Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1328: Walk against the light (4)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

She has no filming now, and the contract between the original owner and the company has only two months to expire.

The company now deliberately indulges, leading to more and more hacking her online.

Wen mother made several phone calls worried, and asked the company why the company didn't help her.

Ming Shu flickered two sentences.

Gu Xi didn't call, but instead sent a text message to let her help if she needed it.

Mingshu sent a small horror video to Gu Xi.

Gu Xi never sent a text message to her again.

Over the next few days, the heat dropped slightly.

But there are still some true love black powder, persevering black her.

Others even said that they would go to her home to find her and teach her to be a man.

Don't doubt it.

Some people can really make it.

In the memory of the original owner, there was a star, whose address was exposed, and the black powder blocked her. Someone took a knife and stabbed her to death.

Mingshu went out to eat something that day, and when he came back, he found dozens of people gathered outside the apartment.

Mingshu: "..."

Not so lucky?

When the group of people saw her, they saw the rotten eggs with the flies... Bah!

Mingshu held the snack tightly and ran out of his legs.

She shouted back, "Why are you chasing me!"

I have no rush to syrup!

I won't give you snacks! !

Mingshu was chased to a dead end by them, and Mingshu turned to the wall in two sittings.

They stood and gasped.

"You smell a shameless woman and destroy other people's families. People like you should get out of the entertainment industry."

"The entertainment circle is not opened by the family. If you let me roll, I will roll? I will not roll!"


Mingshu's shamelessness is obviously an eye-opener for everyone.

"Smell flute, why are you so shameless?"

Mingshu pondered: "Probably...because I am pretty?"




"you come down!"

"I don't!" Mingshu grabbed snacks: "You must not kill me if I go down, I'm stupid."

"Did you know how much I liked you before? But you turned out to be such a person. You disappointed me so much."

"How can the entertainment industry get garbage like you."

"Get out of the entertainment world!"

Underneath is very lively.

Emperor Mingshu raised his hand: "Quiet! Quiet!!!"

I don’t know if it’s the momentum of Ming Shu, and the fans are quietly weird.

"I said, how do you know I live here?"

A black fan said in a disgusting tone: "You are doing so many dirty things yourself, and now you are afraid that others will know where you live and what use it. If you know today, why should you be!"

"Please, which star is not afraid of others knowing where you live? Did you take your brain out today?"


Mingshu said with a loud voice: "Are you planning to be a warrior of justice and eradicate my cancer in the entertainment industry?"

"Have you brought a knife?"

"Do you want to stab me twice to vent my anger? Do I need to cooperate with you? What posture is better? Do you want to make a video to let the world know that you are doing such a just act?"

The black fans underneath have strange expressions.

Is she crazy?

They even took a few steps back.

Mingshu appeased them: "I can rest assured I will not call the police."

All Black Powder: "..."

Mingshu said a little tired, figured out snacks, and reasoned while eating.

"What do you say you want to spend time and energy to block me, what reward can you get, life is so difficult, a little sunshine!"

All Black Powder: "..."

"With so much time, I don't think you are all right."

All Black Powder: "..."

"Even if you chase me, I won't be with you!!"

Public fans: "!!!"

Who wants to be with you!

They came to fight her!

Why listen to her beeping here!

The fans reacted to what they were doing. They were preparing to fight back and suddenly heard the siren sound.

The black fans stared at Mingshu.

Didn't you say you don't call the police? !

Mingshu is very innocent: "I really didn't call the police."

The police said that they received the enthusiastic crowd and found that some people gathered to bully others.

Bringing this group of people back, Mingshu immediately sue them, angry at the group of black powder, and almost struck her at the police station.

Mingshu has no burden of idols and is very lively with the fans.

Finally, they are separated, only to stop.

Mingshu didn't do anything, so he could leave after recording the confession.

But before she stepped out of the police station, she received a push.

——After the film, Wendi played the fans and was taken away by the police.

If the title is not allowed, Mingshu is very suspicious, they will write-both go to prison.

Ming Shu opened his eyes, and it was estimated that the group of people had posted it before, and it was seen by the media. After writing about "Love, Hatred, and Love", there was this news.

Ming Shu forwarded.

Wendi V: Fake news, I didn’t do it, I just reasoned with them, the police were testifying. @X市分局.

[Pooh, the flute is suddenly a little cute! ]

[All day blogger eyeballs, annoying? ]

[Why is she again, these days are her hot searches, and there is no end to it, a woman who sells on the top, what is there to pay attention to. ]

[Upstairs is sick, is the flute relying on strength? Our flute has been acting since the age of fifteen. Every play is a classic. After taking the film, Balabala...]

This true fan wrote about Wen Di's life.

When Wen Di played the first drama, she had never been in contact with the performance, but in a short time, she let the director at that time rave.

Summary: Our flute is a natural actor, relying on strength!

Mingshu put away his mobile phone and slowly walked back to the apartment.


A slight sound of the shutter sounded, and Mingshu walked forward as if nothing had happened.

Paparazzi only.

The more you don't want to shoot, the more you want to shoot.

I let you shoot enough.

Therefore, Ming-Shu's original route back and forth was turned and he went to a nearby place for supper.

The man was also dutiful and followed her all the way.

After eating, go back home.

The man followed her.

Mingshu couldn't help but look back.

The other party flashed fast, and Mingshu only saw a shadow.

She paused slightly and turned back.

She looked on both sides and saw no one.

Mingshu bit his sugar cake and slowly turned to the apartment.

Just after she left, a black shadow appeared slowly around the corner.

He glanced forward and found that the person who had just left was no longer visible.

He paced out of the darkness.

He was carrying the camera in his hand, a white T-shirt, a tall figure, his head slightly bowed, just to block the dim light coming from the side.

The man paused for a while before walking in the direction of the apartment.


The girl's clear voice stopped his pace, and he followed it.

The girl stood beside a tree, stepped on the junction of light and shadow, and looked at him quietly.



Ming Shu: I know you are not convinced, but how can you treat me? Can't beat me, and it's not as good as me.

Black powder: ...

Mingshu: It does not matter, you can still hate me!

Black powder: ...

Little Fairy: Come! vote! I help you beat her! !

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