Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1330: Backlighting(6)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

That slap was fast and urgent.

Hu Xin thought she could hit Mingshu, but the result was that her wrist was strangled by her, and she was uneasy.

"Director, she acts indiscriminately!"

Mingshu raised his head and complained to Director He.

"Card!" Director He shouted when his face was not so good.

The crowd watched silently. Hu Xin and Ming Shu were at odds. For the past two days, the entire crew almost knew.

Hu Xin was strangled with his wrist, unable to move at all.

Hu Xin gritted her teeth and stared at Ming Shu, and quickly explained: "He Dao, I think that there was a better performance there just now. This drama was originally intended to give the hostess a horse..."

Mingshu dismantled her: "I think you want to publish private enmity?"

Hu Xin: "..."

She just wanted to publish private enmity, what's wrong?

Hu Xin wanted to drag her wrist back, but she didn't move at all.

She was anxious and corrupted: "You let me go when you smell the flute."

Ming Shu: "Release you so that you can hit me?"

Hu Xin: "I was just acting, just don't get into the drama too deep!"

Ming Shu: "There is no way, like a dedicated actor like me, life is full of drama."

Xijing himself is right.

Director He didn’t know what was going on. Hearing them for a long time, they said with a sullen face, "Whatever is written in the script, just act! Come again!"

Hu Xin was angry.

Director He just helped her!

The scene passed several times, and after the end, Ming Shu stopped Hu Xin in the bathroom.

Hu Xin was still wearing a costume, when Mingshu followed up, he bit her with an eye knife.

"Wendi, don't think that Director He is helping you, you're a big deal."

Ming Shu shrugged: "Aren't you going to hit me first? Why is it terrible for me? You have a problem with your thinking! You must have failed your moral character!"

Hu Xin: "..." You have problems with your thinking! You fail in your moral character!

"What do you want to do?"

"Don't do you, don't be afraid." Ming Shu lifted his sleeves: "I just want to get in touch with you."


Who wants to get in touch with you!

There was a panic in Hu Xin's heart, and she stepped back involuntarily: "Don't come here, this is the crew..."

Ming Shu smiled: "The crew is exciting."


Since the intimate contact that day, Hu Xin has been much more honest.

When filming, obediently filming, when not filming, go back to the hotel, or stay in the dressing room.

Hu Xin is not dark, and there is a lot less gossip in the crew.

Mingshu can finally have a snack quietly.

For those who like to work, they should just be reasonable.

If you don’t listen once, you will talk twice.

If you haven’t listened twice, go to the dead and talk until you hear it.

This situation is maintained until Fenghua male enters the group.

However, when the male lead entered the group, Ming Shu was not there. When she didn't have her own role, she slipped out of the crew.

The result was unfortunately encountered with a group of black fans.

By the time she came back, the scandal of the male host and Hu Xin had spread all over the sky.

The hero of Fenghua is Luo Kai, who has also taken the film emperor.

Have a big circle of little fans.

Luo Kai was hit when he entered the group. He hugged him in the dressing room and was photographed.

Now this news has been uploaded on the Internet.




Even this hot search with a thrilling title has been soaring.

But everyone found out that there is another hot search that has reached the top.


Five words do not understand what to express.

Wendi V: Black powder invites me to eat ice cream. [Picture] [Picture] [Picture]

The black fans squatted in a row, the face of bitter Da Qiu Shen, and the face of Ming Shu smilingly, two extreme contrasts.

The key is the black powder behind, the collective ratio V, the weird style, the terrible atmosphere...

[My grass, what did the flute do to them? ]

[Neuropathy, these people take care at first glance! ]

[I’m not trusting! ]

[As a's hard to say. ]

A group of people came out at that time, and the comment area immediately became lively.

But with the heat before Mingshu, and the sulking of thousands of black powders, it was not too much to climb the summit.

According to the fans at the time, this is the case-

They heard the news and said they saw her filming here.

Then someone in the black powder group organized ‘exploration’—mainly because they were taken to the police station last time. They were so angry that they would be ashamed.

The crew could not get in, but Mingshu came out.

So they met so narrowly.

As the saying goes--

The narrow road meets the brave and wins.

Obviously, the final victory was clear.

Then it made headlines.

[Is it in love with black powder? Very powerful, my passerby can't help but like it. ]

[The flute is the best flute in the world. ]

[Inexplicably distressed what is going on with black powder for a second. Hahahaha, our flute is so cute. ]

[Do you remember your identity? She appeared on a photo with her, where do you put your face! Please let go, let me come! ]

[I didn’t even take a picture with my flute, bang bang. ]

The comment area is basically occupied by passers-by and fans.

The fans are still powerful, but inexplicably, they are skewed.

Hu Xin looked at the hot search on her phone, and her expression was ugly.

She and Luo Kai have been in contact for several months, Luo Kai does not want to expose their relationship, but this time do not blame her.

She thought she could go on a hot search for several days, and it turned out...

The woman was robbed halfway!

Is it an inexplicable Weibo?

The current fans are all crazy! !

Hu Xin shattered her phone angrily, and the assistant shivered beside him.

How the Internet is booming, the drama still has to be filmed.

Luo Kai has all come, so naturally it is necessary to shoot the scenes of male and female actors.

Luo Kai looked very gentle, but at the end of the first scene, Mingshu almost fell off the stairs by him.

"Are you okay to smell the flute?" Luo Kai asked with great concern.

Ming Shu smiled: "It's okay."

"That's good, startle me, walk carefully, there are many things on the ground, you look at it."

"Ke Ge, the director calls you."

"Just come."

Luo Kai nodded to Mingshu and went to the director's side.

Mingshu stood sideways and stretched his feet decisively when passing by her.

Luo Kai thought that Mingshu would do such a thing. He was stumbled and fell off the steps.

Luo Kai fell to the ground in embarrassment.

The people around him were so scared that he stopped.

"Oh, startled me, Luo Yingdi walked carefully."

Mingshu returned his sentence on it.

There are only three steps, so if you fall down like this, you will get a little more scratches and you won’t die.


The assistant stepped forward to help him up, Luo Kai's palm was a little bruised, and the rest was okay.

He looked on the steps, the girl holding a bag of snacks, slightly raised her head, looked at him without fear, with a provocative taste.

It seems to mean-I did it, what do you want?

Luo Kai holds his own identity, where dare and Mingshu make trouble in the crew.

And it was his reason.

"It's okay..." Luo Kai shook his head.


Tips: The above content is purely entertaining, there is no feasibility, please do not be true! !

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