dominate the Wanjing Realm? This ideal is still good."

"In the battle of the quiet water, you slaughtered thousands of people..."

"Eh, don't put a hat on my head, but the Apocalypse Tower ordered me to kill."

Qi Yu looked at Mingshu in amazement.

Although he guessed that she must have participated in the Battle of Yushui, but...

To kill ten thousand people...

"..." But Heng's expression slightly changed: "It didn't make people kill them at all."

Mingshu doesn't matter: "Oh, that's my misunderstanding."

Chi Heng: "..."

"Don't you want to take revenge with me for such a long time? Speaking of it, your corpse's body is still in the deep water outside, looking for it, maybe you can find it."

But Heng Heng shook his head: "I can understand your mood."

Mingshu looked at him with a smile, "Can you understand my mood?"

He opened his body slightly, and the scene behind him appeared.

It was a pillar, surrounded by golden awns and intertwined with iron chains.

But Hengheng said: "You have been trapped here for many years, and you can suddenly go out, you kill them to vent your anger, I fully understand."

Qi Yu was breathless.

Is that true?

She used to be locked here.

Qi Yu clenched Ming Shu's hand.

Mingshu's expression changed slightly, even the tone of his voice remained unchanged: "Then you are very powerful."

However, Hengheng blocked the pillar behind him again: "Destroy the Apocalypse Tower, should it have been your wish?"

Mingshu was slightly curious: "Do you want to destroy the Apocalypse Tower?"

However, Hengheng did not deny: "I have planned for so many years for this moment. If there is no Apocalypse Tower, how could there be... the battle of the quiet water?"

"So you count on the emergence of the quiet water... I'm a little curious, how do you control the Apocalypse Tower?"

"This is a long story."

"It's okay if you say it slowly. You have to fight for a while." Mingshu pulled out a chair and greeted Qi Yu over to sit down: "Come and start your speech."

Chi Heng: "..."

He Heng expressed doubts about Mingshu's self-confident attitude.

After planning for so many years, he also needs the audience to show his achievements.

So Hengheng did not refuse.

"This matter still has to start with the Battle of Yushui, but after the Battle of Yushui..."

As Grandma Gu said, after the battle of Yushui, the family was chased and killed by everyone in the world of Mirrors because of her strange treasure.

Many tribes had fallen in the battle of Yushui, but in the face of these pursuits, their family quickly lost.

But the family escaped, the dead died, and some betrayed people in order to survive.

However, Hengheng took a small group of people to flee.

He wanted to use the power from the Apocalypse Tower to return to the past.

Change all this.

That force was not easy to control, he was bitten back and ended in failure.

After many attempts, finally mastered the law of control.

But instead of passing, he went to a strange place.

Since then, he has repeatedly used power, but he has no way to return to Wan Jing Realm.

Finally stay in the world where Qi Yu is located.

He found that some worlds are actually attached to a world, and those attached worlds contain powerful forces and are prone to problems.

He stayed in that world, recuperating.

He first used the apocalypse to cause problems in that world.

After that, he gained the power of those worlds, but he did not dare to do too much, because these world powers, he could not bear it completely and had to come little by little.

"What about the Harmony?" How to find me.

However, Heng Heng's expression is a little weird, as if he can't say a word: "This is really an accident, an accident I didn't expect."

The ancients were the first-generation systems abandoned by the Space-Time Administration. He happened to meet them, so he collected them for his own use.

Harmony naturally has more than one host, but those people will soon die, and Harmony continues to contract new hosts.

He did not expect that the Harmony... that is, the ancients, can reach the Wanjing Realm.

Later he figured out that it should be the relationship of apocalypse.

"This is probably God helping me." But Heng looked up at Mingshu: "Right."

"Then you are lucky." How familiar is this set of roads?

He Heng nodded in agreement: "I am really lucky."

He looked at Qi Yu: "Not only met you, but also met him. At that time Tianqi was discovered, I thought I would be defeated, but I met him."

"You should have discovered the pure aura in his body, that is the power most needed by the apocalypse."

Qi Yu frowned, he didn't know what aura was in his body.

However, Heng Heng continued to say, "So... I deliberately let those people discover the secrets of the apocalypse and let them rely on the apocalypse to go to different worlds."

"They don't know that every time they destroy a plane, they are actually strengthening me."

"Later, when you show up, I think I should leave a path for myself." He Heng said: "I know you are not so good at controlling, from the beginning, I did not intend to control you."

Ming Shu's eyes narrowed: "So you let Harmony encourage me to fall in love?"

He Heng nodded and smiled with his lips: "Love can make people lose their senses, or even give up everything. Facts have proved that my strategy has been very successful, isn't it?"

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